Late Breaking News!!

Oh Jane!

I'm so sorry. I cannot imagine their emotion to lose their property. Glad they are safe but it will still be so hard for them. Let your DIL know they will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
How awful...but again...atleast DIL's family members are okay...They evacuated and kept themselves safe. Very smart. Some didn't and I don't understand that...I know some couldn't afford to or whatever but those who just refused? Silly! So not worth it. You will not keep your property from being destroyed. All you are doing is putting your life in danger! When an evacuation is called there is a reason for it so if you have any means to leave...why wouldn't you???
Where are you Carla? I'm trying to imagine it, but have no concept have how things must be there. It sure sounds awful.
Having been through four near escapes last year in FLorida, I can almost relate to what you're going through. But this one was such a monster. Hurricanes are just evil!

My thoughts are with you and all the helpless animals and birds that get caught up in this weather.
Thanks, Ladies, for all the prayers and concerns. We are cleaning up and taking the boards down now. There are a lot of trees down where I am. Everywhere that is near water is flooded. There is going to be a lot of clean up needed to be done. Everywhere. It will take a very long time to get back to normal. If ever.

Ya know what really sucks, Ladies? It is not just the Gulf Coast that is going to suffer. The whole economy is. Because of Katrina gas prices are about to go through the roof. Ya know what else? We still have 2 more months of hurricane season. GEEZ!! I don't know if my nerves or my pocket book can take this!
I am so happy to hear you are safe & sound Carla. I've been worried wondering how you are doing. Still thinking of you all and are keeping watch on TV what is still to come for others. Stay safe!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Carla, glad you are safe. I don't know how you all deal with that kind of weather! Two more months...Scheesch! :)


Where are you in New Orleans? My parents went to Baton Rouge from Mandeville, so I am hoping they are ok--the lines are down, so there is no way to get in touch with them. I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Carla, so glad to hear you are safe. My DIL's family got out and are safe but their properties in Bay St. Louis, MS and Slidell, LA are obliterated. So sad.... DIL is so upset. :-(

ETA - Dani, I hope you hear from your DH's family soon.
Wow, am looking at aerial photos now on tv--it's devastating. I encourage anyone who can to donate to the Red Cross or any of the other charities who will be helping out with the disaster.
Carla -- My prayers for sure are with you and everyone down there. I wish we could do something to help you.

Later, when you can receive mail/deliveries, please let us know if we can help in any way, okay?

Hugs & prayers,
It's terrible and sad. It's getting worse by the hour. I am heartbroken for these people that have lost everything. Could you imagine? No food, no water, no electricity, no home, nothing. No job, no car. And in some cases their family members. It's overwhelming.

Carla, I hope you are ok.

I know - I've been watching the news kind of like I watch a horror movie - with my hands covering my eyes, but my fingers spread a bit. My area's Red Cross is holding a Mini BootCamp to train volunteers to help with the relief efforts. It's tomorrow and Thursday and you get deployed for a week after that. I called to see if they need more volunteers. I just cannot sit here and watch it from afar.
Dani, I'm hoping you hear from DH's family soon!!

Carla, glad to hear you're safe! My thoughts and prayers are with you.


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