Lifting like girls

Roz, I wouldn't be pooped I'd I did that many deads, I'd BE DEAD!! That program seems really deadlift heavy, I don't know how you do so many reps...and not light reps either! Adding the variety sounds like a great idea! I am deadlift light and need to add some to my days, just not sure which days. I probably won't get much in till hopefully Monday night, maybe throw in some pushups etc. Hope all are safe and well fed!!!
Yeah, Roz. High reps day, and you're using 200#? Jeez, I need to buck my ideas up! As much as I love deads, I wouldn't want to do them more than a couple of times a week. They just use too many muscles!

I did another Nia bodyweight this morning. I've moved onto phase 3, which is escalating density training. That's ramped the difficulty up. 1 legged squats for 10 minutes today (managed 92 each side) followed by 10 mins of supersetted dive bombers and pull ups (84 of each). That was quite tough, but then there was a ladder (20, 15, 10, 5) of leg curls, burpees and jump squats. It was good for a minimum equipment workout.

Lisa, stupidly I didn't think about travel fit. I've never tried it. Is it good?

Hope everyone's well.
You guys are killing me. Tom with his endless workouts, Roz with her 200 lb DL, that go on forever, and Justine with her 92 one legged squats. I'm getting a workout, just reading this. I'm living vicariously through all of you. (makes me really tired) Ten minutes of divebombers, Justine? If they are anything like Mark Lauren's divebombers, I would still be lying on the floor. Nice work all of you!
I haven't done anything today. (except laundry) I think HoCo is on the schedule, so I am putting it off, for as long as possible. At the last minute I may do something different. Feeling low energy today. Will report as soon as I drag myself from the workout room. First, I have to get there.
Have a great weekend everyone. Later.
Ugh! I detest the last two weeks of the semester! There is a reason they call it H&// week.

I took yesterday as a rest day. I tackled gs legs today. Only go half way through. I remembered why I was nervous! I must make sure to stretch several times today. Have a final due by 5 pm tomorrow, so off to review. Last one is Tuesday.

Hope everyone is well. Sorry for running off so quick
Hi everyone!
This morning I managed to slot in a sneaky couple of lwf workouts (glutes on fire, and eye of the tiger) adding up to 30 mins. I then drove home and almost immediately went to my barbell! It was a squat day, so I worked up to 67kg, then did 3x3 at that weight (good rom), then 4x4 at 72kg, 4x4 at 77kg, 3x3 at 82kg, then went to failure (8) at 72kg. ROM not as good beyond 70! I then did 10x15 rdls with 15kg DBs, then walked the dogs and called it a day. I survived a few days away from my 'gym'. Phew.

Karen, did you get your mojo back? Hope it was just a temporary tiredness.

Lib, legs. I remember only too well! Hope the studying is going well.

Hope everyone's well.
Hi everyone!
Justine, welcome home! Sounds like you didn't whither away, strength-wise, over the weekend. ;) Awesome squats!

Lib, hope your crazy week goes well -- it will be over soon!

Tom, Karen, Lisa, great work as always and hope you are enjoying your weekend-end!

Today's a rest day, but I'm just feeling blech about my diet right now. 3250 calories is tough to get it without feeling crazy. Not sure I'm going to stay the course, but I'm also not going to make a decision rightthissecond. Six weeks ends Jan 5, so maybe I can stick it out. I have been going a bit over my baseline carb allotment because it's hard to get 200g of fat a day (and in the RP book they say this is fine to do), but today I'm just feeling lethargic. Also, I think I associate eating THIS much food with wonky emotional states so... I don't know. Maybe if I keep my carbs more moderate (~180g/day) and focus on unrefined oils to get in the extra calories, I'll feel better. Or maybe I'm just bumming because I'm not training today. ;)
Meh. Anyways. That's my musing for today! I'm always open to hearing your thoughts/insights.

