Hi everyone!
Life is sort of returning to normal, and I'm breathing a sigh of relief! Thanks to all for your support.
Lib, yay, welcome! So glad you're joining us! I agree with Justine -- go for Gym Styles but keep it light. I remember doing GS after completing STS Meso 3. I thought I was so strong, but I was NOT prepared for the dearth of rest time in the GS series! Woah!! And if you're doing GS Legs -- I mean, I think I'd get a good workout doing GS legs with only bodyweight! Remember you'll get stronger every time!
Lisa, I'd LOVE your cardio(-ish) recommendations! Maybe you can just make the list for Karen and note which ones are cardio/metabolic (i.e., wouldn't fry me on a cardio day). THANKS!! And thanks for your recovery-cardio recs. I will definitely be pulling those out! IIRC, Step Moves might fit into that category, too, no? I think I remember liking that one for an easy cardio day.
Like Lisa, I'm too much of a wimp to post a selfie.
Karen, I began the RP (Renaissance Periodization) protocol a week ago, though with Thanksgiving/guests/all the accompanying stresses, I just kept a general eye on calories (~3k/day) and didn't stress that my carb intake was often well outside my daily allotment. But with life returning to normal, I'll get more calories from fats (with ample carbs, still). I'm weighing in every 2-3 days, with a goal to gain ~0.75lbs/week for 6-8 weeks (depending on how I'm feeling after 6). If I don't gain about that in a week, I'm to add 250 cals/day for a week and see how that goes. After stuffing my face to at least 3k cals a day for a week, I'm down 0.2 lbs. LOL, go figure. ALMOND BUTTER, HERE I COME! COWABUNGA!
I will note that I'm feeling very strong from the extra calories, which is fun!!
Today, though, I wasn't in bionic mode. (I'm, ahem, period-izing my training, if you will.) Kept the weight up but gave myself a break on volume.
Conventional DLs 215# x10, x10, x8 (I was very pleased with this, actually)
RDLs 145# 2x15
Band assisted pullups x10, x8, x6
BB snatches 50# 1x10, 65# 1x5, 80# 1x2
Russian twists 30# 2x20
Might do some shoulder work this PM when DH comes home and lifts. Front raises, side raises, rear flys, etc. Gotta get those delts poppin'
Only if I have the gusto.
I'm thinking some yoga or gentle/moderate cardio tomorrow (No, Karen, 'only X77, no doubles' does not count as moderate cardio for ME!). Then Thurs is OTF again.
High fives all around! Again, Lib, a warm welcome and a hearty pat on the lats!
Sorry if I've neglected to respond to anything... I'm still a bit scatterbrained.
P.S. I am trying to get some high GI carbs (without much fat, which slows absorption -- though in a day my diet is high-fat) before training, so I bought the TJs light egg nog. OMG, YUCK!!! Serious plug-and-chug. So gross. Sticking to low fat chocolate milk from now on.