KK's May Rotation

Hi Jeannette, Karen Kay, Rhea, and Jeanie!

Jeannette - hope your rides are good. You've made me want to get my bike back out so I think I'll take it to the shop next week and see if I can get my tires fixed.

Karen Kay - thanks for the kind words on the car, we got the check for the insurance company and havew decided repair the care and have my husband drive it. I am awaiting the arrival of my new car - I picked out a Cooper Mini S Convertible, such a cute little car and reminds me of a convertible I drove in college.

I plan to try to finish painting my son's room this weekend but my husband's birthday is tomorrow so I need to go out and get a present for him - he is so hard to shop for.

I am going to finish the Timesaver this weekend - I have already missed to 2 days working out this week so not such a good week for me.

On a positive note I am so proud of my 7 year old son. He has not been the most athletic/active child and we have really tried to encourage him in play and sports but could not interest him in much until he started swimming on a team last fall. It has been slow going for him but he has enjoyed it and last night he participated in a Swim-a-thon as fundraising for the team - well, HE SWAM 34 LAPS WITHOUT A BREAK. He was so proud of himself! Just had to share.

Sorry for such a long and rambling note.

Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie!

Wow! That is wonderful about your son. You must really be a proud mom -- and what a great thing to do -- to get him on the swim team. And to get him active in sports, as well.

Brings back good memories to me of when my kids were young. We lived in a condo complex with a pool -- and both my husband and I worked full time and I knew I'd never keep them out of the pool when we weren't there -- so I had them take Lifesaving lessons -- figured if one of them ever got into troube, the other could save them (they are only 2 years apart). It worked out great and they are both good swimmers to this day.

Don't worry about rambling -- I love long posts -- often go on and on myself...:+

Me, too, Natalie. Jeanette has really inspired me to get my bike fixed -- I'm just so under deadline, that it might have to wait until I'm out from under it.x(

I love the TimeSaver DVD. In September, I'll be on tour for an entire month (another author and I are doing a coast to coast tour) -- and so will be away from my DVD's and such, as hotels and motels don't usually have a VCR or DVD player. So I've thought that what I would do is cardio, anaerobics outside, and then one body part a day -- sort of like the TimeSaver or CTX idea. I know I'm going to miss my DVD's and VDR's.

Your new car sounds like fun -- a convertible -- Wow! Mine is a Toyota Camry -- nice, but functional car -- I need a functional car because of all the road trips that I do and such... But a converible. Wow!

Well, today for me was Cardio and Weights. A workout I don't do very often, and I wonder why. It's quite a good workout -- of course, I have "Buttercup" running through my head now...

Have a great day!:7
Hi Karen, Natalie, Rhea and Jeanie:

Natalie, that's pretty neat about your son on the swim team. It's so good that kids are involved in sports and enjoy them. Our poor old pool here in town was closed during the winter due to the need for MAJOR improvements and no money. Now there is no swim team or even a place where kids can learn to swim. Maybe the town will build an aquatic center in the future. It was on the ballot last fall to do a bond and have one built, but it was voted down. Guess people are just so tired of paying more and more. So sad to lose the pool but glad your son can enjoy :) .

Karen, I really would like a little Toyota Corolla because of the economy, but we'd need to sell another car to realize $ savings, not add an additional car. I drive a Jeep SUV and my husband loves it for our outings on back roads so guess we will not sell it. We also have 2 pickups that are needed too, so no additional car.

I like Cardio & Weights too. Oh yes, Karen, I received my copy of Ready, Set, Go yesterday and started reading it. Very interesting. I'm still on the Set part. Do you take any of the supplements he suggests? I'm anxious to read more tonite.

Today, Cass and I did a bike ride. She was going to do about 40 but felt strong enough and we ended up doing 58 miles. She's definitely ready for her first metric in 2 weeks. She was actually stronger for the 2nd half of the ride and rode VERY WELL. I'll soon be needing to draft off of her! It was a beautiful day for a ride.

No workout again tomorrow, but we will ride bikes to the coffee house located about 9 miles from here and sit and enjoy a nice cup or 2. When we get back, I'll help DH install one of our new countertops. He put in one of the medicine cabinets and one light bar today while we were riding. Poor guy, he finally got a couple days off (20 some days straight with no day off, 12 hour plus days) and bless his heart, he installed those 2 items. I've also got a ton of yard work to do too. The grass and weeds are sure growing now.

