Leaner legs question

Hi Anna,

That's a confusing question because Cathe doesn't use ankle weights in Leaner Legs. Not sure what you're talking about?:)

You won't need ankle weights for LL. Dumb bells and/or a barbell is all you'll need.

And "effective" ain't the word for it. Maybe "killer," "extreme," or "burning." I could barely walk after I tried it for the first time. :-wow

Hi Sherry,
I don't know what I am talking about either ? (Again, I must blame TTOTM :-rollen). I think I assumed ankle weights must be used - I am glad they are not though.

Anna :)
Oh great! I have this on it's way to me as we speak! I currently do Power Hour and Curcuit Max. My legs can barely handle those! :eek: I also recently got BodyMax & MIS so I'm hoping putting all these together will shake up my plateau! I've heard a lot about this Leaner Legs and just have to give it a shot!!! Susan
After the first 10 minutes, there is no more pain! Just kind of a burning numbness LOL.
Joking aside, it's an awesome workout. Some might think it overkill, but different strokes for different folks. It kicks my behind and I love every minute.
I really love the Step-ups in Leaner Legs.

Getting the mini-topper in 2003 will cure LL's worst feature for me: too much equipment shifting. If I had ten risers for my step I could use it for step-ups, but that is not the case, so I need my "fanny lifter tall box" (the old Firm wooden one).

Then I do calf raises on my step for the hard surface so I start the dead lifts on it. Then I need a riser or two for the one-legged squats, see?

But I love the evenness of this workout. It really works the glutes.
I'm fearing yet am excitedly awaiting my copy of Leaner Legs in the mail! I can't wait to preview it or should I just jump right into it? I may be too afraid if I preview first! :)

Hey Angie! After doing LL's this morning, I'd say jump right in!You won't believe it's only 33 minutes of legwork!!! Feels like 33 hours!!!:-wow

The real question is: "Does it ever get any dang easier?!?" I did the workout yesterday, and even though I've done it several times now, I'm still amazingly sore today. And this was with much lighter weight than the crew uses - and I cut one set of step ups. Crud.

Thanks! I always thought it longer. 33 minutes sounds like it's doable! Maybe with a dab of torture added to it but do-able! :) I'll be sure to start off with light weights.

Hope I get it by the weekend. So should I now start searching for CTX upper body? :) :)

Thanks! I always thought it was longer. 33 minutes sounds like it's doable! Maybe with a dab of torture added to it but do-able! :) I'll be sure to start off with light weights.

Hope I get it by the weekend. So should I now start searching for CTX upper body? :) :)

Hi Angie!!

It's doable, but it's torture!!:D And your question about CTX upper? Of course!!! I think it's tough. I find LL and CTX upper much harder than PS. Good luck!!

And the answer is 'NO!' it never gets any easier. I did it this morning and I am exhausted. Tomorrow is my rest day...(due to prior planning, of course)
It's now two days after LL and I'm still very sore. I had planned to do SH Legs and Shoulders tonite. Guess I'd better make other plans!
I just got this in the mail today! After reading all of these posts I'm a bit scared to try it! :eek: But I am always up for a challenge! I shall let ya'll know if my legs make it through! Susan

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