Lifting like girls

Today's Slacker Report features Tom. Today Tom had leg day...Tom did not show. Bad, bad Tom. Tom feels bad...Tom should, Tom was bad. Tom will try to make up tonight, but we all know Tom...may not occur. Tom could not face leg day at 5, so Tom did pushups instead??? What??? Tom is senile!!! Tom does NOT deserve to be a Commando, he will try to be better!!
I don't know how I ended up on this page, but this post was the first I read and I had quite a core workout from laughing! Sorry to crash the party here, but this was damn funny!!!!;)
I don't know how I ended up on this page, but this post was the first I read and I had quite a core workout from laughing! Sorry to crash the party here, but this was damn funny!!!!;)

Nancy, like Karen said: join us! We are the wackiest, weirdest, funniest, and FUNnest bunch of Commando Cathletes around, IMHO.

Justine, WTH? Face pulls? That sounds like a punishment for bad behavior. I can't imagine you would have energy for cardio bursts during your workouts these days. Plus that would make them like 3 hours long!

Lib, one leg ball roll outs are HARD. You are doing amazing. So much improvement. Ah-hem, any dates lately?

Roz, HI!

Karen, HI! What are you up to today?

Tom, you always kill your shoulders so I don't think that counts as penance for missing leg day but this time I will give you a pass because your post was so amazing. Did the ghost of Theo Geisel aka Theo LeSieg aka Dr Seuss take over your body? Love it!

Yesterday I did a combo workout of Cathe Hi Lo Cardio + Core Live (from August 2014) + shoulders. Today I did a combo of Cardio Circuit Challenge Express Live (from August 2015) + back and biceps. Good stuff!
Arm day for me. When I get water in the basement it is always first where I keep my powerblocks, and I track it all over my workout area, this makes my floor slick so I just did some contortion work, grabbed 40s and did all but 21s (wish I could) with them. I did my usual supersets, today doing tri pushdowns/dumbbell curls, skullcrushers/ hammer curls, cross body tri exts/conc curls, doing 3 sets of each in the 8-12 rep range, and finished with 1x30 close grip pushups and 2 sets of 21s (dropped to 25s for these). Justine, I would have to drop 30+ years for that to be me...sigh!, but the legs look "bout right" lol!! Lisa, I never knew Dr. Seuss had other names...speaks to illiteracy ! My grandkids are going to be spending several days here, so we are taking them to St. Louis to see the Arch, the science museum, then to our older sons to spend the night and go swimming. Next week we are going to take them and our youngest son and his wife to Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City for a couple of days. After that we will take the two older kids back to FL while Mom and Dad fly home with the 9 month old. Will try to fit w/os in (even legs)! I already received 2 "bad Tom's" and I know the 3 strike rule!!! Have a great weekend Commandos!!
Tom, you could always just do sets of either squats or deads at the start of each session to get them out of the way, and then you'd never have a leg day. Or would that just make you dread every workout?
Sounds as though your grandchildren will have a wonderful time. I wanna come too!

Nan, it's the best check-in ever! Especially for the abs, as I'm always in hysterics by the time I've read everyone's posts. But, boy, there's some dedication here.

Today started badly. The U.K. Has voted to leave the eu. Whaaat? Already our stock markets have crashed and the £ plummeted. It was a close vote (48/52). I'm in shock.

Anyway- workout wise, things were better. Cable upright rows, cable Bicep curls, close grip push ups, some other weird tricep move where you hold the racked bb and sort of do a push up onto it ending with your hands above your head, and hanging leg raises. It all felt rather lame, and I'm not sure I've chosen the exercises wisely, so I added reverse flyes.

Here's hoping everyone has a fab weekend xxx

PS you can all come over and visit, because it's very, very cheap here now!
Was in the pits yesterday, and didn't workout yesterday. Was going to do it today, may still as its upper body. But I decided to stick to the plan and do Tabatacise, I needed to kick the pits out of me anyway. Saw a lot of improvement from last round of this. Am surprised that chest, back, and shoulders were yesterday, and Then Tabatacise had burn set back today......?

Slammed my pinky finger between the weight and stand when swapping out weight. Such an idiot! Not sure if I broke it, but toed it up and moved on.