Must go. Have a nice Sunday!

Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was very nice. Did a longer bike ride on Saturday so no workout that day and no workout yesterday. Just did a ride with Cass (son's girlfriend) to the coffee house located about 9 miles away. It was nice to stretch the legs as they were a bit sore for both of us from the ride on the day before. Felt great! Had a chai latte for the first time. It was good (also an oatmeal raisin cookie).

When we got back home, DH had removed the old bathroom countertop and was waiting for me to help him install the new one. We did so, hooked up the plumbing and all and it looks great. I'm very pleased with it. Hopefully, we'll be able to do the same thing with the other bathroom in the next week. It's a smaller countertop but should go in easily. Then I guess I need to update the colors in both bathrooms. I think peach and seafoam are out now :eek: . This has actually been a fun project.

Got a little yardwork done yesterday too. I try to do as much as I can on weekdays so as not to have to use up my weekends on chores. Would rather enjoy them (bike riding, horseback riding, camping). Think the weather will be a bit off this week too, but should warm up nicely for the weekend. Would like to ride my horse after work today too, if it's not raining too badly.

My rotation for this week will be a circuit/cardio rotation.

Monday: Leaner Legs and Coremax Premix #2. Haven't done Leaner Legs in a while and it was a toughie today!

Tuesday: Imax2

Wednesday: Cardio & Weights

Thursday: Lowmax

Friday: Bootcamp

Saturday: Cycling

Sunday: Light Cycling

Hope everyone has a great workout and Karen, hope you got much writing done. Watched Dances With Wolves and thought of you. My husband and I really like that movie.

Great workouts everyone.

Good morning everyone!

Looks like everyone had a great weekend. I had an okay one, did lots of yard work on Sat...weather was great...wore myself out and my back was nice and sore on Sun. But I had such a sore back on Friday that I went to the doc and got some muscle relaxants (sp?)

Started reading "your bodies many cries for water", such an interesting book. Started forcing my DH to drink water since he has had such bad allergies this year...at least that's what I think his cough is.

Well, gotta cut this short, court in 5 minutes!
Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie & Rhea & Jeanie!:)

Wow, Jeanette, it sounds like you had a fabulous weekend. The bike ride really sounds like something that is not only relaxing, but fun -- and doing it with your son's girlfriend must really be nice.

Oh, I'm so glad you've got READY, SET, GO! I'm rereading it because I'm going on the road in September and I really didn't understand the weight section -- but because I'll be on my own (motels and hotels don't have VCR's or DVD's) I'll be doing this workout pretty much, I guess -- although I may do one body part of day with weights -- I do intend to take weights. Since I'm driving, this shouldn't be too difficult. I'm learning that the first 2 times I read this book, I just didn't get it on the weights -- now that I'm rereading it to really try to understand that section, I'm finding it interesting.

I do take supplements. But if you do decide to take supplements, remember that they must be balanced, which means that one should take,vitamins A & D, vitamin E, Vitamin C, a good Vitamin B complex and a good mineral tablet, plus I take extra Calcium/Magnesium. If you only take one or two of these, you can unbalance the rest in your system and actually create a deficency -- so just ensure that you balance them. The best source on this is Adele Davis -- Let's Eat Healthy -- out of print, but if you can get it, there's no other source out there that beats her books. You can also take those other supplements he talks about in the book -- I do take an amino acid complex before I work out.

Anyway, it was no workout for me yesterday (my scheduled day off) but none for me today either. I managed to get a bladder infection and was down all day yesterday. Drunk lots of cranberry juice to counteract it -- and so today, the infection is gone, but I'm still feeling weak from it. Guess the body has to cleanse itself now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.x

Your hubby sounds like mine in many ways. My hubby also works many hours and 6 days a week -- takes Sunday off -- but Sunday is full of chores -- for us both. I must say that I think he's about the greatest thing around. Not only can he fix almost anything, he's very, very sweet and uncomplaining. He's a source of inspiration for me, actually.:7

Gee, your bathroom sounds wonderful. I think it would be fun to create new colors in the bathroom. We now have a bunch of projects around the house, as well, but none so fun as yours. But with my brother-in-law moved in with us, we need to create extra space and so our upper story porches are going to become extra rooms pretty soon. It's hard for me to have a house with no guest bedroom and so soon -- probably within the year -- we'll open up these spaces, which will be nice.

