Lifting like girls

Lib, congrats on your outstanding academic accomplishments! I understand the 'blah' after a big effort. Sounds you're channeling it well with GS and cleaning! :)

Tom, amazing DLs! That's some great volume, what are you saying?!

Justine, I can't believe you do these brutal bodyweight workouts on 'off' days. With your 10 mile walks.
I'll definitely keep you posted as the diet progresses. (Obviously. I'm sure you're getting more minutiae than you need. ;) )
I bought a lever belt as per JVB's suggestion. Very happy with the choice. You do have to adjust it with a flathead screwdriver when you get it to get the tightness right, but after that, you're set, and I just un-do the lever but leave it on between sets and I can easily do a toe-touch test.
Lib! Congrats on those superb marks! You've earned it. As others have said, we can all relate to being in a funk or feeling unmotivated for one reason or another. I like the advice you've been given. It also helps me to throw away an expected routine if needed and just do something that sounds FUN! (sorry to be promoting my bad habits, Justine. ;) The other thing that helps me is to focus on how I will feel once I'm done, you know that amazing post-workout pat on the back. Didn't you feel that today after you worked it out on GS? Good job, BTW! We're all rooting for you.

Not to be underestimated! Deficit split squats for 13 minutes. 104 each leg. Then feet elevated push ups and inverted rows for 13 minutes- 99 of each. Wish I'd done a round 100.

I kinda love those workouts that are not to be underestimated. You go into it thinking "aw, this won't be too bad!" and then the WTH? factor hits you. :) Hysterical over your "wish I'd done a round 100." Oh, we are all so neurotic. I love it. You COMMANDOS make me feel 'normal.' ;) Thanks also for the 2.2 math advice. That does make sense. Mental math is fun to do, so I'll give it a go as you continue to challenge my brain with your amazing kg-based workouts.

Roz, can't go wrong with RS! IDK why the WB is still lacking in the premix dept?! :confused: The premixes are so handy. PRS1 and 2 are both goodies. Don't forget Step Blast. Do the whole thing, or on a day that you want a cardio finisher, just go straight for the Blast Challenge. MIC step portion is also a shorter, hard goodie.

Karen, I'm with Roz. Tell me you actually meant a singular 75lb-er. You seem to be on a "this was fun" workout roll!

Tom, yep, taxing and inspiring workout from you, as always. Any more trips to see the family planned this Holiday season?

Today I did GS Chest and Triceps, inspired by Lib. I always commiserate w/Roz about how the short rest breaks make this workout killer and humbling!

Eat lots of creatine brownies today, my Iron Family. :)

Lib, Congrats on the grades ( are A's good...been awhile for me...don't remember...kidding, great work!!) Justine, If I was doing 100 push ups, split squats etc etc,I would being doing 8 hr w o's cause that's how long it would take!!!Roz, a lever belt?? I use mine to hang kettlebell from!! I may need a pink one!! Mine is just a wide belt and it's hard to get it tight enough to be effective. May have to look into it..can always use the screwdriver to gouge my eyes out on "bad lifting days" Karen, I seriously don't think I could keep from falling over, especially with a 75# dumbbell!!! Lisa, great work on GS chest and tri and I get to see the grandkids about the 2nd week in Jan....can't wait!! Great w o's all...proud to be among ya!!!
Today was back to the box squat day! I did add 20# to the heaviest set and 20# to the last sets 115x8 135x8 155x6 175x5 165x6 x5 155x8x8. Next was 1 set of reverse barbell lunges 6 each side x95# and 2 sets of barbell staticlunges 95 x8x8. Then glute bridges 225 x20 x15 x15. (did raise 20#) Last. and probably least, calf raises 95# x50 x30 x25. I was going to do some gob squats, but was shot and elected to live another day!! Hump day all, bust it up!!!
Good morning, Commandos!
This morning was barbell strict presses, 65# x9, x8, x8, x6; 60# x7; 55#x2x8. BB rows 95#x4x12. Farmers carries, DB squeeze presses, and hanging leg raises.
Lisa, THANK YOU for those cardio step add-on rec's -- I will use them soon, for sure! I was going to add one on today, but decided to do a timesaver add-on from Tom's playbook: clean the weight room! Lisa, no pinesol involved -- I'm not nearly that close to ACTUAL cleanliness in our gym. Just 'remove piles of crap' and/or 'relocate them to a less conspicuous spot in the basement'. I didn't get to everything, but it looks a lot better already.
So, re: the diet, I'm getting to that point where I'm feeling a little puffy, especially at the end of the day. Which is tough. I'm only up 1.5-2 lbs, which obviously isn't a huge deal at all, but still. I'm going to do it for the six weeks, then a one-month maintenance before I cut. Which brings me to late Jan. That's the tentative plan.
OK, my friends -- TTFN!
Good morning!
Last night was a bodyweight workout: stepups, pushups, and suspended rows. A bonus of: glute bridges, and reverse crunches. 6 sets of each. This morning was a Zuzka (sp) cardio. Tonight is GSF2.
Great grades, Lib! Congrats!
More later Commandos, have a great day.
Karen, how you do all that, I'll never know. Gsf was enough for me in a day! Hope you're enjoying Nia's bw stuff. Phase 1 was my least favourite, so I think I only did 3 weeks of it.

