KK's May Rotation

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!


Busy day today. Got all set to do PUB and then a short cardio, but I was short on time (had a chiro appt.) and so ended up doing Power Hour after all.:+

Have only done PUB and PLB once each. I loved PUB -- thought PLB was a little easier than what I had expected -- but oftentimes I think that and then go back and discover -- whew! what was I thinking? I love PUB -- what I'm having a hard time with is how to work it in.

I've thought for a long time that all over body workouts were better for me as I really see results from them -- and I read in Ready, Set, Go! that when beginning a woman usually sees better results from an all over body workout, but when she starts gaining in strength, it's good to have split days -- as the split days work more muscles. So it's entirely possible that next week, I might have 2 split days -- we'll see. When I'm under deadline like this, life isn't quite normal and my strength isn't what it usually is.x( Adrenal support is really important for me during deadline -- and I'm down to the last month now.

That's so cool about taking dressage lessons. When I lived in Vermont, one of my best friends competed in dressage and I've gone to meets -- it's really beauty in motion, isn't it?:)

No, I don't have the Lunacat -- what was the last part of that? Hmmm. Would love to see it -- am rereading Ready, Set, Go! right now, plus another book by Carl Lewis on Interval Training -- as well as reading research, etc and Harry Potter (read Harry Potter at night before sleep -- find it helps me to relax). Love to read -- often have 3 or 4 books going at once...:+

Well, I think I fixed the problem with the book -- had to go back and revise, as I had forced my characters not to do something they wanted to do (never a good thing to do as an author) and had to go back and fix it -- and fix another few things in the beginning -- and now I'm coming forward. Whew! I'm down to the wire. One month and counting...x(

I adore IMAX2 -- it and ME are my favorite workouts, and are almost always on my rotation somewhere. You know, Jeanette, I think it's the same with me. I think part of my problem is water weight -- I know when I'm under deadline it's almost impossible NOT to gain weight -- and usually once the deadline is done, it falls away rather easily as long as I don't over eat.

Well, have a wonderful evening. I'm going to get back to work -- see if I can get some more writing in. Have fun!:7
Hi Karen, just a quick note. I tried to access your website to see if I could email you the Compendium but I couldn't access it. The other thing you can do is start a thread in the General Discussion asking Lunacat to email you the Compendium. It's a great document and has all of the equipment needed for each Cathe DVD workout, premix times, total times, you name it, it has it. It is 32 pages long and boy did Lunacat do a thorough job. A superb document, I use it all the time because I try to stick to a 1 hour workout also and it gives all the times, that's how I've been able to put together my little rotations and add ons. If you want to post your email here, I can send it to you too. It also has Ajock's mish moshes (I'm too skeered to try).

Let me know.

Hi Jeanette!

This is so kind of you to do this. I've emailed you privately with my email address. I'm sorry you couldn't access my website -- that's a little disconcerting -- wonder if something is wrong with it -- I'll have to check it out. This is so kind of you, Jeanette. I would like to mix and match, but it's very difficult for me to do anything over an hour -- like yesterday -- I'd wanted to do PUB, but when pressed, and knowing I needed to add something onto PUB to get a little cardio, I just went with Power Hour. Not that Power Hour has cardio, but when leg work is done, I notice that my heart rate usually raises into the aerobic zone.

Anyway, have a terrific day today. I'm going to try to get in much writing today. We'll see.x( ;)
Good Saturday morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Had a good workout this morning, Cardio & Weights. Something about the circuit workouts, they sure make me sweat, was doing the deadrows and had sweat dripping in my ears! The step portion is fun. I toyed with the idea of doing Bootcamp instead, but chickened out. There is such a feeling of accomplishment in doing this workout (Bootcamp) but I really have to psych myself up for it for some reason. Also, my son's girlfriend is coming over from Reno today and we will do a bike ride. I won't push her too hard as she's coming off of an ear infection and I want her to have fun, not think of cycling as always grueling. Heck, if it wasn't fun for me, I'd probably not do it either.

Karen, I emailed the Compendium (I'd never even heard this word before Lunacat created the document). I know you will find it interesting and useful. Wow, the work that went into it is amazing. Thanks Lunacat!!!

