Leaner Legs revisited


Well, I finally got Leaner Legs the other day from Firm Swap... OH MY GOODNESS! Torture, thy name is Cathe Friedrich!! Did it this morning at 7:00... I'm still feeling it! Now I know why you guys call it Meaner Legs! :) Geez I hope I can walk tomorrow!

Now THIS is an endurance workout..!


...and I like how the only "breaks" are deadlifts & calf raises! What does she call that, active recovery???

You know what though, I really loved the workout... once it was over that is!

You're scaring me!

I just got CrossTrain Xpress last week and tomorrow I planned to do Leaner legs for the 1st time, intense huh? When I was previewing it this weekend it looked like a doozy, and now that you've said the only breaks are calf raises and deadlifts, I realize you're right, those were the only "breaks." Well, I'll find out for myself tomorrow :)
RE: You're scaring me!

Don't mean to scare you but... well, put it this way, I was totally looking forward to the ab section at the end! :) Yes it is quite intense. Even Cathe herself was grunting during the lo-end lunges & plie squats at the end... I loved that!

I do actually really like this tape because it builds endurance in the legs which I need so I can run faster. It's just super tough to get through!

Let me know what you think!

RE: You're scaring me!

I had only done Standing Legs before so I thought, how tough could it be, HAH!!! It is in my rotation on Thursday and I am already planning on sitting all day Friday as the burn lasts and lasts... But I love what it does for my lower body! Don't be scared, just be ready to sweat, swear, and LOOOOVE the cool down cause you know you're done!!!
Now that you mention Leaner Legs...

This is definitely the toughest lower body tape I've ever done. My legs need a whole 48 hrs to recover. And now that you mention it what do you guys do the day after Leaner Legs??? I can't do anything no cardio no anything. I was thinking of doing yoga the next day and it might work cause I do LL in the middle of the week. Maybe I should move LL to my last day... I don't know :-rollen
RE: Now that you mention Leaner Legs...

Well I'll be doing upper body (S/H) if I can't run tomorrow. I took a 2-mile walk this afternoon during work just to work out some of the soreness I'm feeling. Yoga sounds really really nice though!

Those sit n' stand squats kill me every time!

RE: Now that you mention Leaner Legs...

Oh it's mean! I couldn't believe how she expected you to do those hovers and low ends and still keep going and then she puts an ab section! I do this thing every now and then and it always somehow lands on a 5:00 am slot! Good thing though cause I"m still half asleep and just keep going...couldn't swear much that early, but I hurt later on! It's like body pump for legs only for 50 minutes straight!
RE: Now that you mention Leaner Legs...

Oh I totally agree with you Kiwi! If I left this for the afternoon I'd never do it. Gotta do it first thing. I still can't believe we do deadlifts & calf raises as our "active recovery"... still can't believe we did low-end plie squats!! And Rhonda & Brenda actually LOST COUNT!

So I ended up doing S/H bi's and tri's this morning. There was no way I was going to use my legs in ANYTHING this morning!

Let me first say, the body part I most hate working is LEGS. However, lugging a mega-packpack and a large shoulder bag stuffed full of brocoli, cauliflower, fruits, canned beans, etc. for 4 blocks to catch a streetcar (I don't have a car) makes me really appreciate strong legs! And every week I heartily thank Cathe for putting me through h e double-l.

And the leg workout I most dread is Leaner Legs. My hands are literally shaking before I do it, and I hear a terrified whimper coming from inside me. "You don't have to do this. You can go take a hot bath, snuggle up in bed with a second cup of coffee, and read the latest Fitness magazine . . . doh! Scratch that -- it'll just make you feel guiltier!!" So I dredge up the courage to do it. I don't like it, but I feel so GOOD by the time I get to abs. I've really ACCOMPLISHED something huge, I've conquered one of my greatest fears (MIC is another one, but let's not go there) and I'm ready for the day! Have to admit though, I do nod off on the streetcar on the way to work -- I'm, like, totally whacked! When I get to work and someone asks me "How are you, Patricia?", I answer "Not good. But try me again in another hour"

So to all you folks out there who find the "strength" to do this tape as well as Cathe's others, I take my hat off to you! And I mean that seriously. It takes a certain type of true courage to put yourselves through this kind of ordeal 5-6 days a week. I'm proud of you and best of all, I'm proud of myself, too!

Let's face it, ladies and gentlemen, we are strong, in mind and body!

And thank goodness I don't have to do Leaner Legs for another few weeks! (S&H Shoulders and Legs tomorrow morning -- be still my trembling hands!)

Did it last night...

My son and I did this one last night. He is in high school and played football, so he thought it would be no big deal. At first he thought it was fun and that he should have put more weight on the bar. He did 35 lbs. and I did 25 lbs. Well it wasn't too long into those lower end squats and he was sweating and thinking he wasn't going to need any heavier weights! It is a great workout and his legs are still sore. Maybe mom isn't a whimp afterall! :) Karen
How do you all work this one in? I'm currently on a 6-week PS rotation with MIS and can't imagine where I could add Leaner Legs - especially since it sounds absolutely grueling! :-wow
Yikes Malissa!! I don't know if you should add LL to a PS/MIS rotation! You're doing lots of lower body work there already. It's part of the CTX series so lots of us do it during that rotation. I'm currently doing it during S/H because I want an extra leg endurance workout

True dat! I agree with everything that's been said. I did LL this morning and I thought I'd post now, since tomorrow, I don't plan on being able to walk over my computer. Honest.

Good thing you keep up with your upper body work as well! You can always use those strong arms to DRAG yourself to your computer!

P.S. Doing Leaner Legs first thing in the morning -- good for you!!
I've got to hand it to those of you who do this workout first thing in the morning. I don't think that I could drag myself out of bed if I knew that I had to immediately face Leaner Legs. I do love (love?!?!) this workout, as it definitely leaves me with a sense of accomplishment when it's over.
I'd be too afraid NOT to do LL in the morning~too many excuses I could come up with not to do it later in the day :)
Besides, the earlier in the am you do it, you might be half way through before you REALLY realize, "d---! the sit n' stand squats are coming up!" I didn't mention the low end plie squats because for me, that's my little game with myself, when I get to those, I can say, "last toughie left, get these over with and the rest is smooth sailing!" It's a mental thing, I have one of those spots in all Cathe's strength videos :)
Thanks! I will need to pull myself up to the computer, so no triceps work for me tomorrow! I love working out in the morning because by the end of the day, the body part I worked, starts to kick in and I can feel it. Yesterday morning I did kickbox, and around 10:00 p.m. my back and shoulders started to burn. Love those arm drills! Thanks again.
RE: Now that you mention Leaner Legs...

In my rotation, the day after leaner legs goes like this. I do 30" of treadmill walkng. I tried to do hills and did, but my legs definately felt it. Then I did the upper body portion of Body Max. I think this works OK.

My full rotation:
M: PS Chest/should/tricep & 30" cardio
T: PS Back/Bicep/AB & 30" cardio
W: PS leaner legs/Abs
TH:Body Max (upper body only) & 30" cardio
F: Body Max (step & interval only)
S: cardio tape of choice & abs (or 45" treadmill or bike)
S: rest!!!

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