
Did KPC yesterday. WoW!! Very intense. Still need some work on some of the moves (as I do with any new video), but man did it make me sore today x( . I was feeling it a little esp in the glutes and hams last noc. Today my glutes and hams are on fire along with my upper back- I guess from all the punching. I don't get this sore with a heavy wt w/o.

Just took a walk today to give my aching muscles a rest. But tomorrow it's HSTA }( !!

I LOVE KP&C!! It is such a blast! I especially love the drills at the very end. SO cool!!

Have fun with HSTA! That's another favorite of mine!!

I also did K,P & C yesterday and was sweating buckets. Even my shins were sweating! Once you are comfortable with all the moves, give some of the K,P,C/Legs&Glutes premixes a try. They are awesome!
KPC kicks butt. What an intense workout, especially the drills with all the high jump kicks, squat kicks etc..not to mention that low impact high intensity at its best thing right before the drills. This is always a good workout but I especially like doing it if I am upset about anything or anyone...its gets the aggravation out of my system.
I looooooove KPC!! Only problem is that I find myself walking through wal-mart later in the day just hoping that someone messes with me so that I can kick their butt!!!x(

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