Let's go PEEPS!!


Good Morning Peeps.

I couldn't fall asleep last night after seeing Bucket List. What a great movie.
I am usually asleep by 9pm because the roosters get me up so early. So I never really watch much TV (except HOUSE!!!) But since I was awake I was flipping channels and saw CLEAN HOUSE (for the 1st time). OMG!!!! I still can not believe what I saw. I was having anxiety just watching it. People really LIVE like that??? I could not believe the amount of STUFF amd junk and piles of things. They couldn't even sleep in their beds!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

So I went to bed at 1 and got up at 5. Yikes. Not nearly enough sleep for me. Today I am having breakfast with my mom and 3 sister's for my sisters 53rd birthday.Then later I am going to lunch with my girlfriends from High School. 25 years later and we still get together once a month. I guess this isn't a good diet weekend for me. Last night I went out to dinner with DH. Won't even tell you what I ate. But it was GOOD!!!!

I'll be back in a little bit to see everyone
Good morning Ellie and fellow peeps,

Sounds like you have a busy day planned Ellie, I hope you enjoy every moment, good eating or not!

Watched Journey to the Center of the Earth with DS last night, I had to bale halfway through, it was journey to the center of boredom and I was falling asleep...
Not too bad eating yesterday, we ended up at Skyline Chili and I ate a small 4 way, it could have been much worse!

Today is BM 2 and I am going for the whole thing today, which I haven't done in a long time. We shall see how it goes...

Have a good morning all.
Mornin' Peeps...

**this peep is very tired too** just stayed up to late last night and have my own 4 legged furry rooster to tell me it is breakfast time at 6am! So, here I sit, in the dark, squinting because the light of the screen is pretty bright... will definately be a nap in my future!

Mucho cleaning today... We took Thurs/Fri off to just do whatever, and the weekend is for getting organized and de-cluttered!

Ellie: I loved the Bucket List too... well right up until the part when MF dies... (that's Morgan Freeman silly).. I only have one friend from HS that I get together with, and the only one I care to see EVER... I keep getting caught up in all those Classmates.com and Reunion.com websites and did catch up with a guy that I was friends with from HS, but it was just wierd... he would call me (even though he was married) and tell me how much of a crush he had on me when we were in school... UGH! Like I needed to know that NOW! So, I eventually moved and didn't send a forwarding address or phone number... just too wierd... Have a great time EATING ALL DAY!!! :) It's YOUR LAST come MONDAY!!! :):p:eek:

Conni: What in the world is a 4-way at Skyline chili? enlighted minds want to know :) Yeah, I agree on the movie thing... we started watching the Dark Knight the other evening, and though I thought Heath Ledger was fabulous as Scarface, I was NOT impressed with Chris Bale as Batman... I actually loathed to hear his Batman voice as it was very grovelly and make me want to keep clearing my own throat! the movie was just same-o same-o stuff we have seen too many times over... and I don't get the appeal of that actress/love interest... just not my type I guess.. Still have one more: IronMan, and have heard good things so keeping fingers crossed that tonite after we collapse from all our cleaning, that we can sit and be entertained!

Morning to all the rest of the peeps: Heather, Karin (hope you are feeing less stuffy), JJ, Jill, Jerry, Vilma, Wendy, Phyllis and any poppin in peeps!

BBL... after I wake up a bit more!
Morning all!

Ellie, I though you were going to see Slumdog? I never watched the BL all the way through. We had a defective DVD (rental) and had to stop in the middle. How annoying is that?!?! BTW, did you graduate West Deptford High? My sister taught there for years. I think we may have talked about this by I don't remember. Blame it on menopause.:(

Conni, I guess you decided against Marley and Me. The chili sounds good.

Dani, that's creepy with that guy. You didn't move just because of him did you?

Anyhoo, I'll be doing back and biceps from PUB and MM.Geez, my chest is still sore from working it on Thurs. I think I will have doms alot now as I am trying to recover some of my strength. After, the workout, I have to clean my aquarium(75 gal) as the fish are starting to complain.;) It's a monthly job that is time consuming and it can be a pain the the a**.