Roz, thanks for the lever belt info. I didn't read the gear PDFs from UP. I assumed it was all about singlets! I've now read it. I'm going to get a lever belt (pink, can have my name on it if I so wish!!!!) . Well done on the strict presses.

I get where you're coming from on not liking the feeling after a big calorie day. I hate it when I've overdone the carbs and salt. It's amazing how little the scale has moved, though. Is there much to read on other's experience of the diet?

Tom, 20#extra on the box squats is impressive. Can't wait to see your selfie in a pink belt....

Today my last day of gsf2. DL test day. I'd expected 110kg, would have been delighted with anything more, but I crapped out at 102. Serves me right for doing split squats yesterday. I pulled 107 only 2 weeks ago. May have to retest next week. As a workout it was great, though. I can already feel my thutt seizing up. Followed the dls with pull ups 5x3 unassisted, 5x3 with a band, done slow tempo. Then 30kg 1 arm rows and pallof presses. that I've Got Stronger Faster I need a new plan (sorry, Lisa, I just can't cope without one ). I'm probably going to do high tensile strength, and leave UP until later in the year. Unless anyone else is starting UP???

Hope everyone's well. Xx
Justine, fabulous work on the DLs! You will hit your goal of 110 soon!
One arm rows with 30kg? I guess I've been sandbagging on those... :oops: I usually use 45-55 lbs, depending on rep range.

So, in the RP women's ebook (which I seriously recommend if you decide to embark on something like this -- there's great info written by a bunch of PhDs in sports nutrition, etc.), they prepare you for the 'you're gonna want to bail because you feel puffy, but keep your eye on the prize', etc. On the RP website, there's an article on different metabolisms -- some people just need to eat a TON to gain. I honestly wouldn't have thought that would be me. I can't make heads or tails of it.
Oh yeah, I'm eating tons of carbs. I just can't get all that food down without a good bit of them being carbs. But also, I don't eat meat, so I think my carb intake tends to be higher, anyways.

I still have 8 weeks of OTF. Then I'll probably take some wee break before I embark on another major 12-week strength program. Maybe UP then...
Do you think you'll do the whole 6 mos of HTS?
I keep forgetting that I haven't been lifting for strength for all that long. Only seriously since this summer and Nia. (STS was a good start, and I've done that 4 times, but it's very different to what I'm doing now, ditto body beast etc.) I've you and Karen to thank for where I am now (enjoying the process more than I ever have). I guess I'm just impatient!

I will probably cut phase 1 of HTS short, as it's an introductory phase, (see, impatience !) but otherwise, if I'm enjoying it, I'll do the entire thing.

As to your eating, I can relate to it with me and alcohol. I don't want to sound like an old lush here, but I do like my wine. Every so often I go TT for 4-8 weeks. I dread having to give it up, but once I'm in the groove, I dread starting again, not because I don't want some wine, but because I'm a bit nervous of getting into a habit I can't control. At the moment I'm off the wine, but this weekend Christmas begins in earnest, and I'll have a drink. I'm scared I'll like it too much! (I've just re-read that, and I do sound like a complete lush.....)

Anyway, I'll probably do something like RP in the new year, once I've settled back to relative normality. So keep me posted! I'm assuming g your energy levels are great with all the extra calories?
Tom, do please get the pink weight belt. Roz will loan you her bedazzler so you can give it extra sparkle. ;) Hearty workout for you today, especially those reverse barbell lunges and those toast-your-calves raises. I'm glad you elected to live another day. We'd miss you if you suffered death by gob squat.

Roz, reshuffling crap around is pretty much the only way I clean. Cleaning with little kids is like vacuuming in the middle of a tornado...what's the point? Your lats must be really popping, 95#s on high rep BB rows. I'm impressed, not like that's anything new.

