Legs Like Halle Berry!


New Member
How do I get great legs like Halle Berry? I've been doing Legs and Glutes, Butts and Guts, High Step Challenge, Kick Punch and Crunch, Travel Fit and Cardio Core Circuit, and while I've received great results, I still have my trouble areas (saddlebags and cellulite) that won't really go away. I saw this picture of Halle today and was like, how do I get my legs to look like hers?
You took the words right out of my mouth! :p

Really, your goal shouldn't be to have someone else's body parts, but to have the best of YOUR body parts you can get! Be proud of what you accomplish for YOURSELF and not to look like someone else!

That's the only way to be happy with yourself!


Mostly genetics ... choose your parents carefully. :)

How do I get great legs like Halle Berry? I've been doing Legs and Glutes, Butts and Guts, High Step Challenge, Kick Punch and Crunch, Travel Fit and Cardio Core Circuit, and while I've received great results, I still have my trouble areas (saddlebags and cellulite) that won't really go away.

If you want to get rid of fat and lessen the appearance of cellulite.....focus on your diet! Avoid processed food. ;)
Hi Bluewater! Ditto on all the advice here. You have to focus on being the best YOU can be. Diet and exercise are equal parts of the equation so make sure that you eat as clean as possible along with your weight training and you will see a HUGE difference. Good Luck!

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