Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec!

Janis, so sorry to hear your bad news. You take care and don't push yourself too hard!

I am getting my tower Thursday, yeah! :) Can't wait to try it out, especially Meso 2 & 3!

I did Insanity Max Cardio this morning and this evening I popped in Kelly Coffey Meyers Cardio Blast step workout. That was quite fun! (and another "sweaty" little workout from her newest) I'm still sore from Sunday mornings standing section of Body Training. I am doing the Meso 1 discs out of order, doing legs in between the 2 upper body workouts. (like in Meso 2 & 3) So Monday & Friday evenings are the upper body workouts and Wednesday evenings are the leg days. I am wondering how on earth I'm going to get through tomorrows workout still being this sore!! OUCHIE!

I'll post again tomorrow to let everyone know if I survived ;)

Hey Everyone

I did LIC cardio and core today for fun and then spent 6 hours driving. I really should go for a walk or something now to get my brain back! I am very surprised but I am not that sore from all those push-ups. Tomorrow it's legs and then working from home, which will be nice after today!

Janis - I am glad that you are getting looked after? Did the doctor give you plan? a timeline? I know how hard it is to not get to run so I am rooting for you!

Jenn - I was seriously shocked at how much I could actually do when I did the 1RM testing. Actually I am always amazed. I looked at the numbers for disc 4 for chest and back this time and totally doubted that I could do that weight and low and behold I did it! 1RM testing does seem to take a long time though!

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday
I did IMAX this morning and then Ab Circuits Yoga. I actually managed 3 of the levitation holds, but definitely none with my legs out in front of me. ;)

Does anyone else think IMAX is harder the IMAX 2? I've always had a hard time with blast #8 and those darned power scissors. For whatever reason, my quads just do not like those.

I got my first notice that UPS has my tracking info, but don't have a day yet. I'm really hoping it's Thursday not Friday because I will be gone Friday afternoon and DH will be home and he doesn't know about it yet. So, I was hoping to get it and have it all set up when he comes home. Now if it's Friday I'll have to explain ahead of time that yes I really needed another workout toy. :D

The only place I"m really sore from Disk 1 is my way outer pec muscles. I'm not sure I've ever felt it that much in that area before. Usually I'm sore all across the front and just off to the side a bit.

Janis I'm sorry you're having trouble right now. I hope you are able to figure out a plan to help you get back where you want to be.
I started the 1 rep tests today and hated every minute of it. They shouldn't be that hard but it is truly a challenge. Like some crazy mental blockage.

Did you guys do all of them or just certain ones? How can I make them fun? Sorry to whine, I am such a baby. :eek:

Peaceful Rainbow - I have never done Imax, so I can't compare. I think Imax 3 is harder than Imax 2 but I love Imax 2.

Denise - Do you do double workouts everyday?

Heather - I love the music in LIC that is such a fun workout.

Janis - Glad you were able to get some upperbody in, 4 weeks were fly by and you will be completely recovered.
I did all the 1RM tests the first time I did STS and then this time I just tweaked them a bit before I started.

My tower will be here tomorrow!!! Can't wait to be able to use it next week. :D

This morning I did disk 2 and the equipment changes aren't as bad in this one. My biggest problem is all the adjustments to my wrist weights so that I'm lifting the right number of pounds.

Robert during band work is so funny to watch in this one. His expressions are hilarious.

Have fun today everyone. My oldest is 11 today and DH is coming home at noon and we're going to play miniature golf. I've got to make an orange cake - not as in orange flavor, but orange color. I'm going to try using a bit of fresh juiced carrot and see how it goes.
Hey Everyone

I did disc 6 today. It went really well especially when I look back at what I was doing the first time around!. I am putting my legs day in the middle of the week so I can do Butts and Guts/ Legs and Glutes on the weekend. I went for a 30 min run after just because I could today. Both kids are in school today and the sun was shining and I had worked a really long day yesterday!

Jenn- I did most of the 1RM's but it was not fun for sure. I broke them up over a week so that I wouldn't get too bored or too tired out. I also loved your comment about being patient and everything will be waiting for you when you are better. I wish I could have heard that last spring when I was just kept on working out despite an injury.

Peaceful Rainbow - good luck with your orange cake! and your tower.

Denise - Wow, I am impressed that you can do Insanity in the morning and another cardio blast in the evening? How long are each of them?

Janis - I hope STS is going well in the seated position! It will get better soon!

MJ - Hope you had a nice time with the grandparents!

