I also have a lifecycle and am an avid outdoor biker. I prefer the lifecycle feel to spin bikes overall as to me the lifecycle has a more "real bike" feel (though nothing is as real as a real bike!); but I enjoy spinning bikes a lot whenever I get to a gym class (which is not often). Anyway, with the cost and the space which would be required to get a 2nd type of bike, I plan to use the lifecycle for cycle max. I have found that standing on the lifecycle doesn't feel as "right" as it does on a spinning bike, and I have been doing bike workouts from Mindy Mylrea for years. I usually just don't stand. That said, you can stand if you want to. My feeling though is that you can still get a fantastic indoor biking workout without standing. I don't see why cycle max can't be adapted to whatever kind of bike you already have at home and I definitely plan to adapt it to the lifecycle in whatever ways are needed.