Tom, I needed that laugh!

Lisa, no. Turns out he's married! A mutual friend informed me yesterday....

Today is much cooler , thankfully
Hey Commandos! The pic Justine posted reminds me of a time I had a gym membership. There was a guy that evidently worked out the same time I did, because I saw him every time I was at the gym. He had a great upper body. Muscular, but lean and defined. But toothpick legs held up all this muscularity. His workout? Pull-ups and push-ups. That was it. A set of pull-ups, a set of push-ups. I don't know how many sets and reps he did, but that was it. So, you can get a great upper body with pull-ups and push-ups only. Just make sure to work your legs. Just sayin'
Yesterday was back and biceps. Pull-ups, seated cable rows, some suspension work, and curls for the biceps. Today was legs. Squats, DL, extensions, and curls, hip thrusts and side lunges with gliding discs. Loved this leg workout. It's a definite do-over.
Have a great week-end all, and Tom, can I go too? Justine and I will behave ourselves. Well, maybe not.

That would be so much fun. All of us visiting Justine!

Lib, sorry to hear he's married. I hate it, when that happens.
Oh well, his loss, like my Mom told me, "he's not the only fish in the sea."
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Hey Commandos! The pic Justine posted reminds me of a time I had a gym membership. There was a guy that evidently worked out the same time I did, because I saw him every time I was at the gym. He had a great upper body. Muscular, but lean and defined. But toothpick legs held up all this muscularity. His workout? Pull-ups and push-ups. That was it. A set of pull-ups, a set of push-ups. I don't know how many sets and reps he did, but that was it. So, you can get a great upper body with pull-ups and push-ups only. Just make sure to work your legs. Just sayin'
Yesterday was back and biceps. Pull-ups, seated cable rows, some suspension work, and curls for the biceps. Today was legs. Squats, DL, extensions, and curls, hip thrusts and side lunges with gliding discs. Loved this leg workout. It's a definite do-over.
Have a great week-end all, and Tom, can I go too? Justine and I will behave ourselves. Well, maybe not.

That would be so much fun. All of us visiting Justine!

Lib, sorry to hear he's married. I hate it, when that happens.
Oh well, his loss, like my Mom told me, "he's not the only fish in the sea."
A trip with you guys would be a blast!! Road drinking, beer for me, wine for Justine...Karen, you get to drive!!! Justine, I was shocked about the vote as well, hope long term it is best for our "Brittish Besties" Sounds like killer workouts for you both! Lib, sorry about Mr. Married and hope the finger heals up and isn't broken! Lisa, Roz, how's it going?? Nan, you out there??
Yes, road trip sounds wonderful!

Karen, you are right it's his loss. I am not upset though, I thoroughly enjoyed my time last weekend. I am not the one who has to live with a cheater.

Been up since 230 am. Ugh!! Need to get back on schedule!
So by 345, I got up and decided to workout. I did Xtrain: Burn Sets: Bi's and Tri's then ended up doing Xtrain: Chest, Back, and Shoulders. Felt sooooo good!

Now the boys are up and I am tired. Lol
I'm loving the road trip idea! We can have a sing song in the van (it'd have to be a van to fit all our kit). And a picnic. I love picnics. Defo wine and beer. Lib- are you going to sit in the van, or follow on the bike?

Anyway, lib, nicely dodged on the cheater.

Today I did a mish-mash of upper and lower. Squats, glute/ ham developer thingies, curls, cable triceps overhead, calves. I'm really enjoying this body building stuff. Because of all the accessory work, it's not as exhausting as doing a full workout of compound moves.

Karen, both the back and bis, and the leg workouts sound good. Is it of your own making?

We've got our village fete tomorrow. A big charity event with vintage vehicles, and....wait for it.....the world egg throwing championships!

Tom, you are the Kim Kardashian of our check in. You and your selfies, geez get a grip! ;) I'm frustrated by proxy about all your basement flooding! Way to make the workout happen despite the river flowing through your basement. Have a great time with those grandkids!!! Your plan sounds spectacular and tiring.