Hello to all the peeps to follow!!
Happy Saturday Peeps:

Well, I am forced to take off a week due to my hip:( I woke up this morning very stiff and it hurts when I walk. I tried self diagnosis with my symptoms and it sounds like hip bursitis but the pain/soreness is more on the top of my pelvic bone not where the joint is:confused: I was wondering if it might be an issue with my obliques where they attach at the pelvis cuz I've been doing a lot of kettlebell core work and really hitting them hard. So I'm going to take a week off, ice, advil, etc....and if it doesn't get better, I'll go see my sports med doc. Enough about me:eek:..........

Oh I forgot.....I watched Eagle Eye last night and really liked it. Nonstop action throughout the whole movie.

Ellie~ Only 4 hours of sleep:confused: Yikes...I did that on new years eve and was worthless the next day. I don't know how you do it. Have fun with your mom/sisters and friend from HS. Don't worry about the food because enjoying time with people you love is way more important;)

Conni~ I agree about the Journey to the Center of the Earth movie. We got that from Netflix a few weeks ago and weren't impressed. Have fun with BM2:)

Dani~ Dontcha just love those furbabies when they demand their breakfast regardless of whether you are up or not?! Mine is the same way and if I don't feed him, he'll start to hurl (sorry TMI) According to the vet it is very common b/c they anticipate eating which gets the stomach juices roiling and if they don't eat soon, some dogs will hurl:eek: OK...that is your biology lesson for the day. Have fun de-cluttering but don't forget to take that nap;)

Waves to all peeps who follow. BBL.

Hi Phyllis~ I was busy typing SLOW and missed your post. We had a big aquarium when I was a kid and loved it. BUT I totally agree on the cleaning part....not fun.

Hey Dani~ I forget to add that I felt the same way about Bale's voice in Batman. It drove me nuts!:mad: I enjoyed Iron Man...let me know what you think after you see it.

Hey Phyllis: No, I didn't move because of it, but was excited to be able to slip away and simply did not choose to divulge that info to him... I'm sure he could have found me through my work because I transfered, but doubt anyone from my old office would have told him much if he had tried... I was in a relationship with now DH too, so it was almost like a one-sided affair... I just felt wierd... told DH and he thought so too... I haven't heard from him since...

I agree about the DOMS this coming week! as I have taken off the past 2 weeks, and the January Cathe rotation is packed full of 60+ minute killer workouts, I think it is just what the Dr. ordered so we are gonna have to take off the skirts and roll up the sleeves ladies! (Jerry, I didn't think I needed to include you in that, but...) :) We're gonna be doing some sweatin' come Monday!!!

Well JJ: you take care of that hip! and if it isn't starting to feel better in a few days, definately go see your Dr. maybe you over-exherted a hip flexor? but definatley don't let it go on too much longer if you see no improvement with rest, ice and advil! :( sorry you are in pain! take care of yourself... you can always do seated military presses and upper body stuff from a chair (insert evil bwahahaha laugh here!) can't let your whole body go to sh*t! I'll let you know about IronMan :)

Well it's almost time to start coffee... I don't drink but one cup, so I don't start it until DH is just about to get up... Ok, be GOTTEN up by Missy Lou! she has about 50 minutes left and she is getting phyched!
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Good morning Peeps :) I'm a bit tired this morning as my sleep was interrupted a LOT last night. DH went to Denver to hang out with his brother & their friend and planned on spending the night. A couple of hours after going to bed, DD came into my room saying she had a nightmare and so I had her climb into bed since DH wasn't there. A couple of hours after that, DH came home! I wasn't expecting that and I heard him when he got home. Then a few hours after that, I had to get up to let the dogs out. I let them out and then laid down on the couch for an hour or so then I had to get up to feed them.

No workout for me today as I have a ton to do to get ready for work on Monday...ironing, grocery shopping, cleaning house, cleaning the 46 gallon fish tank (I'm with you there, Phyllis!). I guess yesterday was my last hurrah for eating before the first full week of the new year. My eating was completely craptacular :eek:

BBL for personals as I need some breakfast and a little more tea!
Hi again,

Well, I made it through BM 2 without stopping. I did the power circuit intervals on my rebounder, and my heart rate went crazy. I admit I was pretty tired by the end of it, but I did it!