Talk to you tomorrow
Hi all! I am trying to do 2 workouts a day, each about 30-40 minutes each (except STS of course). This morning I did Kelly's new Plyo workout and it was pretty easy for me since I've been doing Insanity (call it Insanity "light"). I still sweated a bunch! :)

I did STS legs tonight. I am going to go lighter than normal on legs and really put my all into them. I want to make sure I do EVERY leg workout---last time through (since Bri and I did each week twice) I sometimes skipped a leg workout. I don't want to skip any of the 12 this time!! I finished up by drinking a protein drink and calling it dinner ;)

Hello STS girls and Bri

No sts for me today, I went for a swim and then did floorwork that Morningstar put together for me. I {heart} Morningstar! Never underestimate the power of floor work. Wowzer.

Denise - I am excited about the power tower too, mine won't be here until Tuesday, I guess that is one disadvantage to living on the west coast. Two cardio workouts a day! You Amazon woman you! Now - I just have to say this because I have an over use injury - be very mindful of your body and get plenty of rest so you don't over train! Unfortunately I had to learn that lesson the hard way.:) How is Brian doing?

Heather - The plan the orthopedic guy gave me was a) stay off of it b)swim c) no load bearing d)try biking in 2 weeks e)come back in 4 weeks for new x-ray and we'll go from there.

I do a lot of driving too. A lot. Those long car rides can be brutal on the back, so I can completely relate to the need to run it out. Congrats on your 30 minute injury free run and STS legs today. I bet it felt great!

Cathy - WOW YAY! 3 levitation holds! Impressive! I haven't done any of the Imax's but now I am very curious about power scissors. :D When I restarted STS, I think it was disc 1, I was sore on the outer pecs too - right at the armpit juncture. I kind of liked it! Happy bday to your son, may he get a hole in one miniture golfing. I love mini-golf. :D And Wii golf too. It deludes me into believing that I am an excellent golfer! How did the cake turn out? Why orange color and not orange flavor??

Jenn - Could you do the 1 rep test to music, or even to the appropriate STS dvd? Hey, thanks for your encouraging words that time will fly by, I am having the same vision/plan. How is your family doing in Vegas, have you heard from them?

Well - enough blathering for one day. Tomorrow is STS disc whatever, 8 I think. I may actually swim tomorrow and do 8 on Friday. Friday I need to attend a webinar for the principal of my son's school, it's on a new writing/editing program called Criterion, it looks really good, anyway if I swim on Friday I won't be home in time for the webinar.

Have a good one.:
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Hi all,

Here is my new plan to do the 1 rep tests and then restart on Oct 11. That will take me right through meso 1 and then my rest week will be the week I have to adjust my schedule at work. ;)

Janis I started the tests and had disc 1 on but that wasn't working so I put on Amy Bento's Step challenge #3. I will have to figure out something.

I have heard from the family. I talk to them everyday. My nephew did great on the plane, slept most of the way and then was fascnitated with all the activity out the window while on the tarmac. They are having great time and will be home late Friday night/early Saturday morning.

Peaceful Rainbow - Hope DS has a great birthday!:D How did your cake turn out?

Heather - Glad you had a great day.
Hey Everyone-

I have had a couple of insanely long and intense days at work. Sometimes this being in charge thing is not all its cracked up to be. lol ;)

Anyway, I didnt get to workout yesterday because of work, grrrrrr...but this morning I managed to fit in some cardio. I did the IMAX 3 step only premix, but did the step combos twice to help knock out the stress some more. Hopefully, I can get back on track with STS tomorrow. I am determined to not let the rotation get away from me this time and make sure I stay reasonably close to my target schedule.

Looks like everyone is doing well the last two days with their workouts, which is great to see. :)

Need to try to catch up on some sleep now. Be back tomorrow. Have a good night and a good day tomorrow everyone. :cool:
This morning I did Power Max which left me drenched. Followed it up with Ab Circuits Stability Ball Abs. That's my favorite of the AC workouts. For whatever weird reason I love doing the one legged pikes. :D

The orange cake turned out well. At least they all like it. I made fresh carrot juice and added it in until it was a light/medium orange color. Both the cake and the frosting. I have no idea why he wanted it orange

Janis power scissors are pretty much the same thing as power lunges. And being a blast there's a lot of them.
Hey Everyone

One of my boys were sick today and I think I over did it yesterday so I took today off. It was actually good, I caught up on some work and hung out a snot nosed kid.

