Leslie Sansone....


;-) Hi everyone! I was just wondering what anyone's opinion is of the Leslie Sansone walking tapes? Can they be good for fat loss in a Cathe rotation? I have the super calorie burn tapes that equal 4 and 3 miles and she suggests using light hand weights. I do Cathe mostly but im thinking about working out twice on some days to speed up my fat loss. If anyone has them please let me know. I am a high intermediate/lower advanced and can usually get through Imax with a few modifications. Circuit Max I have a few more modifications because I think it is harder. Thanks to all.....Tracy

I will be interested to read replies to your question, I was contemplating Leslie Sansone myself :)

Anna :)
I happen to like Leslie, I don't think you get any more low impact than that. I like to vary the intensity of my workouts, so her tapes are perfect for a low energy day or if I'm doing strength and want to add a little cardio but don't want to jump or hop. These are great for when I don't feel like working out. Her tapes are pretty easy, but hand weights will definitely add intensity and you can also add hops, bigger movements, etc. I have the WAP and WAP for Abs and an older 2-mile tape that is really fun, and a little more faster paced. She is a little chatty though.


By the way, I don't think you need to work out twice a day. You don't want to wear yourself out. I believe exercise should be fun, and I know if I thought I had to exercise twice a day or even every day for that matter, that would not be fun to me.

Don't rush weight loss, slower is healthier. Exercise for your health and to have more energy, something good you do for yourself, not just to lose weight. I think we should enjoy life and fit exercise in, not the other way around. I believe in balance and moderation in all things. Just my opinion. I usually lurk here because I know I am in the minority on this and many other things, but I did want to jump in and offer my opinion this time. I will never be able to get through IMax without modifications, but that's ok. I workout at my level and I feel great. I love variety and Cathe is very high on the "fun" factor, nobody does step better!
Thank you so much for your reply. Yeah I guess your right about the working out 2x's per day. It may be a little extreme, and it will probably take the fun out of it. Slow is better and an occasional lower impact tape is probably a good thing. I love allof Cathe but some days im not up to that higher intensity. I feel so wondderful in every aspect of my life when I have worked out and I never want to lose that fabulous feeling. Thanks again! :+
I just did Walk away the pounds for the abs 3 mile super calorie burn and it was fun! I used 3lb dumbbells instead of the band and belt and I did some higher impact running and a little jumping on intervals but the tape was great! I think you will really love it.....Give it a try..Tracy ps let me know if you like it:)
I have a Leslie Sansome and use if for when I want to (or have time) to do a second workout but know a step tape will be too much...or when I'm recovering from having been ill and need something lite. I think there is always a time and a place for a low impact workout and am glad I have it in my collection. Also you can modify it any way you want by adding hand weights, picking up the pace, whatever.

I haven't ever used it to help speed fat loss so can't answer that.
I have the WATP series tapes and I use them in my Cathe rotations. I like Leslie a lot. Although, she can chat your head off if you really listen to her (I usually just tune it out) but if you can get past that you'll get a good low-impact heart pumping walk. Note: Leslie is geared towards beginner/intermediates and may not get your heartrate up to where you like it to be if your super advanced in the cardio dept.

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