I agree about Batman - there have been several mentions about that voice issue from several columnists reviewing the film, it is getting way out of hand and just not believable at all anymore.

Dani - Skyline Chili is the be all end all of good junk food stuff. They originated in Cincinnati, and there is a huge midwest following for this stuff. It is so different but is soooo good. They serve it over pasta, and you have cheese, onion, beans, whatever you want on it. They have a website, check it out!!!
Good morning, everybody! It IS still morning, right? LOL

OK.......on Ellie's urging, I'm going to try to become a Peep! :) I'm not a very good checker-inner. I tend to go in phases.....posting a week or 2 in a row, then not posting at all for days. I'm not very good at all the personals, but I PROMISE TO TRY to keep up with you all!

Having said that....

I'm here today. Saturday. And I'm tired. I hosted Bunco at my house last night and my best friend (who luckily lives across the street) was here till after 12:45am and we were just chatting away. My younger DS stayed at a friend's house and my older DS had a friend stay here. I got up at 8am this morning for today's workout. Workout was 1RM tests.....18 of them, to be exact. I started my 1RM testing yesterday with chest, shoulders and biceps (17 tests done yesterday) and I'm sportin' some PEEPIN' DOMS today! This morning was 18 tests for back, tris and legs. Feeling AWESOME!

I'm looking forward to Monday. lol Good eats, consistant workouts start again Monday. I sort of took a laid back approach to eating and workouts these past 2 weeks. Meaning......I'd workout in the AM, eat all day long and LAY BACK at night till late morning! LOL

ANYWAY.......I, Gayle, do solemnly swear, to try my best to be a dedicated Peep and become worthy of your company!



I must admit that I am sometimes not that good at personals either, but it gets easier... sorta like working out... you do it because you HAVE to and then eventually you do it because you like/want too!

I will have to pick your brain on the Bunko thing... we are trying to find something (other than happy hour) for us to do at the office ladies, and have heard a lot of good/fun about Bunko, but have NO idea how to play it!

anyway, good to have you with us officially!
Dani-Bunco is so easy a CAVEMAN (or woman) CAN DO IT! When I have more time, I'll explain a bit, but if you google it you'll find tons of info. SEriously, if you can roll dice, can count to 21, eat, drink and chat with the ladies, you're all set!!!!

Peeps Check-in


Happy weekend! I enjoyed a blessed 24-hour New Year’s retreat in my favorite cottage. After watching the ball drop, I slept like a baby for 8 hours and woke up feeling refreshed, renewed, alive, and energized to tackle a new year of challenges and great adventures. Watching Facing the Giants for the second time inspired me and moved me to tears again. The coach’s exhortation to his team spoke to my heart. This is one of my favorite inspirational movies for people like me who are smashing strongholds as we face our own giants. All things are possible!

After my quiet time, I put my game face on and kicked off a new year of fitness adventures with the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix. Fun, fun, fun! This was my first Cathe workout since Thanksgiving! I kicked butt even with the 24 extra pounds I am hauling around, and I was happy to add a fun sticker to the first day of my 2009 Cathe calendar!

I wrote a note to Jesus surrendering 144 pounds of fat, clutter, and other baggage to Him. Take the shackles off my feet so I can dance! I tied that note to one of the balloons, went to the lake at sunset, prayed, and was fixing to cut it loose so it would float to heaven. A big gust of wind carried it away. God just took it this year! God is in control, and I hope He plans to take this fat too! I want to be free more than I want food or the things of this earth. I listened to "Shackles" and danced and delighted in the Lord and enjoyed the beauty of the first sunset of 2009.

As I was getting in my car to leave, my friend Rebecca pulled up next to me and asked me to stay and walk with her. We walked for 30 minutes. I need to start training to walk/run my first 5K, and this was good practice. I am learning to walk before I run!

