KPC Story,


Hello Friends of the Forum.

My little story involves one of my cats named Madrid. I call him my "wild child" cause of his long hair and behaviour. Sometimes, he flies from the counter way above to the top of the kitchen cabinets and then can land on two feet on the ground.

Last week, I decided to do KPC as a way to recoup from a stupid injury from SB. During the time in the workout of throwing punches, Madrid thought it was a game and started throwing punches back at me. He's on my entertainment center sitting and doing kickboxing. During LM on Sunday, he thought we'd kicbox again. His brother, Seville, whom I call my "prince" just sits and watches. He has short hair and the mannerisms of royalty.

So, if anyone has a story to share of working out with your pet, please share. Thanks.

i can only imagine what that was like. I love cats. They're so funny. My cat likes to hide in weird places and attack peoples' feet when they walk past. :7 Sometimes when i'm doin my ab work, he likes to jump on my face and jump back off again, running back to his hiding place. :D

He loves to play fight too. He's hilarious! :+ :+
Okay, that's hilarious!

My dog is banned from the basement when I'm working out, otherwise he'd be in the way. Plus he thinks every time I lie down, it's an invitation for him to sit on me.
When I go into our family room to workout, my dog gets so excited and will run in there with me so that she can lick my weights. She will only go in there to do this when I am working out. I asked the vet about it and she said it was harmless, but had never heard of a dog doing that. We call her Princess LicksALot because she licks everybody. If you aren't a dog lover, I guess all of this is grossing you out!!

My Newfie Georige likes to sit directly behind my step during workouts, making it very, very difficult!:p

Also, he sits right outside my workout room, and always knows when the workout is done and its time to stretch. He saunters in lays on his back, legs in the air and "stretches" with me.:7
My cat Popeye always know when the workout is done also. He comes in stompin all me wanting some lovin:)

Whenever I'm cooling down on the treadmill my dog Joe always wants to get on the treadwill with me. So I stop it, and he gets up on the tread and stands there acting all goofy:+

I love the pet stories! Keep them coming. I usually kick Pookie out of the room when I work out because I'm too afraid of stepping on him or dropping a weight on him. I let him in during the stretch and he LOVES to stretch with me.

My yellow LH cat always seems to know when the workout is over too, because he shows up just before the stretch section.

Susan L.G.
Lol, cats are funny aren't they Susan:) Popeye does what I call the "kitty march" He gets on my belly and marches up and down with his feet. Like kneading dough:)

My girl Gracie knows Cathe's voice and she will always help me put my mats down on the floor. She likes to scratch them after she helps.

My boy George knows when it's stretching time and will come help me stretch. I love to do downward dog when he comes underneath and does upward cat! It's really that he knows that dinner comes after the stretch, but either way he can be a huge help.

I think I've made them nervous enough about being in the room when I'm working out... the mats are dark gray, my step is black and gray, and Gracie is tuxedo and George is all black. I just can't work out if they're running around underneath me! :)
I have a short haired orange colored cat -- not sure what he is -- he was given to us (along with his brother, who looks nothing like him!), but he is now 11 years old and he follows me around the house everywhere I go. While cooking dinner, sometimes while I'm waiting for things to boil, etc., I start doing kickbox kicks (front kicks, etc). He loves to play with my feet when I do this. He will even come from out of a deep sleep from where ever to play with me. Anyhow, I have a workout room upstairs that the cats don't go into while I'm working out. Well -- a couple of days ago I had a problem with my DVD player not working, so I couldn't do my Cathe's in my workout room. I had to move everything downstairs (where the only other DVD player was) until we get it fixed/replaced (still not fixed as of this date). Anyhow -- I tried to do the 4 day Kickbox cardio portion today and had so much trouble because my cat thought it was "play" time. I was in an area where I couldn't shut him out, so I felt really bad. This cat absolutely loves when I do front kicks (or any kinds of kicks) at him -- he loves to bat at my feet! Like your cat's brother, Seville, my cat's brother just sits and watches (of course the brother weighs maybe three times as much as the kickbox cat -- he is very light weight and active!)

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