Happy Sunday, all!
Hey everybody, better late than never. Today, I wanted to work legs. Didn't have anything planned. So I pulled out my Workout Blender. Did the standing portion of "Butts & Guts," and the ball and floorwork from "Gym Style Legs." It was a great workout. About an hour. This Workout Blender is kinda handy. May have to do more "mixing," different workout everyday.
Justine, glad you're back to your training at home. There's not place like home. Travel Fit is indeed a good workout. I use it at home sometimes, but I'll use heavier weights instead of the bands. I'd rather do Travel Fit any day over 84 dive bombers + pullups.

Roz, yeah, what???? 200# is my high reps weight too, of course that's only when you add the weight of every dumbbell that I lifted over the course of an entire workout. ;) Yep, LOVING my lights. You know that lights are my thang. ;) I have no expertise in this area, but if 3250 is making you feel too "off" and if it's like a full-time job to fit it all in, I'd say ease up. Or at least cut yourself some slack on the days that you don't hit that number. Eating shouldn't make you feel sick or uncomfortable. Perhaps switching your ratio of carbs/fats, as you suggested, might do the trick.

Lib, good luck on your last final! Way to go on even attempting GS Legs!

Speaking of GS Legs, isn't that floor work and ball work killer, Karen? I think the Workout Blender would be awesome. I do my own Workout Blenders a lot, but using the DVDs of course. I will have to steal your B&G + GS Legs combo.

Tom, so are you saying you want to add 92 1-legged squats to your pushups Monday night? ;)

No workout today. Yesterday I did the Blast Challenge from Step Blast + the UB portion of KCM's Split Sessions. It was super fun and flew by.

Back at it tomorrow! See you COMMANDOS later!

Hi everyone! Hope your week's off to a good start.
I'm going to do some minor tinkering to my diet and training plan instead of jumping off the ship (unless the tinkering doesn't work). Today was supposed to be DLs but I've OD'ed on them (Justine, as you note, they just use too many muscles!), so I subbed out squats and will tackle DLs later this week (when I've had more than a day away from them). I did back squats 165 x10, x7; 155 x8, x6. BB hip thrusts 200 for 4x12. Chin ups x8, x6, x6; band assisted x9, x7. BB cleans 2 sets: 100 x6, 85 x10. Finally hanging leg raises 3x15.
Tomorrow I think I'll do my own bench press workout.

Food-wise, I'm going to try to just add a bunch of fats to my regular diet. So far, feeling better. I still am doing extra quick carbs around training (today was 2 cups of homemade chocolate milk :) ).
I seem to be up ~1lb over two weeks. A bit under my goal, but whatever. I'm not going to push my diet to the point where it diminishes my quality of life. It's just an experiment, after all. :) I am enjoying the strength gains, though.

OK, everyone, hope you're all having a blast with life and workouts! Great work all around! Good luck on finals, Lib. Lisa, bask in the multicolored glow. :) Karen, you seem like you're back in action! Now do I have to do GS Legs?! Tom, hope your FL weekend was fabulous. Justine, amazing squats! Hope you've got temperate climes for those epic walks of yours. :)
High fives all around,
Roz, when you say back squats 165 X10, does that mean you did 165 of them?? OMG! Then Tom, double OMG! Yes, my workouts are y'all's warm ups! I am in awe!!

I did gs back, shoulders, and biceps today. Going to feel it! Already do!

Off to study, last final tomorrow! YAY!.....okay shower first, my cat just did a sniff and run! LMAO!
Justine, some days are like that!! Love it! Back to edit this post. This picture reminds me of an old "Saturday Night Live," skit. I don't think it was Hans and Frans, but some muscle bound guy, was getting ready to DL a massive amount of weight. He tried to lift it, and his arms pulled off at the shoulders. I dunno, sounds kinda goofy now, but it was pretty funny at the time.
Last edited:
That was Roz after Off The Floor!

