<--Light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness

RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--waves hi to Ms Sophie!!
<--is also glad she liked her stuff!!
<--has read above and doesn't remember much
<--except definately voting for Robin esp now since the 2 day work week is on the platform
<--did upper body tonight and benched 70## }(
<--is sorry Liann is crampy (just remembered that)
<--also glad to hear from Michele
<--hopes all have a lovely quiet evening!!

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<--- is flabbergasted that Catherine doesn't have Step Blast!
<--- says she MUST get it! Immediately!
<--- wonders how many reps Catherine does of the 70# bench press?
RE: <--Light up your face with gladness, hide every tra...

<---is very, very impressed with Catherine's bench press
<---is also thrilled with allwildkid's post
<---likewise Michele's Roma holiday
<---is so glad Michele is enjoying herself
<---had a nice dinner with world traveler friend and her dad
<---only ate about 3 oz of steak, had sweet potato instead of baked potato and slice of WW bread instead of cresent roll
<---skipped ice cream pie with whipped cream and hot fudge sauce and had fresh pineapple instead
<---is headed for bed and will see youse all bright and early tomarrow (but not as early as Tammy, since <-- is off tomarrow)

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