KK's May Check In


Good morning ladies:

Beings there is this nice Check In area, I decided to start May here. There aren't that many check-ins (yet), so I don't think it'll get bumped off the page.

Today's workout was the 20 minute Turbo Jam and also Ab Jam. I really felt it with Ab Jam. Did an upper body Bowflex workout last night and will help DH with his workout tonite (after watching grandson's Little League game). DH has been working long hours at work and today's his first day off in a while. He hasn't done a workout since Wednesday, too tired, but seemed to want to do one tonite. I also got some yardwork in yesterday afternoon.

Karen, so nice that your DH could be with you in Albuquerque. Enjoy your time and glad you got to have a cheat meal/day. Rhea, bet you got some yardwork in this weekend. How's the pond? Do you have fish in it? If so, do they survive the winter?

Must get a move on. Had planned a Cardio Coach bike ride after work today, but I see we have grandson's little league game to watch. Probably tomorrow for the bike ride.

Great workouts everyone!

Good morning!

Yep, did lots of yard work this weekend. The back of my knees are nice and red. (always forget to put sunblock on the legs!) No workouts for me, just lots of bending over. Still more weeds to go too. But I really want to get it all done.

Yes I have fish in the pond. They survive great. The pond never gets extremely cold and I keep the waterfall running. The water is already about 65 degrees.

Well, really busy days ahead. I'd better get started. err.
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Good for you, Rhea, with the yardwork. I need to hit the yard good on Saturday. Sunday will be an organized bike event in Palo Cedro for me. It'll be around 50 some miles with approx. 3,500' of climbing, but should be a beautiful day, with gorgeous scenery.

Today's workout was Pyramid Upper Body premix (without abs) and then I tacked on Bryan Kest's 20 minute power yoga. Nice way to finish out the hour. I plan on doing a Cardio Coach bike ride after work today. This is supposed to be my one hard bike ride for the week. Let's see how motivated CC makes me. I've never done one before. After grandson's little league game last night, I helped DH on the Bowflex for his workout.

Must get a move on for work. I'm on an 8 hour workday all 5 days this week (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) as one of the other girls in our office is off for training and I need to cover. Let's me sleep in for a little longer anyway, but I'll miss having Friday off (sniff).

Karen, sounds like you'll be home soon!! Have new ideas for your next book yet?

Good morning ladies:

A bit quiet in here. Today's workout was various hi-lo from the Timesavers and then I did Turbo Jam 20 minute cardio. Good workout for me. Yesterday I did a Cardio Coach on my bike ride and it was a great workout. Really got my heart rate up there on the "mountains". Sean is very motivating on this workout. The CC I did was #2, I also own #3, just haven't loaded it on my mp3 player yet, but will soon. After work today is a beginner's mtn. bike ride. If no beginners show, I think I will go home as I need to visit my Grandma before she leaves for home on Friday.

Must get a move on. I have a Eoin Finn (think that's who it is) yoga DVD coming on Friday. Looking forward to it and have read good things about it. I definitely need to include more yoga and stretching in my weekly workouts.

Good morning!

Yesterday was so busy that I didn't even have time to post here! ERR.

I also haven't worked out since last Friday. (well, official dvd type workouts that is....gardening was the main thing I did this week and started to clean the pond on Monday)

No court today, so I can get in a good long workout. I'm really looking forward to it. I need to get in more yoga and stretching also, but just can't get up in the morning to do it.

Karen - you must be on your way home! Hope you are almost there or already there!

Jeanette - isn't this weather great! I'm really enjoying it, but probably trying too hard to get all the weeding, gardening done at once!

Have a great day, don't work too hard.
Hi Karen, Rhea, Jeanie & Natalie:

Today's workout was Eoin Finn's Power Yoga for Happiness (one of the premixes for 50 minutes). I enjoued this, liked his voice and found myself warming up (the house was cold this morning) nicely. He has quite a few premixes on this DVD, so I will explore them later. Last night I did a short bike ride on our local rail trail with a friend, then went to visit my grandmother and present the Azores flight tickets to mom and dad (they are leaving in August). Nice evening. Also worked out with DH on the Bowflex machine.

Today is our ladies bike ride after work. This should be very enjoyable. Think there will be 5 of us.

Karen, hope you are on your way home now. Bet you'll feel great seeing all of your pets again. Rhea, think Friday night and Saturday will be major yard day. Bet the neighbors are wondering when I'm going to get some mowing and weeding in, but I've been busy having fun. Oh well.

Must go now. Great workouts to all.

