Leaner legs question

Hi Sherry!

CTX Upper Body and LL are harder than the PS series! Hmmm! Could that be becuase of the higher reps? Can't wait to give them both a try. I should have Leaner Legs this weekend! :) I'll probably give it a try Friday evening or some time on Saturday. Hopefully I'll be able to run Sunday afternoon! :)

I'm really excited now! I think I'll use Leaner Legs and Power Hour as workouts to help prepare me for the new videos! :)

Hi Angie!

IMHO LL and CTX upper are harder. I think maybe it's because I usually still go pretty heavy and also because they are endurance oriented. I always am hesitant to answer questions about vids, because it's just my opinion. I do know that when I feel like I want an easier weight workout I reach for PS.:)

LL and PH will definitely get you ready for the new series!!! How exciting are they?! I can hardly wait!!

Let me know how you like LL!!:D

I have to agree. Unless you go really light on LL and CTX UB - or on the other hand you go really heavy on PS, LL and CTX UB **are tougher**! I've experienced way more muscle soreness from these two workouts than PS or SH. Maybe 'cuz I'm an ecto wimp, but they are really challenging.

I can't wait to try the new pyramid workouts. I sure hope Santa's gotten all of my hints.

Well, I did this video for the first time this afternoon AFTER having done IMAX this morning! Well, it was tough! And how come no one mentioned the ab work at the end?! That was just as tough as anything! That Cathe is relentless! :eek:
This is a great lower body workout and I know by adding it into the mix I will see some great results. Those plie squats and single leg squats were just a burnin'.
Cathe was right when she said" You'll be thinking of us tomorrow won't you?" :) Susan
Susan! Imax and LL in the same day? That's an awesome accomplishment! I'm impressed! And here we thought you'd have a tough time with LL your first time out.

Not feelin' so smug anymore,


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