Justine, not really sure how you do it all. Karen is a rockstar for her two-a-days, but you can't really downplay your 10 mile walks for "rest." Yay for thutt seizure (assuming you mean firm muscles as opposed to muscle spasms). You don't sound like a lush at all, and this is coming from someone who's never had any alcohol. I think the fact you can go TT when you choose to is proof enough.

Karen, your creative combos never cease to amaze me. Is there a type of workout that you haven't done? Or a workout instructor that you've never worked out with? What is it about 3 weeks of Phase 1? Just not as fun?

Today I did Circuit Max. I didn't want to do straight cardio so this worked. Roz, this is another workout you might use for a cardio day and it should work easily on the WB since it's 5 mins cardio + 2 mins compound (repeat 6 times). Just skip the compound moves and you've got 30 mins of moderate cardio.

Great day to all of you, especially you Lib. Hope your spirits are moving upward.

Karen, your creative combos never cease to amaze me. Is there a type of workout that you haven't done? Or a workout instructor that you've never worked out with? What is it about 3 weeks of Phase 1? Just not as fun?


I think some of this comes from my "want to try everything," phase. I obtained a lot of "stuff" at that time.

I think three weeks of phase 1 of Nia's Bodyweight, will be enough. It looks kinda mainstream, and not a lot of variety. But, will definitely check it out. I could be wrong. (Will not be a first time)

I totally understand about the wine, Justine. I have the same problem with chocolate. I went shopping in a gourmet chocolate shop. Bought two 2 lb bags of dark chocolate chips. I've eaten through one bag already. I'm Karen, and I'm a chocoholic. I'm so ashamed.
Cleaning with little kids is like vacuuming in the middle of a tornado...what's the point? Your lats must be really popping,
LOL, Lisa, I couldn't have put it better myself.
Re: popping, I feel like the only thing that's 'popping' is the muffin top. (only sort of kidding)
And thanks for the Circuit Max rec -- I will check it out! Haven't tried that one, I don't think.
I'm Karen, and I'm a chocoholic.
I'm right there with ya, baby! It's just too good to say no!
Yeah, Justine, it's weird switching back and forth between the 'indulging' mindset and the 'going without' mindset. The very thought of transitioning (in either direction) is stressful.

Feeling like garbage this morning, just getting over a cold and I haven't been sleeping well. I had a rather scatterbrained squat session this morning. Front squats 100x10 110x3x10 100x10 (pleased with this), then I fussed around with a bunch of variations that didn't feel right/I didn't feel up to for a while, finally I did 3x7 pistols each leg (alternating legs). Was going to finish off with a bodyweight/minimal equipment circuit but basically fussed around with some exercises again, with Valslide SHELCs 5x15 the only thing worth noting.
Tomorrow I'll rest or yoga/stretch/bodyweight stuff whatever and back to deadlifts on Saturday.

Tom, great leg work! Lib, hope you're riding out the end-of-semester blahs on your Honda bike! :)
High fives, all!
Shoulder day for me today. Ohp 12 sets 45 x5 65 x 5 85 x 3 105 x 2 x2 x2 x2 95 x4 x4 x4 x1 85 x 6. Side laterals were next 30s and it bothered elbows but I managed 3x8. I then went to barbell front raise 65# and did 1 set of 8, but it felt like my left elbow fell off! That was it for those, I even had trouble getting it off the floor and back on the rack. I did do 3 sets of rear delt flys 4s x 12 x12 x10 and 1 set of heavy shrugs 225# x15. I will do some core stuff hopefully later. I hope I didn't completely trash arm day tomorrow...gotta figure something out on tendonitis. I never take any nsaids, but thinking about it. ENOUGH OF DOWNER DIARY !!! Roz, pistols on a bad day are a good day!!! way to fight thru a wo! Lisa, how about a pink elbow band instead??? Karen, Justine.... chocolate, wine..."tis the season!!! I did a little beer last night! GET SOME, whatever it is!!! Lib, hope your weather holds up for "Honda riding", Have great ones all!
GSF2 last night. Five sets of everything KB push Press, Weight plate lunge, BB strict press DB strict press, KB arm bar and sit through. Six to ten reps. Great workout. Love that KB arm bar. Tonight is Nia's Bodyweight.
Pistol squats, Roz. I'm Impressed. Like Tom stated, "that's a good day." You're right Lisa. Doesn't matter how long or often it snows, people still can't drive. Chocolate wine? Sounds interesting Great shoulder work, Tom. Hope you are well, Justine and Lib.

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