Karen, my heart rate goes up when doing leg work too, but it's so worth it. My legs and butt are my trouble areas, but they are definitely firmer than they used to be, but have a long way to go. I'm patient and will keep working them. I'd rather have big firm thighs than big soft, flabby thighs. Sometimes we don't think we're really improving until you do something like a day of yardwork or major housecleaning (pretty rare in this household :eek: ) and the endurance is there! Love the feeling of being strong, my DH can hardly wait to go woodcutting with me.

Will try to watch my eating today, think we'll BBQ some tri-tip tomorrow for Mother's Day. Poor DH has been working almost 14 days straight and I believe he gets tomorrow off. He works at a local power plant (wood fired) and they are doing scheduled maintenance now so long days for a while until they bring the boiler back up. He offered (bless his heart) to install my new countertop in our bathroom, faucet, light bar and med cab. Hope he's not too tired, but I can sure understand if he doesn't want to.

Rest day tomorrow. Everyone have a great Mother's Day.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!

Wow! What a document, Jeanette. Thank you so much for sending it. That was very kind of you. I couldn't stop reading it -- finally had to put it aside and get down to work. Now I can see how others put these things together -- I wish now that I'd gotten DVD's all along instead of VCR's -- but oh, well. From here on out I'll get only the DVD's -- there's just so much more selection and possibility.;)

Spend the day working -- deadline calls -- but worked at it leisurely instead of intensively. Got alot done on Saturday -- am going back and revising now as I am coming up to where I left off.

You have reminded me again of how much I like Cardio and Weights and I haven't done it for a while. Needed to do a short workout today and so did a FIRM cardio workout with Nancy Tucker -- calorie killer -- it's a good workout and short -- but I do like my Cathe's better.;-)
Hope the bike ride went well and that you and your son's girlfriend had fun. And hope you had a grand day today. Mine was great, actually, all things considered.

Okay so down to the rotation for next week -- still concentrating on full body workouts.

Monday: IMAX the original

Tuesday: Muscle Max or ME -- depends on my time -- MM is longer

Wednesday: My Anniversay:7 -- am going to a hotel (a Westin) and will be writing -- trying to get more done -- and then my hubby will join me there that evening -- so not sure what workout I'll do -- might just do a little cardio and stretch

Thursday:ME or Power Hour -- depending on what I did on Tuesday

Friday: IMAX 2

Saturday: Cardio & Weights

Sunday: Off

I think until I get off deadline that I won't rock the boat by trying something new -- like split days on weight work -- need to keep my concentration on the book. But once deadline is over and I'm more relaxed, I think I want to expand out into doing split days on weight work.

By the way, was filled with energy on Saturday -- did the first 30 minutes of Body Max -- I love that workout -- and then went for a run to boot -- then came back and stretched to IMAX3.

Oh, Jeanette, I wanted to tell you, I have to talk myself into Bootcamp as well -- I also have to talk myself into IMAX3. I'm always happy with the workouts after I've done them, but like you, I have to give myself these pep talks.

Well, I'm off to bed.

Have a great night and I look forward to talking more tomorrow. :7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Jeanie and Natalie:

Hope everyone's Mother's Day was wonderful. Went for a bike ride with son's GF in the morning, total 18 miles with a nice, leisurely stop for coffee 1/2 way. We expected rain at some point and were not disappointed. It was raining when we came out of the coffee house but we pulled out the raingear and were soon on our way. Know people passing by thought we were crazy (maybe we are), but we were both very comfortable and enjoyed the ride. Later, it was bbq tri-tip and husband got off work at noon, so that was nice.

I have a time trial (yes, it's been a month since the last one) on Tuesday after work, so this week's rotation kind of reflects reserving energy for a couple days to prepare for that. Here it is:

Monday: CTX Step and Intervals, PUB stability ball work. CTX cardio is always intense and didn't disappoint me this morning. Also, it's raining outside so it always seems so much hotter in the house, even with doors open and fan running. The PUB ball work is tough, but short (less than 10 min. I think) so todays workout was only around 40 minutes long. That's okay, cuz I was a bit tired this morning.

Tuesday: Coremax #1 premix. Bicycle time trial after work. Believe me, this will be my cardio for the day.

Wednesday: Pyramid Upper Body. This will be my first attempt.

Thursday: Low Max. Love this workout.

Friday: Bootcamp. I'm psyching myself up and will do this one!