Good morning,
I came down with some kind of a summer cold, running eyes, nose, sore throat so didn't want to overdo at all today but felt well enough to work out (no sore throat today, it was yesterday morning). Pulled out my Karen Voight Burn and Firm cardio (24 minutes) and then followed it up with Ab Jam. Bummer that I caught this as I have my bike ride on Sunday. Will do a rest day tomorrow (except for yard work) and see how my lungs feel. If I start a cough today, it will probably be no bike ride on Sunday. I have to work today too, we'll see how long I last there.

Yesterday's bike ride was nice with my girlfriends. There were 5 of us and we did some climbing and put in around 25 miles. One of our new riders is really doing well. She's going to be super strong on the flats has big, muscular legs and can really push a big gear. I tend to use a smaller gear on the flats and keep my cadence up more (spin) as I like my knees and want to preserve them. Climbing probably will not be her strong suit for a while but she's doing fabulous.

Must go now,

Good morning!

Hope you feel better soon enough to do your bike ride Jeanette. Are you sure it is a cold, not allergies? Mine, every morning, have been attacking. When they get totally out of control, the throat gets sore from the post nasal crud.

BTW, I am so glad that you like the TJs. Isn't the Ab Jam a hoot to do? And once you get the form down real well, it makes you nice and sore. I have to watch it a bit, because it also works the lower back for me... which is very weak and I think that's why it hits there too.

Karen - sure hope everything is okay. Are you home yet? You are probably too busy catching up with everything!

Have a great weekend.
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie,and Jeanie, too!:)

Am finally home -- got home two days ago, but haven't exercised or done anything except try to unpack, clean house, do laundry and you would not believe the mountain -- or perhaps I should say -- mountains of correspondence I have -- not to mention a few bills that slipped by while I was gone. Sigh...

I literally have been doing nothing but all the above -- not even getting dressed or exercising and I'm only now -- after two days, beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel -- and I do have to do these things quickly, as I have a very tough and demanding deadline awaiting me.

Rhea, thanks for coming back to the other forum and letting me know where you all had gone -- I would have been stumped -- probably would have figured it out eventually... but...

And thanks Jeanette, for keeping things going -- didn't have the means to log onto the computer on the drive home -- for some reason, the Fairfield Inns were great, but their computer access lacked a bit.

Feel terrible that I haven't done any exercise in three days -- it's almost unheard of for me -- but I have to get through this stack of work -- still have all my reader letters and such to get through. Whew!

I am excited though to see that the turbo jams have come! Yea! And they're a little shorter and so I might get one of those workouts in today, cause I'm still running, trying to get things done.

Natalie! So good to hear from you.

Oh, my hubby and I went to the Grand Canyon on the way home -- gee, it was nice to have so much time with him and only him -- it was almost like a second honeymoon...:7

Anyway, just a quick check in -- have now decided I can at least do a 30 minute workout and then get back to work so I'll do that and then check in again.

So nice to be back -- so nice to be with my animals and all my stuff -- the guys have been working on the house while I'm gone -- and we have a new fence. Yea!

Have some great workouts, everyone!:7
Hi Karen, Rhea and all others!

Well, yes, I have a blasted summer cold! It really blind sided me. Perfect timing too. I've already decided I won't ride the metric tomorrow that I was so looking forward to. Just wouldn't be smart. I have a hard time listening to my body and there are moments when I feel pretty good and then moments when I don't so I called my girlfriend during a not so good moment and left a message that I wouldn't be riding tomorrow. I'm bummed but that's the way it goes. There are lots more rides to participate in and what with the price of gas traveling to them.

Today I did Eoin Finn's Power Yoga For Happiness. Great DVD! I did the full length section and wow, does he work on opening your hips up. Felt really good. I also did housework today and tried to do yardwork but the darned riding lawn mower threw a belt off and I tried to put it back on, but something's wrong. DH will have to look at it when he comes home from work today. Sure he will be thrilled as he's been working 12 hour days every day during the power plant shutdown. It's really looking shaggy around here. Hopefully, I'll be able to mow tomorrow.

Karen, so glad you've arrived home. I've never seen the Grand Canyon, but hope to some day. Sorry you have so much to do, but knowing you, that'll all be completed soon. Have you tried the Turbo Jams yet? Know you'll get back to exercising soon as for all of us, it's a lifestyle.

Rhea, I do like the TJ's too and I like Chalene's personality. She gives lot of form tips too. I will definitely be ordering the others eventually.

Must run now, downloaded Cardio Coach #3 to my mp3 player so hopefully next week or so I'll be able to do it. I loved CC#2 and it made me ride pretty fast on my bike.

Good morning ladies:

Today's workout was Turbo Jam 20 minutes, Turbo Sculpt and then the quickie premix from Eoin Finn's Power Yoga For Happiness. Great premix that I know I can tack on to my cardio or short weight work. I did notice my hips were not a bit sore this morning. Sometimes I get out of bed and feel old and achey, not this morning. Love the hip openers and the "Quickie" premix has these so it's great for me.

