L&G versus PLB


I'm pre-ordering Cathe's new series. I was considering taking advantage of the free shipping offer on current workouts. I have Legs & Glutes and love it. I've contemplated getting the Pyramids since I've read such good things about them. How different is PLB from L&G? Is it really worth getting? Or are they similar enough that I can get by
without it? I'm particularly interested in the ball/floor work...

Thanks for any suggestions you all may have.

PLB is very different from L & G!!! Much harder than Legs and Gluets, in my opinion. Your Heart rate will get up there by doing the high step, Pyramiding with a barbell - its ONE TOUGH workout. Pyramids are great workouts - get it!
I think exactly the opposite!!!!!!! I like L&G's much better than PLB. I love PUB, it is my favorite upper body workout, but PLB is not!! Differences of opinion, but I do agree, it is a good workout. I do tack on the ball work quite often.
I love PLB. It can be more challenging than L&G if you want it to be. It all depends on the amount of weight you choose to use. Most people will say that L&G really gave them definition in their legs but using PLB I really saw results in the hip area. It's an excellent workout and I really like the floor work.
It's a definate must have!
Well, I think you all have convinced me to go ahead and order it. It's always easy to help other people spend their money isn't it? ;) But hey, I am saving on shipping costs. Anyway, thanks for your opinions!


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