Oh, Dances with Wolves is among my most favorite movies -- we have the long, extended version, which I love most -- it has many wonderful Native American segments that were cut out of the regular movie.

And writing is going pretty well, although I was a little too sick to do much yesterday. (Went to bed at 8PM of all things.) But today is better.

Have a great one!:7
Hi Rhea,

We must have been posting at about the same time. Hope you have a good day in court.

Isn't that book interesting? It's especially good for me to keep it in mind as I am often under the gun and so get dehydrated easily -- these deadline tend to do me in a bit...x( Hopefully I'll be able to revise my schedule so that I write a little every day and avoid these last minute, to-the-wire rushes. Those are the ones that really take their toll on me. But that book, YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER, has helped me to counteract the stress a little -- with water of all things.

Have a great one!:)
Good morning everyone!

It is a good one too, had a good workout with Imax2. I entertained thoughts of doing a premix on this as not sure how good I would feel, but of course, once you start that's the hard part. Actually, started feeling a bit droopy yesterday afternoon at work, like a cold coming, on so went to Walmart, picked up some more Zicam and Airborne. Took these at home and didn't ride my horse as the wind was blowing pretty good. Just felt I needed to not be in the wind. Glad I took it easy too as I feel mahvelous today! I could even put some real oomph into the sumas. Fun workout!

Karen, the only supplements I take are a Centrum one-a-day, glucosamine/chondroitin and a couple Viactive calcium chews. I'm still reading Ready, Set, Go, haven't finished the weight part yet. It is very interesting and inspiring to see mature adults doing well and feeling good. Karen, sorry to hear about your bladder infection, hope you are on the mend now. They can't be too much fun.

It's nice having the bathroom stuff installed and looking nice. Have a little touch up painting and different moulding to purchase and paint still.

Have good workouts today.

Hi Jeanette! Hello Natalie, Jeanie & Rhea!

Really good to hear from you. Isn't IMAX2 just the greatest? It and ME are really my favorite workouts.

And I also love that book, READY, SET, GO! Found that it clarified exercise for me so that I wasn't confused about what I should or should not be doing...x(

Am much better today, infection seems to be gone, but didn't get much sleep last night. I'll probably take it easy again today -- go for a power walk or something and stretch and then take up the ball tomorrow.

It really does sound refreshing to be redoing your bathroom -- it makes me yearn to be off deadline and doing some projects.

Have a wonderful day!:7
Good morning Karen! Good morning Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie!

Yes, Imax2 is really good, less and less of a dread factor as I get thru it better, easier to put into a rotation now, think Boot Camp will get that way too. I've been scheduling Boot Camp for Fridays as I have more time to get my mind around this workout. It is very fun and I feel absolutely wonderful when I finish it. I'm actually looking forward to it on Friday. I have to get up early that morning, do Bootcamp and then have carpets and couches cleaned at 8:00 so no leisurely workout.

Karen, hope you are getting better sleep and the infection is gone. Did you get to work out this morning? I like to walk also, but have not done so lately. Just at work, 2x per day, total time about 20 minutes. I do look forward to this time. Almost every day someone slows to ask if I need a ride. A lot of people can't fathom that someone would prefer to walk and exercise, but it's nice that they offer anyway.

Did Cardio & Weights this morning. Great workout. I'm singing Buttercup too. Seems like a while since I've done any upper body weight work and I sure felt it. I do seem to lose strength quickly when I don't use those upper body muscles, but then again, it's a circuit so maybe the cardio lessens your ability to lift heavier. Anyway, it's still challenging. Watched some of Rhythmic Step yesterday on FitTV and am thinking about ordering that one as it looks fun. I also ordered KPC and Legs & Glutes so will receive those next week. I've heard so many good things about KPC, I have part of it on Timesavers but would like the full version. Something about kickboxing makes me feel agressive and powerful! Just kidding, but it does make me feel strong. My mom mentioned something about doing Tae Bo so I'd like to find a very beginning, fun kickboxing workout for her. Any suggestions?

Must go. Good workouts everyone, it's raining here (again). Did get to ride my horse yesterday. Fun, fun. It can be such a high when your thoughts and your horse's seem to blend. It takes very little effort to ride when it's like this. Hard to explain.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!

Sounds like a great workout this morning. I really like Cardio and Weights, too -- isn't it funny how that song sticks in your mind afterwards?

