Lack of Sleep ?


Hi All,

I read somewhere recently that a lack of sleep can cause that person to become larger, how many of you agree with this ? I am not the world's best early to bed person, but I can't lose weight despite really trying and sticking yo my workouts religiously. OK, I will be honest, i am terrible at going to bed early.

I have suffered from insomina for years, I normally workout at night and go to bed around 12.00pm on week nights 1.00 - 2.00 on weekends. My insomina has gotten a lot better but I find if go to bed early then bang I either have really horrible dreams or I wake up early. My worst time for sleeping is about to hit with the extra hour coming up.

Having said that regarding weightloss I am not sure if this is a factor and if it is how much of one.

Anyone out there who can answer this.
I don't know the answer but I sure hope its not true!! Between my 3 month old and other 2 small children I am seriously sleep deprived!! My baby was sleeping through the night but now he is getting up at 2-3 am to eat. plus my other 2 kids will often get up AT LEAST once a night and need attention. I read somewhere that parents with kids under age 6 are chronically sleep deprived. I have three under 6!

I hope someone knows the answer to this.

I've suffered from insomnia for about 4 years now. There have been times when it was more severe than others. I have to take medicaiton sometimes. When I was at my worst of the insomnia, I lost weight. I've read the same articles about insomnia and weight gain but it had the opposite effect on me. However, when I was awake and I couldn't sleep, I didn't head for the kitchen to eat. I don't know if people tend to eat because they are awake or not but that could be part of the problem. Typically, I didn't eat but sometimes a glass of milk helped if I was just starving. I know it is frustrating to be trying really hard to lose weight and not be able to achieve your goals. Hang in there. If you worry about the sleep, it will only make it worse. Try not to worry. I doubt if it will effect your weight. This comes from a professional insomniac. Best wishes to you.
I have read this too, unfortunately becuse I never go to bed before 2am! But it may have something to do with having more stress in your life which is said to lead to spare tyre laying down due to, is it more cortisol travelling around the body?

I can never remember this stuff accurately, but Health mag alway has articles on this. Their website should be able to fill you in, or back copies of the mag at the library.

Hi Anna,
Can't really offer any advice on the sleep front (this is NOT a problem for me at the mo!). However, on the weight-loss front, I just wanted to say "hang in there!". You have recently started a different fitness routine - let's face it, wonderful though they are - Cathe's workouts are a real shock to the system when you are new to them! Personally, when I started working out with Cathe back at the beginning of the year, my weight temporarily went up, despite eating well and exercising 5-6 times per week! I was really frustrated and posted to Cathe, who was good enough to answer me. She basically said that when you start a new routine, it can throw your body into "temporary shock", especially if you are also incorporating some kind of strength/weights routine for the first time. The muscles swell and retain water in response to the different type of workout. This is only temporary and settles down within a week or two as your body adjusts to your new routine. This may be what is happening with you. Also, if you are the type to build muscle easily, you may well be increasing your lean muscle mass, which as we know, weighs heavier than fat! Try to measure yourself, either with a tape measure, or a pair of trousers/skirt which is currently too tight. Go back to it in about a month and see how it fits.
Hope this helps a little!

Today Is The Tomorrow We Worried About Yesterday And All Is Well.
Like Clare, I have read this also and my first thought was the same as hers - the cortisol causes weight gain, but I'm not positive that is the cause. I have definitely read that not getting adequate sleep can contribute to weight gain. I am not happy about it all - like Marci, I am seriously sleep deprived because of my kids.
All the candy corn I've been eating probably doesn't help either.
Hi there,

Yes, this article I did read did mention Cortisol. I am going to try and have early nights this week, I wonder if it will make a difference to my weigh ins next week ?

I just read this in a magazine this past week(Energy). It did say that those having under 7 hours per night were apt to gain weight and store fat in the abdominal area. I have recently started getting to bed earlier and trying to hit at least 7 hours. I'm definetly feeling rested and have more energy! Good nights to you ;-) Susan
Speaking of...

I am a regular insomniac, especially during stressful times in my life.

Anxiety and depression can lead to insomnia...which alters your seretonin level in your brain...which alters mood even more...creating a vicious cycle. I'm dealing with that myself right now. I'm trying to stay on my exercise routine to help with the ole seretonin and mood...but sometimes it's just all I can do to just get up and go to work. Life is weird that way sometimes.

It's true that stress can cause weight gain, typically in the abdominal area, all due to cortisol. But this typically resolves itself when the stressor is removed from your life.

Many ZZZ's to you,
Cindy Sue

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