Let me first say, the body part I most hate working is LEGS. However, lugging a mega-packpack and a large shoulder bag stuffed full of brocoli, cauliflower, fruits, canned beans, etc. for 4 blocks to catch a streetcar (I don't have a car) makes me really appreciate strong legs! And every week I heartily thank Cathe for putting me through h e double-l.
And the leg workout I most dread is Leaner Legs. My hands are literally shaking before I do it, and I hear a terrified whimper coming from inside me. "You don't have to do this. You can go take a hot bath, snuggle up in bed with a second cup of coffee, and read the latest Fitness magazine . . . doh! Scratch that -- it'll just make you feel guiltier!!" So I dredge up the courage to do it. I don't like it, but I feel so GOOD by the time I get to abs. I've really ACCOMPLISHED something huge, I've conquered one of my greatest fears (MIC is another one, but let's not go there) and I'm ready for the day! Have to admit though, I do nod off on the streetcar on the way to work -- I'm, like, totally whacked! When I get to work and someone asks me "How are you, Patricia?", I answer "Not good. But try me again in another hour"
So to all you folks out there who find the "strength" to do this tape as well as Cathe's others, I take my hat off to you! And I mean that seriously. It takes a certain type of true courage to put yourselves through this kind of ordeal 5-6 days a week. I'm proud of you and best of all, I'm proud of myself, too!
Let's face it, ladies and gentlemen, we are strong, in mind and body!
And thank goodness I don't have to do Leaner Legs for another few weeks! (S&H Shoulders and Legs tomorrow morning -- be still my trembling hands!)