My eating has been sparkly clean since the Christmas Eve candelight and communion service, and my weight is holding steady. This does not surprise me. I have never been able to lose weight through clean eating alone. My body requires intense exercise. Good nutrition stops the bleeding and keeps me from gaining weight, but I need to sweat and move my body because this stubborn weight is not going down without a fight. The good news is that my feet and knees are pain free even after Cathe cardio and a walk at the lake Thursday.

After an 8-day break from animal protein, I enjoyed string cheese Thursday night. It was divine. I am so glad I am not allergic to cheese!

Ellie, clutter is a HUGE stronghold for me. I am hoping to tame the paper tiger and kick clutter to the curb in 2009. I like Clutter's Last Stand by Don Aslett for inspiration. I also like It's All Too Much and Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? by Peter Walsh of Clean Sweep fame. He believes there is a connection between clutter in my home and clutter on my butt! I agree! My retreat was so peaceful because I was in a clutter-free cottage. I want my home to be a sanctuary for my soul too. I have a "wall of shame" lined with boxes and boxes of paper clutter (and hundreds of pictures in my closet that need to be organized). Then I need to deal with my shoe collection and my wardrobe in every size from 8 to 28! I have baskets and piles of clothes everywhere because they do not fit in my closets. I started taking baby steps on Christmas Eve. I am looking forward to getting lean and clean and clutter free with the Peeps in 2009!

Conni, welcome to Peepville! I want to add some dancy and fun hi-lo workouts to my rotation. Have you given the new FIRM Cardio Dance Fusion a whirl? I have not wanted a FIRM workout in years, but this one looks like fun. I love my rebounder for Cathe’s high impact moves.

Dani, I have been praying for you and your health concerns. Are you getting back on track with good nutrition? When is your stress test? Happy cleaning this weekend!

Phyllis, I love aquariums. Water is so soothing to me. I can imagine that cleaning it would be a chore!

JJ, I am sorry about your hip. Hugs and prayers. I hope rest and ice help.

Jill, I hope you get some rest this weekend.

Gayle, you are already worthy of our company. There is no pressure for personals here, but I confess that I read yesterday and did not post because I did not have time for personals. LOL! This is a fun bunch! Do you warm-up with cardio before starting your one-rep max tests? I am planning to start tomorrow with chest and back.

Hugs to Jerry, Karin, Vilma, Wendy, and any other Peeps who visit today.

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Good afternoon, fellow chicken/duck shaped marshmallow treats with sugar on 'em!!

I had my first cardio workout at Miracles Fitness, I love their approach...they cater to women, men over the age of 45, and seniors...no jock types wanted!!! I was a full fleged member a few years back. I did a great 30 minute elliptical workout!

Tonight I'll be watching the football playoffs, and cooking dinner for DW, who's working...nothing fancy, just grilled skinless chix thighs and a veggie.

Ellie...I also enjoyed the Bucket List, I like almost any movie with Jack Nicholson. I think it's great that you have a friend that you stay in touch with after all these years. Certainly something I wish I had!

Conni..I saw Skyline Chili featured on Food Network, definitely would be up my alley!

Dani...I hate those classmate and reunion things...I have zero desire to contact anyone from my high school years, they say that high school is the best 4 years of your life growing up..if it's the case, I had one lousy childhood. In high school here, you were measured by the number of homes or businesses you owned, of which we had neither.

Gayle...Way to rock out those 1 RM's...you're going to love STS, I just know it!

Heather...I share your love of 4DS KickBox, and will be starting my rotation this week, along with improved eating!!

Hi to all fellow peeps!
I’m caffeinating myself as I’m just so tired also but its due more tom. I still have not done my cardio for the day and I may just end up taking a power nap before I start my wo.

Usually when I feel the way I do at this moment that helps a lot. Yes I have drunk my quota of H2O for the day plus some lol. Did the 40 oz on wake up, another 20 running around in the car and after my coffee another 20 not including the 40oz I had to make my tea with. I think that’s good eh?

Honestly since the kids have been on holiday my sleep/wake cycle is all screwy which means my workout times are too.

Sorry I never got back on yesterday but I was tuckered out.