Saturday: Imax2 premix 1-5 and Coremax #2 premix.

Sunday: Rest

Karen, I will look for "Ready, Set, Go" and obtain this as I've heard so much about it. I like your rotation too. Boy, we have so many choices with Cathe workouts and it's a challenge to plan a workout for an hour. I like the Compendium as I refer to it for the equipment needed for a particular workout as I have to drag stuff out each morning. Sounds like you are doing well on your writing and that your days are productive. Have a good one today!

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Looks like a great rotation, Jeanette. And a time trial coming up. Wow. I will be thinking about you on Tuesday.

That's so cool that you love LowMax -- I've only done it a few times and I did really like it -- it's slightly long for me -- which is okay when I'm not pressed on time -- but it is a fun workout -- love the music for it, as well. And I see Bootcamp on your schedule -- all right -- time for the pep talks.:p

Well, I'm off to the races on this deadline. Have a good one. Talk later.:7
Good morning Karen, Jeanette and Natalie!

I've been out of the loop again. I just love coming and reading what y'all been up too though.

I haven't worked out since LL last week. I think all the darn "good morning" type reps was a little too much for my back. The DOMS worked its way up to my mid-back. That combined with desk work just knotted my muscles up, even the hot tub doesn't work. I've been applying lots of icy hot!

This week's workouts will be a bit easier, especially since my backhoe person is going to be here on Thursday. This means, all the work for my pond has to be done by Thurs, now if the weather would cooperate!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette & Jeanie & Natalie!

Just posted on your site, too. Sorry that you're having some trouble with the back -- that can be frustrating, to say the least. Wish I knew something that might help...but in lieu of that Get all Better Soon!

Did IMAX2 today instead of just IMAX -- couldn't talk myself into IMAX -- and even IMAX2 was a bit much for me today. But I did do it...


Well, time to get back to work. Have a good one.:)
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Jeanie and Natalie:

Karen, Imax2 is a toughie, but a good one and the music is great! Glad you did it. Today I just did Coremax #1 premix as I have the time trial tonite. Just want to have fresh legs and enough energy. After today, I'll get with it again.

Just ordered Ready, Set, Go. Looking forward to reading it. It can be frustrating to me that we work out pretty hard and consistently, compared to a lot of others, yet our bodies soon adjust to it and then we have to do something else to shock it. Sometimes I think, what do I need to do next, an Ironman Triathlon? What happened to losing weight and getting more fit just by watching what I eat and walking 30 minutes 3 times a week? Actually, we do have so much more endurance than most of the people that are around us. I hope this book will give me some insight into rotations and how to shake things up.

Rhea, hope your back loosens up today. A lot of people I work with have back problems off and on. I wonder if a regular yoga practice would help them, or just plain stretching, or corework, but then they're guys and way too macho for something like yoga. Honestly, I think guys have much more baggage than women do, many more inhibitions. Know my husband does...

Have great workouts and productive workdays today!


Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!

Jeanette, I think you'll really like that book -- it'll not only give you ideas on rotation, but it'll give you such a basic understanding of exercise and what you're doing, that I think you'll really be inspired. I'm now rereading it for the 3rd time, just to make sure I really do have the basics down -- and I'm finding areas that I didn't understand at first, now becoming understandable...:+ ;-)

What fun -- that you have a trial tonight. Hope it goes great -- you'll let us know how you do, right?

IMAX2 is really a favorite of mine -- don't even have to talk myself into it. But IMAX and IMAX3 are ones that I have to use pep talks on...x(

Interesting observation on men and such. It's funny how different we are in many ways, and yet in many ways so much alike, too -- it's as though we just stress different aspects of life -- it's a good thing that opposites attract, huh?:)

My hubby is not inhibited at all, although he just wouldn't be interested in yoga -- not that it would embarrass (can't think of how to spell that word) him -- just would have no interest. But he would stretch before a running meet or playing football or something.

That's a good suggestion about stretching and yoga, however. I have found that since I stretch more, that I see a chiro less...

Anyway, off to a late start again today.;( Have a really wonderful day today and fun tonight -- I'll be thinking of you.:7

Updated to correct the spelling of embarrass :+
Hi everyone! Happy Wednesday!

Karen, I'm really looking forward to getting my new book, "Ready, Set, Go" and learning some new things. Always want my workouts to be effective as time is precious.

