learning step routines


Hi everyone,

I wanted to get some input from all of you on how you learn new step routines. I love all Cathe's workouts, but when I try to learn her step routines I find they are too fast for me to catch on to and I give up and go on to a different tape.

I'd love to especially hear from the step-impaired!!

Commitment and tons of rewinding! Learning the first couple step tapes is the hardest, but once you have one or two under your belt, Cathe uses similar moves in other videos so the learning curve goes up exponentially. Also to ease my frustration I'd practice my Cathe step routines on a rest day so I wouldnt feel the added frustration of "wasting" a workout hitting the rewind button constantly.

If at first you don't suceed, try, try again! There are some that I don't do at all because they are too intricate but I have my tried and true favorites. Just keep doing the workouts and one day you'll just get a move that had confounded you! Good luck!

Bobbi http://www.plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif Chick's Rule!
Doing them on rest days is a great idea. My biggest frustration is the sense of "wasting" a workout hour during the only time of day I have to myself.

Too bad they're not choreographed on paper somewhere like dance steps!

Try learning without your step. Use masking tape to mark the outline area of your step. Stepping into the marked area is faster than stepping up onto even a 4" platform. Plus you don't have to worry about tripping over your platform or not stepping completely onto your step & falling off the side or flipping it. I'm speaking from experience here. :) Take your time, try one section at a time even just the warm up & do it several times over & over then come back another time to try more.
You can do it!
When learning a new video I pretty much do just what Bobbi said. Just do it, putting in your own footwork version or substitution until one day you find you're doing the step just like Cathe. Several steps still confuse me, and I haven't gotten the "flying angels" yet, I think my feet are too big! But many steps I thought I'd never get I finally got after months of doing the workout and/or doing my own footwork thing. The important thing is to have fun with it and keep moving. :)

I can totally relate to your frustration. The first time I took a step class at a gym I was the only one who seemed to be on the wrong foot and turned in the wrong direction. I didn't do step for years after that. When I finally decided to learn, I started with the best, Cathe. Try using her older videos to start(Mega Step Blast, Get in Shape for your wedding, Step Heat, Step Max.) With each new video, it is usually taken for granted that one is familiar with the older moves, and you can build from there. I am happy to report that I have mastered ALL Cathe's videos.....Even Rhythmic Step after a few times. Keep trying, you'll get it!
Thanks for all the encouragement ladies! And BTW, I thought I was the only one that had ever flipped the step or fallen off the side ;) I'll keep trying!
Watch a tape a couple of times, then try it without a step and rewind.

Like a dope, I did only step #1 with Rhythmic Step and never did get part 3 & 4 down. I'll have to drag it out and follow my own advice.
I agree with all the above, I watch the tape several times, and then commit to doing that video for about 4 weeks 3 times a week than have a break.

When I come back to the tape I normally have it down.

I'm trying to learn Rhythmic Step. I haven't been a big stepper until Cathe so this is all new to me! I've decided to tackle it one step at a time. I have done it 4 times now & can get through the warm-up, the first section & I'm working on the 2nd section. I'm doing it by taking the section in small bites. You know where she says "ok, adding on," I hit rewind & go back to where I already know the section & start over. It's working for me.

Good luck & don't give up!!!!

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