Tomorrow is Disc 5! I'll try do some pull-ups!
Talk to you later
Got my tower yesterday and it's all put together and waiting for me to use it next week. :D

This morning was Disk 3-legs and if my memory is serving me well it's the leg workout that killed me more than any other in STS. I'm hoping to be able to walk tomorrow - though I found with STS that often the second day was worse.

Heather I hope your son is feeling better today.
Hi STS-er's

I just finished disc 8, back and tri's. I modified a lot. Basically I skipped all the barbell rows and deadlifts, and did everything else sitting or with absolutely no weight on my right leg. One of the trainer's at the Burn the Fat Inner Circle, Ed is his name, gave me a list of modifications. He was very helpful. What I found most helpful was his discussion about using this recovery time to work and develop my pull muscles in my back.

Towards the end of disc 8 there is the reverse fly for the back. It was excellent! With all of the swimming I have been doing, I could really feel where this exercise was working me - right between the shoulders! Yes.

How is work MJ? Where are you in the rotation?

Heather how is your darling snotty nosed kid? Mine is sick too, but he refuses to miss a single day of school this year. He put the C in competitive. He makes me look like a whiner. LOL! What did you do today?

Cathy - I love disc 3. That's the beauty of STS, we revisit the work outs after such long interval, we get to fall in love all over again. Ditto on the second day is worse. Delayed onset BUTT soreness. Although I kind of like Delayed onset Glute soreness. Whether you go with DOBS or DOGS it is always a good feeling. :)

Hi Denise and Brian - how are y'all?

I'm trying not to obsess about the new junk on the back of my thighs - real or imagined - it is driving me nuts!
Phew, Brian and I just finished up Back and Triceps, disc 2 which finishes week 1 workouts. I am feeling it already! We used the new tower for pullups. Brian did great! I kept my knees bent and did them but I still felt it, ouch! So far everything is looking great.

Denise and I just finished our first week of Meso1. We just finished doing our Back and Tri's! This was our first time using the "Tower" and it KICKED my butt! :D
Denise says if I keep doing as well as I am on the tower, that my back is going to get ripped up!! Can't wait! After doing the chinups and pullups I could hardly do the barbell and dumbbell rows. The last time we did this first week of STS we could only use tubing and I NEVER got a good burn during the workout. Now with the tower my back is still burning as I am writing this!! :eek:

Sorry I haven't posted more, I am just not used to having somewhere to talk about working out except with my wifey.
Talk to everyone soon
Hi Everyone-

Just got home from work, whew...glad this week is over. Anyway just a quick post to check-in. This morning I did Lowmax premix 1 and in a little while here I need to do disc 6 to get back on track and then catch up on at least disc 7 tomorrow.

Be back later for personals after I get disc 6 finally done. :confused:
Hi Everyone - I am planning to restart STS on Monday. I had originally started a few months ago, but life got in the way (I know...excuses, excuses). Anyway, this time I am going to stick with it. Today I did Cardio Coach Volume 3 and Yoga Based Abs (or a reasonable facsimile of it ;)).
Have a good weekend!
Saturdays are my rest day and that's good because my legs are really mad at me this morning. ;) It's going to be one of those fun days where sitting and standing are forms of torture. At first it was mostly the hamstrings, but I just had to get up and walk downstairs and the glutes are in on the act now.

For fun it's my shopping day and I drive 45 minutes to where I shop, so I get to sit for 45 minutes and then attempt to get out of the van and walk.

Denise and Brian do you have duplicates of all the equipment so you can use it at the same time or are you taking turns. My DH and I both workout, but I'm a morning person and he's barely functional then, so he waits till he gets home from work to workout.

Enjoy your weekend everyone. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful one here and at least my eyes are working so I can see that without pain. :D
Hey Everyone

Looks like everyone is doing really well at keeping up with their STS schedule! I am impressed Janis that you are able to keep it all going with your injury! Koodos to you!
The boys are still pretty snotty but it's funny kids just seem to bounce back so quickly!

I did Disc 5 yesterday and thought I had done great until this morning when my neck was pulling! I know there was one exersice that I was doing incorrectly and changed the movement half way through the movement. I did Legs and Glutes today and got really warm and have been doing lots of neck stretchs... so I'm crossing my fingers. I am hoping not be have a sore neck and be kringing everytime I sit! Peaceful Raindbow! I know that feeling oh to well! Welcome Lori and Brian. Glad that the tower is working so well!
I'm off to enjoy my Sat and then probably a run tomorrow!
Have a good day everyone!

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