I did manage to go for a walk, but didn't stretchx( -- and I may take it easy even today. The infection is almost all cleared up, but I think I'll just keep taking it easy until it's all gone. Then I'll up the intensity again. We'll see, though. I'm rather biting at the bit, so to speak.

I loved what you said about yourself and your horse and how much fun it is when your thoughts and your horses are in tune. That was rather beautiful, Jeanette.

And I had to laugh when you talked about walking and people offering you rides. Isn't that a scream? It's the same here in LA area, too, only here people just look at you as though you're crazy -- or look at you like, "Hey, what's wrong with you -- couldn't you afford a car?" Funny, isn't it?:+ ;)

Well, must get down to writing -- didn't get alot accomplished yesterday and so must try to get more done today.

Have a terrific day.:7
Hi Karen Kay, Rhea, Jeanette and Jeanie,

I started Cross Train Express this week. It has been months since I've done this series and I had forgotten how intense the cardio segments are for me. Also, I think I have lost some endurance during the last month when I did the muscle building rotation.

I've been doing some walking, too. Ditto on people asking me if I need a ride and I'm just walking across a few parking lots to buy lunch!

Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow!

Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie!:)

That's one series that I don't have, but I think I'll be doing something similar to it when I'm on the road this September. I did have All Step at one time, first Cathe workout I ever did, and I loved it -- but haven't done the rest of the workouts.

I know -- isn't it funny? Like, why are you walking? Here in LA, people drive just to go two blocks...

Anyway, am going to try to get a little work done before bed. Have a good one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Lowmax this morning. Felt a bit droopy, raining outside, and ate too much salty popcorn last night so feel puffy. I should know better, but I'll just flush with lots of water today. Good thing my desk is only about 6' from the women's bathroom.

Tomorrow will be Bootcamp, hoo-raw, so I've got to get pumped today. Karen, I have Allstep in tape format, purchased with my step and also on CTX. It's a fun workout too.

Sure hoping this weather is better by this afternoon as I'd like to get some kind of a bike ride in after work. The weekend's supposed to warm up to 80 and I'll want to get a longer, harder ride in because my century ride is the following Saturday, May 28th. This has been the funniest spring, weatherwise for our area. Hard to get consistent with anything, including my horse riding.

Good workouts everyone!

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Well, I'm all better today, so I really have no excuse to continue to not exercise. Yesterday I did walk and stretch, but not quite the same as an IMAX.

I plan to do IMAX2 today only because it is intense and it is my favorite of the IMAX's -- although I do consider IMAX3 and IMAX tougher. But that's my plan for the day.

I need to carve out a bit more time for LowMax -- I do love it -- wish it were only 60 minutes -- but oh, well, I'll just work it in.

Today will be a busy one for me because in addition to everything else -- today is my hubby's birthday! Yea!

It's beautiful here today -- very pretty -- clear, blue sky -- it's supposed to get into the 100's here this weekend... I think it's time now to put away the winter clothes and drag out the summer ones...:+ ;)

Better get down to work. Have a good one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Karen, so glad you are feeling better and can get out and walk. Hope you enjoy Imax2 today. I'm getting to like this one better as I gain more confidence in getting thru. Maybe in Lowmax you can just take out one of the intervals to shorten it to an hour. I still don't have the footwork down in the last interval, but I don't worry about it, I just keep moving. Hope your DH's birthday was good. My son's birthday is next week. Can't believe he'll be 24.

Weather is cloudy outside this morning, but it's predicted to be up to 80 degrees by Sunday. Did a bike ride (20 miles) after work yesterday, but boy, was it windy. I almost called at the 1/2 way point for a ride home, really gusty sidewinds, but they lessened, the route changed to go more favorably with the wind, and I was able to make it. I hate giving in, unless of course it's dangerous. Had a good workout and the core work sure doesn't hurt in windy conditions. Plan on doing a bike ride on Sunday with Cass. I'm going to take her on more of a serious climb to get her really ready for her first metric next Saturday (5/28/05). Probably tomorrow my DH and I will install the other countertop in the bathroom, light bar and med cab too.

Have the carpet cleaning man coming at 8 a.m. Need to pull out the couches and vacuum under and behind them as of course it hasn't been done since he cleaned 6 mo. ago. I do minimal housecleaning, top layer usually. Have many errands, chores and horse riding to do today but glad I did Bootcamp this morning. It's an energizer for sure. I made it thru all the Terminators even. Great workout and I do feel accomplished at the end when she asks. If only I'd put this much effort into my housekeeping duties, but DH doesn't complain. Nice to be married to an easy going man ;-) Guess I'll keep him.

