Lifting like girls

Oh, Tom, sorry about the shoulder (but less painful than the scrotum text....). The day you become a cardio junky is the day I'll master complex step choreography! Hope it heals quickly.

I decided to work at my squat weaknesses yesterday - so did my sumo squats bottom up. Humbling.
Today was a non-lifting day, so as an antidote to all that heavy stuff I did great glutes extreme. It's a different sort of torture I guess!

Lisa, I really like the sound of phat and 'minute' training. I miss Cathe. Not something I want to go back to full time, but I do enjoy her workouts as a change from my physique stuff. I may insert an entire Cathe week once I've finished this round.

Karen, long workouts! They're kind of do-able though....just sometimes endless biceps curls seem soooo dull.
Agree about the ski season. I can't wait. My dd will be in Meribel (French Alps), which is a great ski area. Of course mama will need to go check she's safe!

Lib- how's STS? How's the love life???? Work?

Almost the weekend. Yay!
Today was "find a way day". I needed to find a way to work chest and shoulders. I did 8x20 crabs? (I think that is what they are called, arms at 90 degrees, bringing them from out to midline, and trying to maximum flex the pecs..kinda like bodybuilders....minus the bodybuilder!! .These didn't bother the shoulder and seemed to accomplish something. That was all I could do for chest...guess it will have to suffice. Next were abs, 2x50 crunches and 2x25 seated knee ins. Finally for shoulders, dumbbell shrugs, 3x30 using 90s, and rear delt flys were fine 3x12 using 40s. Karen, hope today is better for you. Don't get your "dobber down". Ski season is coming! Justine, even with a "sown scrotum: I could still bench!! lol! Keep killing it ladies!
I hear you, Justine. Four and five sets of DB curls. Gets old fast. You will definitely need to check on DD in the Alps. Tom, you did "find a way" good job. What's the latest Cathe Live, Lisa? I love your reporting. Today was:
Incline Medium Bench Press 3 sets
EZ Bar Tricep Extensions 3 sets
Dips 4 sets (I'm really digging these)
DB Side Lateral Raise 3 sets'
Incline DB Curl 3 sets
Slant Board Sit-up 4 sets
Have a great evening!!
It's FRIDAY!!! Arm day for me, back to superset trisets, skcx12/dumbbell curls x10, tri pushdowns x10/ hammer curls x10, kickbacks x15/ concentration curls x10 and 1 set crossbody tris x12/ ez bar curls x10. It's a little like the endless curls Lisa mentioned, but I can enjoy that ( a little). Gotta love Friday! Make it a fun one!
Core, posterior chain day for me. Crunches, 1x50, then went to deads, 205x8, 255x3, doubles at 275 and 295 and a single at 315. I tried 345 but not happening today! I dropped back to 205 and did 1x12 sumo...don't think I have ever done a set of 12 on deads that I can remember..felt good (good as pain can feel) Then, back to abs and 5 min of planks and 2x20 heavy cable crunches. I'm calling the 12 rep deads cardio!!! Enjoy the weekend sistas!
Wow, the last few days of this week have slaughtered me. Yesterday was particularly crappy. Is there some bad luck mojo that is floating around Commando land, or what?

Tom, sorry about that shoulder. I think you're doing great, working smart and working around it. Yes, even I would say that your 12 rep deads count as cardio. I love it when the weights spike the heart rate!

Karen, you're getting it done as usual. Hope things are going better for you. Crazy how such a seemingly short list of exercises can take so long to complete!

Justine, I think you'd love so many of the Lives but, yeah, you're time is occupied with your current program. Maybe when you wrap this one up you can do a hybrid?

Hi Lib!

Thursday was Crush It Low Impact HiiT Live (1/7/16) + some upper body weights of my own creation
Friday was KCM Get Ready Step Go (steady state step cardio)
Today was the newest Live, Ramped Up Cardio & Weights Live (9/22/16), and this one burned me out!

Have a great weekend, friends!!!
Nice job, Lisa! Ramped up Cardio and Weights? Sounds like a winner. I'm in! I agree, there is some strange mojo hovering over Commando land. I knew I shouldn't have done those naked deadlifts, midnight of the Fall Equinox. Bad, bad mojo. It definitely wasn't a pretty sight. Even at midnight.
Lol Karen! Can't quite shake that image...

