Oh no, Lib! How is your DS? So scary. I'm so sorry. Best wishes and hugs and prayers to you all.
Justine, Roz has the personal experience, but I was thinking exactly what she said--you're just retaining 'stuff' that your body will eliminate during the deload. Sheesh, 32 sets!?!?! Did you survive?
Roz, get working on that Dear Santa letter. Your pumpkin has made his job easy this year. One pair of pink boxing gloves FTW!

I hope you've got some time for foam rolling and Epsom Salts after your leg torture days. (((HUGS))) to you in your busy summertime.
Tom, your house sitting and dog sitting duties reminded me of how I had no idea that a dog couldn't eat chocolate until like 2 days before someone had asked my DH and I to house sit/dog sit for them. I had just figured that dogs could eat
anything. I'm happy to report that said dog survived my attempted care. I've no doubt that you, unlike me, actually know what you're doing!!! Hope you've had a good weekend!
Karen, hey!
Yesterday I did Circuit SWEAT Live. Another true love workout for me!
Be back in a few days. High fives, my friends!