Lib, the guy sounds like a real jerk. Your attitude is admirable. I would go find him and punch his lights out (which you can totally do since you are probably stronger than him...thank you very much, Cathe!). Sorry you've been in the pits. Hope today is a better day.

Justine, you Brits are causing shock waves across the world! It was such a close vote, last I'd heard the majority was in support of staying in the EU but polls certainly don't always translate to election day reality. But who cares about politics when you've got the world egg throwing championships to attend. Didn't you also just have the world darts throwing championship recently? What is it with the Brits and throwing things? :) I liked reading about your mish mosh workout today. Looking forward to the Commando road trip to your neck of the woods.

Karen, super cool leg combo. I think I will steal that from you. I liked the combo of heavy and then disc work. Something about those discs, huh? Killer finisher. Hope work isn't too crazy for you right now.

Roz, hi my dear friend!

Yesterday I did boxing, it was a combo of many different boxing videos I own so I'll just call it "boxing." Today was Low Impact Cardio Leg Blast + Ball Upper Body Live (6/16/2016). I was wanting a gentle lower body burn with a focus on mostly upper but this workout was the exact opposite of that. She killed my lower body and then gave my upper body just enough to leave a friendly burn. Oh whatever, y'all know that I loved it anyway!

Have a great weekend!
Justine, I would ride in the would be too fun to miss! I love picnics. I should do that with the boys this week!

Lisa, I know I am destined to be single, and am fine with that. I do go on dates, but rarely, as I am not really looking. I am unsure how I missed he was married (esp since it turns out he's married to an acquaintance of mine).
Yes at first, I was ticked......hence being in the pits,.....but then decided to just treasure the memory of the weekend. It was wonderful after all.

I have been awake since midnight. Ugh!! I have Xtrain: Hard Strikes today. Which I must get in, my nutrition has been off this week. Ugh!

Oh, what did I miss??? Tom, the Selfie King????

Hi Roz and Karen
As the only male Commando, I am proud to report that leg day has been accomplished, but at great cost!! As homage to Lisa I started with the bike, then did 8 sets of bench squats followed by 3x15 gob squats and somewhere in this sequence, MY THUTT WAS LOST! I checked the mirror, and it appeared to be there, but I couldn't feel it! Because I had been such a disappointment to my peers I planned to do a few light deads and started with 205 x 8, then, in a moment of obvious hypoxia to the brain, I decided to do 225 x5. Despite my thutt saying "DON'T DO THIS BOSS" I did 255x3, 275 x2, and singles at 300 and 320.My thutt was right,I shouldn't have, butt (pardon the pun) it felt great...sort of! I finished with 6 sets of calf raises, some barbell and some single, 2 sets of cable crunches and 2x12 dumbbell (curls for the curls) or would have been 50 years!! Will get chest in tomorrow before taking the grandkids to St Louis to see the arch and swim. That road trip would be a blast, and Karen, I'm pretty sure there is no way you and Justine would behave yourself, but that's why it would be fun! Lib, no selfies for me, I would have to buy a new phone after each one! I am sure Mr Right is out there, but no need for you to settle, you are way to good for that! Nothing wrong with being single either you have 2 great kids and a full life, besides as I remember, dating was really fun...stressful but fun! Justine. the egg tossing fascinates me. Do they throw at each other or is it a distance and accuracy thing? Lisa, still had a little water in the corners of the basement, but the bike was dry...durn it!! Since it was leg day, I sorta "pansied" the bike (any excuse will do)!! Hopefully I won't be kicked out of Commandoville since I tried to redeem! Have a great Sunday friends....Roz, hope all I well!!
Good morning Ladies! 20 sets of bench and incline for me today. As usual short sets up and longer down. On the way down something didn't feel great at 185 in my left shoulder, I dropped 20# ,and did 3 sets of close grip and it was ok, dropped another 20# and went back to wide for 3 long rep sets, and it was fine,( really don't want an injury, so being cautious...with age comes wisdom ( just prior to senility!). I finished chest with 4x8 inclined bench, and threw in 2 sets of seated knee ins and 2 sets of side planks and, couldn't resist, 1 long rep set of dumbbell curls. Off to the Arch, going to pick up my daughter in law to go with us, then back to their house to swim. Finish June out right Commandos and have a great week!!

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