I need to get back to a ‘normal’ sleep cycle starting tomorrow night hopefully by 10 pm I’ll be in bed myself.

That’s wonderful that you still are in touch w/ your HS friends.

Bucket List made me cry so much and after that I just had to download that song Say. It was just such a good movie.

We rented that movie once and I never bothered watching it after the 1st 15min. I multitask throughout the house constantly and if a movie does not get my attention pronto well then its forgotten lol

Good for you on BM2 I really like that rebounder idea as I have mentioned to you in the past. I just don’t have the room for anymore fitness related products here lol. I haven’t done BM2 since summer time.

wow that old male friend – sounds quite uncomfortable, I don’t blame you one bit for not sending a forwarding address lol what was he looking for? An affair or something? What married man continually calls a female friend saying such things – creepy.

Oh man I hated Christen Bale’s throaty Batman voice- why on earth did he feel the need to speak that way – so annoying really.

DH & I didn’t feel Batman was all that anyway besides it being soooo long. We honestly just watched it to see Heath Ledger in it – we love his movie A Knight’s Tale- now that was a fun movie to watch and nice for the family too lol. That pencil trick was not something we thought our 10 yr old should watch. He did a great villain that’s for sure.

Phyllis good luck on the tank cleaning – that’s the main reason I won’t get one although the kids have asked in the past for fish – I just tell them it’s a bad idea w/ 2 cats in the house ;)

JJ sounds like a very good idea about taking that week off. I do notice if I run more than I’m used too and run hard my hips hurt also and I just take some naproxen and lay off on the running for a few days or just do a power walk instead.

I hope your hip area gets well soon.

Iron Man was a must have dvd purchase for us here – now that was a great movie per the entire family.

Seems like lots of us Peeps are just lacking in energy today eh? My youngest had a nightmare last night also and since dh is at work during that time she happily slept in our bed lol

Gayle Just post when you can, life gets busy for all and there are times when I just can’t post. Check ins do keep me motivated to continue with my fitness goals though ;)
I have no clue about Bunko either lol sounds like fun though.

Heather! So glad to see you posting and your retreat sounded so wonderful. Kudos to you for starting 2009 with clean eating something I need to do once again after all the darned cookies I had over this holiday season.

that gym’s approach is great – we have a local Gold’s Gym that we just stay clear from as its jocks all the way – meh not our type of thing at all lol .

So you and your DW start WW soon? I am a lifetime member since 2004 and it’s a great plan. I need to go and check out this new Momentum Plan which sounds like a combo of points and core.

I hope I got everyone today and wish all a great Saturday.

Hi everyone! I am trying to finish my book for my book club meeting tomorrow. I was the one that picked this book and we usually meet the first Sunday of the month, but I kind of forgot. It dawned on me on New Year's Day that I had to read the book in 3 days. It has been a pretty quick, interesting read and I have about 50 more pages left. I feel pretty confident that I will finish tomorrow before 3 pm.

The book for book club is "Three Cups of Tea" by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin. Mortenson tries to climb K2 in Pakistan and does not succeed. He almost dies and is very weak and a village takes him in and cares for him until he is strong enough to travel home. While he is in the village he sees that there is no school for the children and that they go to school outside and are not shielded from the elements. So, he makes a promise to build them a school and the book is about building this school and others that he has built.

It is totally relevant to current political issues in the world. He emphasizes the importance of education and how education can aid in not creating fundamentalists. It's a very powerful book.
Karin-I LOVED Three Cups of Tea!!! My book club read it several months ago and it got an all-around THUMBS UP from the gang! Right now, we're reading Mary, a historical fiction book about Mary Todd Lincoln (Abe's wife).

HI EVERYBODY ELSE! Busy taking the Christmas tree stuff down! YUCK!

