LIC 6 inch step

fit 4 life

I completed LIC this morning but used a 6 inch step. I really loved it. I thought I better be kind to myself but I still burned major calories and had a great workout. I have been doing more intermediate workouts, pilates and yoga due to something very tragic happening in my life. It has been a struggle for me the last few months but I will slowly work my way back to where I was. Does anyone else use the 6 inch step? I need to be kind to my 50 year old knees.I only got lost on just 1 move. I can't wait to try the others.

I hope you all have a great day


I use a 6" step for this one also. Actually, I only go to 8" for very short or moderate workouts. To me, there's no sense in risking injury (and I tend to be accident prone). I burn plenty of calories on the 6" step and I figure why fix it if it ain't broke?:)
I am with you both! I use a 6 inch step, sometimes adding intensity. Some of those moves are just a little unnerving to my short legs! I would rather feel confident and ready to up the anty than be a nervous Nellie, you know?
Because of problematic knees, I do my step on the 4" platform. Even though this made LIC more of an intermediate workout cardio wise, I still thought I got a great workout.
Hi Connie, you are so right about feeling confident and upping the intensity:) Thanks

Hi Muffintop,I totally agree with you why fix it when it ainte broke and it is so much easier on my knees. I did start off using the 8 inch for a few minutes and said forget it:) I sure don't need any injury

Thank you both and I hope you have a great day:)

Deb:) :)
Some times I use 8 in and some times I use the 6 in riser.

I also use only 6 in during the Circuit part of Body Max 2.

I think if you get a good workout, then use whatever heigth you desire.
My knees will turn 57 next week. For well over half of that time, they carried much extra weight! So one thing I am thankful for at this time of year is that I am able to do my Cathes and Christis on a 6" step. There is many a 57 year-old, I'm sure, who would love to be able to move the way I can!
I used a 6" step when I did it (I'm usually a bit conservative when I do a workout for the first time). I got a good workout at that height, and don't see any reason for me to use a higher one.
Another one who stays at 6. I do think parts of LIC would be more intense on 8 inches, but I get scary ankle/knee twinges when I go higher and I am not sure how much is actually gained beyond my perceived exertion...
I do MOST of cathe's step workouts on a 6" as well. I get up at 5:15a.m. and I'm working out at 5:30 and sometimes I'm still asleep! LOL...also, I have short legs. Doing a workout at 8" that early in the morning, for me, is just an accident waiting to happen!!!

BTW, I take a step class 2x weekly at our fitness center and I use the 8" there. It's an afternoon class, therefore I'm more awake!! LOL

take care:)
I used to be able to do everything on a 6" step, but after being as sick as I was over the last couple of weeks, I am lucky and very happy to be able to use the 4"!!! I tried the 6" height tonight for the first time for LIC and could only make it through about 25 min before I had to drop down to the 4"!! Any my knees are only 34 yrs old!!! I have yet to try ANYTHING on the 8" height yet!
Use what works for you! I worked out with Cathe for over a year before it occured to me to go to 8 inches! I was having trouble keeping my heart rate up, so thought I'd try it, and it was exactly what I needed to make me feel like when I just started with Cathe.

I do use 6 inches for the IMAXs and now DM. If I'm healthy, everything else is 8". There is no reason to change if you're happy with where you are! My knees have never given me any problems. I have fallen 2 or 3 times, but on 6 inches; usally on IMAX 3 :p :p
What Foodie Sue says is really true.... 1 way to take any step workout to another level is by adding a riser. Even switching from the smaller step to the Health Club Step seems to increase the challenge from what I read. I'm not big on heights (major phobic here!) so I put the Health Club step on my Xmas list so I can increase my intensity without increasing height to 8". To me 8" is no different than walking on a roof top! lololol silly but true!
Another thought: be glad you 'have' to use a 6" step for this one, it gives you room to grow with it. Those folks who find it easy to do on an 8" step don't have much of a way to add intensity, so the workout will have a shorter usable life for them. ;-)
I tried this one yesterday for the first time. Lots of fun! I was feeling strong and used an 8 inch step.

I love that there is an upper and lower body circuit premix! I plan to use these premixes and add on upper/lower body sculpting for a 2 day split.
I used to think that I should be using the 8in if the instructors were, but boy was I wrong!!!! I attempted this once not too long ago and nearly fainted when I was done! Of course, it probably was not too wise to try it first time with an hour long step workout.:7 !!!
I have since decided that 6in is plenty of intensity for me! I just previed LIC last nite for the first time, cant wait to try it, it looks like a really fun workout!

Another thought: a couple of the the blasts where you reach to touch the step are actually more intense with a lower step...if the step is higher, there's less distance to reach, if it's lower, you have to reach down farther.
Hi Deb,

I use 6 inches for the blasts in Body Max 2.

And for Low Impact Circuit, I think you can get an awesome workout with a 6 inch riser.

It is just a matter of keeping in the training zone in my humble opinion.

Heaven knows I am no expert!

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