Did PUB (up only) today. Have a nice burn going right now. Good workout, but boy the jump from 15 lbs. to 20 will be something. I don't own 20# weights (yet), but I can see that will be the next step up. Good, effective, workout and I did the stability ball work at the end too. Total workout time was around 50 minutes because I wrote down the weights and did a little adjusting. Plan on riding my horse tonite after work. Have neglected riding him in the past week as the weather just has not been too inspiring.

The time trial last night was good. Think we had about 9 riders, with 2 women this time. Course was the same, 6 miles out and 6 miles back. It was a definite tailwind out and head/sidewind back. My time was 38.56, not great but better than my previous time of 41 minutes something. I really pushed at the end so my heart rate was up there, but I was very pleased with how quickly I recovered. I had the slowest time, but the next slowest was our local Ironwoman (she competed at Kona last year) with a time of 37 minutes so I didn't feel too bad. This time trial thing is good in that it stretches you up for a longer distance than you'd normally do. I'm not that disciplined to do it on my own. I sure noticed a difference in my riding after doing this a couple of times last year.

Hoping for good weather today. Enjoy the workouts.

Hi Jeanette!

It really sounds like fun -- the time trail. I think it's something to break your own record. In the long run, it seems to me that the real competition is with ourselves -- to just keep getting better. I know that seems silly, but...

Today is my anniversary -- 9 wonderful years. (I was also married before.) But it's also deadline time and a work day -- although we will be going to a Westin Hotel tonight to celebrate.

I love PUB, but I think I'm going to stay with the full body weight workouts until after deadline. Then I'm going to go into split body routines. I think I'm ready. In the book, READY, SET, GO! Phil Campbell goes into the difference and the statistics on full body vs. split body for women -- just briefly, but it's interesting.

Anyway, it's off to work for me. Whistle.

Have a terrific day.:7
Hi Karen and Jeanette!

I ordered the book too, and added the cry for water book. They're coming from B&N, so they will get here pretty quick. I just love on-line ordering. My CC doesn't though.

Back is a bit better. I actually did Nancy Tucker's Cardio Blast yesterday and then drove to Reno (wish I had known I was going earlier, would have picked up the books at my fav bookstore, instead spent money on my Spanish books}( ...going to attempt to read "Like Water for Chocolate in the original language, also picked up Don Quiote in Spanish....I think I'm a glutton for punishment :eek: )

I was too pooped from moving bricks from the pickup yesterday to workout this morning. But I do have four of the new WFN workouts that I got from superduperclub.com. Great price, two workouts on a dvd, only 11.99. So, we'll see.

Great time on your trial Jeanette. Looks like our weather is going to be great for at least more than one day. I'll be out in it, mucking away at the pond and rebuilding it. (of course, then as soon as I finish, DH will want to move...sure would like to enjoy the fruits of my labors. However, I have a feeling that I may like the house that we are going to look at, just for the view and the peacefulness. The house looks over Elysian Valley, on 20 acres, away from road noise)
Hi Rhea!

Wow! Looks like you've got some great reading ahead of you. I'm impressed that you're going to try to read a book in a different language -- I know people who do this -- and it never ceases to amaze me.

Let me know about the workouts. I'm always looking for more, too.

Well, sounds like you're active with all the yard work, as well. I love Nancy Tucker's workouts -- my fav is Calorie Killer. Anyway have a great day.

Back to work.;)
Hi everyone,

Didn't realize I had been away so long. I was in a car accident last Monday and I wasn't hurt but my car was totaled so I've been shopping for a new car in my spare time. I've managed to keep together my workout schedule - I did the May rotation last week and this week I decided to stay with the one body part per day but am using the Timesaver disc. I was thinking of either repeating the May rotation next week or doing the Cross Trainer disc next week.

Well, talk to everyone later,

Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Natalie, so glad you weren't hurt in the accident. I was also car shopping, but decided not to get another one at this time. I really like the CTX and Timesavers.

Karen, congratulations on your anniversary, hope you had a very nice evening out. We celebrated our 25th last year, our date is in July. The best years have been the last 7 and they are getting better and better! It took a while to get to that point, though.