I am unable to update tonight ossifer, due to the teeny weeny little bottles of beer that I had after the mimosas at breakfast. Now mind you PEEPS, I DON"T drink except on a rare occassion (like when Dani recomends a bottle of whiskey for a cold, but that's another wholr story. :p:p:p:p
And i am having a terrible time typing because the computer is making funny faces at me :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
But I wanted to say nite nite and I will update in the am when the freakin house stops spinning and I stop laughing at everything my DH says because he's not nearly as funny as me. But one quick funny story. I called a friend from the Irish pub where we were and told her to call her 18 yr old son on his cell phone. She said why and I said just do iy and ask him him where he is. A few seconds later I saw the kid answer his cellphone and then he walked over to where we were all sitting and said "My mom wants to talk to you". We roared. Don't worry, we had a designated driver (obviously NOT me) and drove him home. I think I just wrote one long run on sentence with gangling particples and prepositions at the end of sentences and OH GOD, do you guys remember conjunction junction??? I loved that show. I can still sing the songs. Conjuction juction what's your function , we hook up words and phrases and clauses I better go to bed. Cause I'm just a bill sitting on capitol hill..........................................
OMG!!! Ellie.... that's the funniest thing I have ever heard since my 5 martini night! or was it 6??? nite nite Ellie...
ok, in control now... and I can see as the tears (of laughter) have been wiped from my eyes!

Sadly enough, I DO remember those little catchy diddies from Electric Company!!! :eek: and I don't even have kids! sheesh, thanks Ellie... now I have those stupid songs going through my head...

...and i'm sitting here on capital hill... don't know if i ever will... cuz i'm just a bill... conjunction junction what's your function? And, but 'n or, will get you pretty far! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

anyway, somebody slap me so I can focus on something other than these songs!

Ellie: LOVE those Irish Pubs! Our favorite place for weekend meals... Three Angry Wives! and one by my work is McMullans Irish Pub... my fav is Chicken Florintine... which is very BAD, but oh so yummy... mashed potatoes with grilled chicken... so far not so bad, but it is the mushroom gravy they smoother it with that kills it... they DO put spinach on top though... does that count? I'll make sure to WHISPER in the morning! oh, and I thought you had "forgotten all about that..." you know... apparently you were an elephant in another life! sheesh!

Gayle: hmmm... I think I can handle all those things... do you have to do them all at the same time though? LOL!? that may be an issue for some of us! j/k! I googled it a few weeks ago but then got interrupted or side tracked and forgot all about it until you mentioned it today! will have to bring it up to the group... I think we would like that better than cookies or potlucks!

Heather: Thanks for the prayers and encouragement... My stress test is tuesday and a results follow up on the 10th... Your retreat sounds absolutely fabulous! so glad you were able to have some "YOU" time and get your house in order, metaphorically and literally! ;)

Jerry: good for you on joining the gym... all kinds of new memberships for you this month! I remember you work at a hotel or something like that correct? how is it that it closes for the winter? just wondering, so I'm in the know :) let me know what you think of the new WW program... are you guys doing online or the actuall "go to a meeting" version? I just hated going with all the old ladies (literally in their 60's & 70's) when I was a member several years ago... I'd weigh in and leave... absolutely nothing in common with them... guess that's what you get when you live in an area that is predominately a retirement or tourist destination... Might be different here, but won't go now...

Vilma: I LOVED that Say song too!!! I had searched High and Low for that soundtrack and finally found it a few weeks ago, and the darn song isn't even ON THERE!!! I was SO mad... I am completely in LOVE/LUST with John Mayer! mostly because it was DH and my first kiss CD! I have IronMan to watch too, so will do that tomorrow night after football! As for the HS guy... I'm sure that was part of it, but the fact that we were 1500 miles apart wasn't gonna get him much... after the first conversation and all the catching up about long lost mutual friends and "what have you been up to for the past 20 years" questions, I really didn't know what else to say... He traveled a LOT with his job and kept mentioning that he might be in Alaska (when I lived there awhile back) but never showed up... I'd have to guess that I would conveninently be out of town if he ever had... very creapy, I agree... he was a pretty good friend in HS though, so it's sorta sad too...

Karin: so, did ya finish that book??? about the closest thing I came to a book club was that movie about 'em... can't even remember the name now, but it was about a group of women (and a love interest guy) that start a book club and read all the books by Jane Austin... I don't think I could read that much... I have trouble with the phone book!

catch ya in the morning!
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