Hope everyone feels energized today!

Hi everyone!

I can't wait until I'm back up to "speed." I've been doing lighter workouts, actually all the new ones that I just got. While I'm so busy with extracurricular activities, (darn pond, leach fields, and school) I'll probably keep it pretty light.

Been doing some of the new FIRM dvds. Actually are pretty fun. They're all under an hour, sometimes only about 35 minutes, so I have no excuse, even when I wake up late. The incline portion is a challenge. Really targets deep in the glut. Plus, I seem to be a total spazzy klutz at doing cardio on the incline. Hopefully I get a little better. I can do Cathe cardio for pete's sakes.

Have a great weekend. Have fun on your ride Jeanette. I believe that the weather is supposed to be pretty good for a while. Yee haw!

Karen, I hope you are back up to the workouts and not working too hard. Is everyone adjusting to the new living arrangements? Animals can be so cranky when routines are changed.
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!

It's good to read through all your posts. You know, Rhea, maybe i should take it a little easier, too, until I'm back up to par. I have to really consider that.

Did IMAX2 yesterday, but it was such a tough workout for me that I skipped interval 9 -- I have planned to skip 10, too, but decided to do it anyway. You know, Jeanette, that's a good idea about LowMax -- to simply skip one of the intervals, thus making it more of a 60 minute workout. I'm going to try to do that this next week.;)

Hubby had a good day. I didn't get a great amount of work done, as -- and you said it Rhea -- the animals -- specifically one of them -- the one we call Princess Sierra -- had a fit. We've calmed them down though, took one of the Bob's cats (who is really a ferrel cat) to the vet where he's being housed until we can figure out what we're doing -- either find him a home or someone who looks after ferrel cats -- did I spell that right.

My brother-in-law is even thinking of moving because the cats are in such an uproar over the move. We'll see how it all shakes out. At the moment, things are calm here and they seem back to being happy.:7

I really should do ME today, but because I'm still sort of recovering from not doing workouts for 4 days, I may do an easier workout today -- we'll see. Not sure yet.

Hope you have a great bike ride, Jeanette -- it's supposed to be in the 100's here this weekend.:+ :eek:

An author friend of mine, Lois Greiman, is in town this weekend -- she's writing a story set in LA -- and since we're touring together in September -- we're going to have our picture taken on a horse -- in evening gowns...:+

We're calling the tour "Road to Romance" and plan to switch us through the computer onto a camel... We'll see. Should be interesting at any rate.

Well, I'm off to do whatever workout -- can't figure it out yet which would be the best.

Have a good one & a terrific weekend.:7
Hi everyone,

Going to try to get in 1 body part from cross train express but no time for the aerobics as we had to set up for scout camp tomorrow. I am glad we did not elect to camp tonight as it is now 8:30 pm and it's raining.

Karen Kay - Are you going to scan this photo and post it somewhere or is that not allowed. It's sounds neat!

Hi Natalie! Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie!

So nice to hear from you, Natalie! Don't know about posting the picture here -- I'm not really sure how to do that to tell you the truth. I'm not exactly computer savvy. Sounds like fun, all the things you're doing with the scouts.

But we did have our picture taken on a horse -- what a great horse he was, too. He does dressage -- did I spell that right? We were in our evening gowns -- and we'll probably be imposing us on a camel's back instead. We'll see.:7

But I had forgotten how allergic I am to horses. Sigh...:-( Cause I really like to ride -- am actually not allergic to them if they are kept in pasture only -- but if kept in a barn... I get hives.:-(

But anyway, it all went off very well and when the pictures are up -- I'll try to post it at least to my website with a url so I can share them.

Anyway, didn't workout today -- tired from Saturday night and everything.

Here's my rotation plan for this next week, however.

Monday: Bootcamp

Tuesday: Short cardio & stretch

Wednesday: ME

Thursday: IMAX2

Friday: Longer cardio

Saturday: High Step Training Advanced

Sunday: Off

Just trying to get in the circuits this particular week -- we'll see how it goes. But I'm thinking this might be a good gradient to get me back up to the IMAX's. Since I was ill last week, the IMAX's have been a little hard.

Have a terrific day.:7

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