Squat today - low back and sumo. Did them bottom up. Then deads (8x 100kg for 3 sets). Hip thrusts (125kg!). Finally calves. Finally getting a bit of strength back.

I live about 20 miles from where Isaac Newton was born / lived, and it's 'gravity fields' weekend. Lots of really interesting lectures and events, so I've been flexing my brain as well as my biceps!

Tom, I'm going to have to look up these crab moves.

Lisa, if your mojo has gone, then the rest of us have no hope. You're the most positive energy ever.

Happy weekend everyone
Activity day, 1 Mile bike, 2x8 chins, 3x8 light bench squats, 2x25 barbell calf raises, 2x8 reverse lunges, 2x20 light side laterals/ front raises( I just used 10# plates on these to avoid damage but still surprisingly tough) , tri pushdowns 2x10 and dumbbell curls 2x10. Justine, 3x8 deads at 100kg is tough, I struggle with long sets on these...good going, I'd say your strength is coming back! We need to whoop up on the bad mojo in lifter land. Enjoy Sunday ladies!
Monday, says it all! Couldn't really even bench the bar, getting bummed, but back to 8x20 isos with rom, then for tris, 3x12 skc, 3x8 pushdowns and 2x12, 1x15 kickbacks. I finished with 1x20 cable crunches. Missing bench..a lot! I feel like my chest will cave soon if I cant get back to them ( the human mind..not always your friend, lol) Justine, crabs are basically isometric flexing of the pecs but providing a range of motion, no weight and it seems to leave the shoulders out of it. Gravity fields sounds like a blast, hope it was fun. Hope the week starts out well for all!
Well, I received a phone call from a police officer, Saturday night. My car was found. It is now in the impound lot. I will go release it today. Let's hope it's not $1000. They don't make any DEALS. They don't have to, they have your car. Have a great day everybody. I hope I do.
Karen, you and your Equinox rituals! LOL! Can you do some voodoo dances or something to bring us good luck? I guess it's good that they got your car but dang, not fair to make you pay the big bucks to get it back. Sometimes the system just sucks. Let us know if it's in good condition. I'm curious.

Justine, how is it that you live in such a small town but you guys have the coolest celebrations, like the darts championships and didn't you have an egg throwing contest recently, too? My DH would've been all over the Isaac Newton celebration. I would've stayed at your house and eaten wine, cheese, and crackers.

Tom, oh yeah, Monday indeed. I'm feeling it, too. You should still have some of those cardio endorphins in your system from yesterday's bike ride to balance out the blues. I hope anyway.

Today I did Metabolic Mashup Live (3/3/16). Why did I do this on a day when I could hardly get out from under the covers? But I survived and am feeling better...for now! :confused:

Hopefully this week is better for all Commandos involved
Hey my friends! This morning was Cardio Boxing Plus Plyo Legs Live (4/7/16). This is the second time I have done this Live and it gives a great mix of cardio and lower body toning. I added the standing portion from Great Glutes to finish off my legs. Too bad I really intended to go for the chair/barre portion of Lean Legs & Abs but I got the workouts confused in my brain and didn't realize my mistake until I was 4 minutes into the GG standing legs, at which point I said "screw it, I'm going with this!" LOL!

Karen, now I've got Fig Newtons on my brain. I know that's not the Newton we've been talking about but leave it to me to take it down to the Kindergarten level.

Good day to everyone!
Good Morning All! Yesterday was "tanked" 0 sleep, and that is not an exaggeration. I knew it would be counterproductive, so I skipped! Today was back and bi day, 3x8 chins, 2x12 pullovers, 3x10 pulldowns, 1x12 dumbbell rows, 3x10 DB curls, 3x8 hammercurls, 2 sets of 21's to finish. The 21s were really light, but I was so fried by then that they were brutal...not leg day brutal, but tough! Have a great Wed everyone!
Karen, did you get your car back? Have a good workout today?

Tom, sheesh, everything okay? Sorry for your restless night. Zero sleep makes everything harder. Your back and bi workout looked good, and I know what you mean about 21s being killer finishers! Right there with ya! Has the prison hired another dentist yet?

Today I did Strong UB Express Live (9/24/15). It's only 40 minutes but Cathe exhausts every muscle group, even the core. I tacked on a 20 minute Kelly Coffey Meyer Cardio Quick Fix workout to make it an hour.

Happy Wednesday. But seriously, is it Friday yet???????

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