Roz, curious as to what is making the diet hard. Is it physical ( can't get that much food down), psychological (this can't possibly work) or emotional ( I'm bad for eating so many calories)? I've got to admit I'd struggle on all three counts. Are you supposed to eat that many calories every day, or just heavy lifting days?
Your BB cleans are testament to it working, though!

Today I woke up with glorious hamstring doms! Yay! And I didn't really push the volume on rdls yesterday. Anyway, I managed to go up by 1 rep(!) on my o/h presses. As Tom said, baby steps. Then it was weight plate rows and face pulls. Finally racked carries and band pull aparts. I did the carries with 2 17kg DBs. The hardest part was racking them! I'm tempted to do another w/o today- I seem to have lots of energy, but not so sure what I should be doing. I had a 5 year medical check up today, and when I said I walked for 2 hours and hit the gym for 70 mins, then about 10/15 mins of yoga, I had to correct the nurse when she assumed that was per week!!!!

Lib, well done on the gs. And very, very best of luck tomorrow.

Karen, Lisa, crazy to even THINK about that floor / ball work from gs legs.

Karen, I agree about the KB pull throughs- surprising difficult, and a great core move.

Tom, any more epic workouts?
Great w o's Roz and Justine ( LOVED the tinker toys, many days SO appropriate!!!) Gonna "bust me some chest" when I finally get home!! Lib..wishin Good luck on that last final, Karen, what's Supergirl up to today?? Gotta see if I lost any weight over last few days, lousy eating, But tried to "pork" when I could, so hopefully not. I feel like am thickening up a little and thrilled bout it!! I'm going to try to do more heavy leg and deads, and take a page out of Roz and Justine book and try to do more deadlifts and borrow a page from Karen and hit legs heavy ( I always pay for that!) I feel like much of my weight loss is lower body and hopefully I can gain some mass there. Glad to hear everyone is "crushin on pullin and pushin!!!!)
Roz, never thought I'd hear you say you've OD'd on DLs. ;) Well, it's not like your workout gave your legs any kind of break. Sheesh! Your chocolate milk was probably the highlight of it all, eh? Looking forward to seeing what a Roz-exclusive chest workout looks like tomorrow.

Tom, this probably won't make you feel any better, but my legs are always the first thing to go when my weight shifts around.

Karen, waves!

Justine, great cartoon! Sub out the barbell and I imagine the nurse at your doc appt almost face-planted into the floor like that when you were describing your physical feats of greatness. Ha! Yay for those DOMS!

Lib, good luck to you!

Today I did a favorite Cathe Live leg routine: Lean Lower Body Live (1/8/15). Roz, Karen, I know I've promised you Live favorite lists, so while I'm in the mindset let me give you my Live top faves:
1) All About Legs (5/22/14)
2) Long and Strong Legs (1/22/15)
3) Lean Lower Body (1/8/15)
4) Legs & Glutes (8/20/15)
5) Trisets Legs (9/17/15)--I think this is the hardest of them all, and trisets just for you, Roz! ;)

Am I the only one who likes lame Christmas music? Wham's Last Christmas is always a favorite, as in something about George Michael just makes me want to giggle.

Thanks for the list, Lisa. This morning, I did Cathe Live "Upper Body Express?" Something like that. Tonight is GSF2. Kinda excited about tonight. Finding out what will work, and what I leave for another time. I like this program. I'm going to check out Nia's Bodyweight "stuff." I really like bodyweight workouts, as well as heavy weights.
I love leg workouts. Give it a go, Tom. I know you will love them, too.
I'm so envious, Roz. Being able to eat that much food, and being able to lift a truck. You rock!
Justine, I'm going to try bodyweight along with GSF2. I haven't done a handstand in forever. Hope I don't fracture my skull. But, they sound so good.
Again Lisa, thanks for the list. Yes, I like lame Christmas music. In fact, I watch the Snoopy Christmas movie every year. Yea, I know.
Good luck Lib, knock it out of the park.

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