Rhea, I think the weather is looking up. Will be doing a longer bike ride on Saturday morning with friends. We will be riding out to Bogard and back. That'll be about a metric or 60 some miles. Elysian Valley is so beautiful. I have some friends that just sold the big ranch (Smid place) and will be moving to Idaho (if they haven't done so already). A massage every other week, how blissful! My next one will be after a century ride in Ashland, OR in June. Figure I'll really need it as this will be my big challenge for the year. 7000' or so of climbing in 100 miles. (Am I crazy?) I love the area up there.

Did Lowmax today, great workout! Rode my horse yesterday and it felt so good and he was very happy and responded beautifully! I think I'm steadier on top of him (corework) so he's happier too.

Good workouts everyone!

Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Rhea and Jeanie!


We had a wonderful time on our anniversary. Went to a super posh hotel downtown -- what a bed, by the way -- it was a Westin hotel -- and so am getting started with the day a bit late -- have just gotten home and checked email and am getting ready to start the day.

Did a short cardio (from BodyMax) and one of the Stretch Maxes yesterday. Today is scheduled Power Max or MM -- probably will do Power Max, however, it's a little shorter and once again, I'm pressed on time.x( :+

Natalie -- I'm very glad to hear that you weren't hurt in the car accident -- thank goodness -- but I also understand how trying it can be to total a car -- hope all is going well on your end. Keep us posted, okay?:)

Jeanette -- it sounds like your bike ride will be very beautiful -- I really do need to get my tires in order and do this, myself. I take walks, but bike riding is sometimes just the thing. 7000 feet of climbing and 100 miles -- you must be in terrific shape, Jeanette.

Wow, 25 years -- that's a well done, that's for certain. Had to admire you when you said the last 7 were the best.

I'm going to have to add LowMax into my rotation more. I really do like it, it's just a bit long for me -- IMAX2 is something like 55 or 56 minutes, which is about right for me.

Anyway, am off to get started at work -- will probably be at it until late to night. Have a good one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie and Jeanie:

Looks and feels like a great day today. Did Bootcamp and I do feel accomplished. It was easier for sure and I did all of the Terminator thingies too, ice breakers were no problem either. Works out for me to do this workout on a day off from work or the weekend as I do enjoy the feeling afterwards and I don't have to rush off to work so can bask in the accomplishment and endorphins.

Karen, so glad you had a wonderful anniversary. It's so nice to get away with hubby, isn't it? My poor husband's been working way too many hours and he's getting pretty tired, hopefully the shutdown will be over by the end of this week.

Doing a metric ride tomorrow with a few friends. Cass (son's girlfriend) will do part of it and head back when she feels she's had enough. She's looking to do a metric by Memorial Day, I'll be doing the century ride which follows the same route as the metric for the first part so we can ride together.

Karen, here's a link to the ride in Ashland, Oregon I'll be doing in June
http://siskiyouvelo.org/MLC/ I've done the metric twice and will be challenging myself to the century. Actually, Karen, I'm not in the best of shape but have found out that with cycling, you don't really have to be super strong to do centuries, mostly have a lot of endurance, which Cathe workouts definitely provide. I'm fairly small so climbing comes easier for me than with big guys or gals. I just don't go downhill as fast and wind seems to affect me more than larger people.

Well, into the shower now, housecleaning, weedeating outside and hopefully ride my horse this afternoon. No Cathe workout in the morning due to cycling.

Hope everyone has a very nice day and weekend.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!

Jeanette, I went to the link you provided -- what a beautiful ride that will be -- with a gorgeous mountain view and all. I'm definitely going to fix the tires on my bike so I can ride, as well.

Took my brother-in-law's dogs (I should say dog -- doing one at a time) for a walk -- they're getting older and so it really is a walk. It was nice to be able to get them out and walking -- nice to have them here with us, too.

Did Power Hour yesterday which was very good and did IMAX the original today -- that's one tough workout, but I noticed that it's so tough that I modify alot of moves and so IMAX2 actually gives me a better workout. :+

Not sure what workout I'll be doing tomorrow -- I have cardio and weights scheduled, but may opt for Circuit Max -- we'll see.

In the meantime, I'm shooting for 20 pages today -- I'm finally back up to where I left off to go back and do fixes and so now I'm back into creative writing -- and like I said, hopefully, I'll get in 20 pages today.;-)

Have a terrific day -- it's a beautiful one here in So. CA today.:7

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