Still have my cold but feel a little clearer today and the short 20 minute TJ didn't wind me but I'll still take it easy on cardio. Woke up with a toothache that has subsided now, so don't know what's going on there.

Ordered the new belts for the lawn mower so mowing is out today. Will get outside and see about some cleanup work anyway. Will be doing a little housework, balance checkbook, etc. Will also watch cycling (Tour of Italy) on OLN at 2 today.

Have a great weekend!

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie & anyone else who would like to join in.:)

It is SOOOOOO good to be home. Yes, I did one of the Turbo Jams right after my last post -- did the instruction video and it was great -- really like Charlene and her personality, as well -- loved that she introduced us to her friends and workout buddies and all, as well. It was fun.

However, the next day -- Saturday -- I did IMAX2 cause I love it so much and today was Push/Pull. Love Cathe so much -- love her comments here and there throughout the workouts.

Jeanette, sorry to hear that you have a cold - bummer -- colostrum (a mammal's first milk) can sometime contribute to knock these things out rather quickly, if you have a Health Food Store near you -- at least this is what I've found.

Sorry, too, that you had to call off that ride -- I know that must've hurt. But am glad to hear that you're feeling better now.

Anyway, about this week's rotation -- not sure yet, as I'm still just getting settled in -- but I'll try to post something -- so here goes:

Depending on how early I get up in the morning or when I exercise -- when I'm under deadline it's usually up very early to either write or exercise early...if it's exercise early I might not be able to go outside as it might be too dark -- so this is subject to change:

Monday: Spint 8

Tuesday: ME -- haven't been able to do this one on months because it wouldn't play right on my computer -- am really looking forward to doing it as it is a fav

Wednesday: Turbo Jam -- probably a cardio one - and stretch

Thursday: Supersets or Power Hour

Friday: IMAX2 again because I love it so much

Saturday: Bootcamp or another Circuit type of workout

Sunday: Off

Again, I'm now saving up to get the CTX series -- plus, I think I, too, will want more of the turbo jams.

Jeanette -- glad you're enjoying the workouts so much. You are an inspiration.

Have a great day, everyone! And super workouts!:7
Hi Karen, Rhea and all others:

It was Cardio & Weights for me. Been soo long since I've done a circuit workout. Felt great. I also have new shoes so the step part felt really nice and cushiony. Don't know why I go so long with old shoes.

Karen, glad you like the Turbo Jam so far. I think it's fun and like to "move it" at times. I'll have to check into the colostrum at the health food store. This cold doesn't seem like one that will hang around long. I'm already feeling almost back to normal, but sad to say, DH has it now, so he's not happy. He also has jury duty today, his day off! It's a 10 dayer for him if he gets picked. Would probably be a nice rest for him, but hate to see him sitting miserable with a cold next to all those jurors.

Rhea, know you were probably out in you yard this weekend. My lawn mower needs new belts so I couldn't mow (badly needed on the property), but I did get to weed eat. Not as much satisfaction when the rest of the weeds are soo high.

I got out on my bike yesterday afternoon, but wore my HRM and kept my effort at a level 1. Felt great afterwards. This is definitely not the cold that I had in January. Don't know what it is, but it sure hit fast.

I have a massage after work tonite... :7

Must run now,

Good morning!

So glad that you are home Karen. What a wonderful feeling...And back to the routine already. Isn't that just awesome. So glad that you like Chalene, she is just a kick in the pants.

Glad you are feeling almost normal Jeanette. Yep, out in the yard, finished the weeding in one section, planted five million plants (always buy more than my back likes, I actually ran out of pots to put them in!) Still have more weeding to do, but I think I can slow down a bit. Haven't worked out for a while. Wanted to get the intense yard work done so I wouldn't feel guilty working out inside.

So this week, I'm going to start up the boot camp P90 again; I put DH and I on the South Beach plan starting today (he even agreed to no beer for the two week phase one...) I've really got to try to get his cholesteral down without the lipitor meds. Part of his problem is hereditary, so I don't know if I can do much, but the South Beach plan is actually developed by a cardiologist with the intent to change the blood chemistry. (starts off by getting rid of the insulin resistence, which I have a problem with) It just happened to bring about weight loss.

Have a great day. Today is the first day with only two of us in the office, oh joy, more work for me.
Hi Jeanette & Rhea -- Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Glad to hear you're feeling better, Jeanette. Bet the massage was good tonight -- and you did a bike ride, too. Sounds like you're almost back to battery -- which is good. Don't you love Cardio & Weights -- it's been a while since I've done that workout, too.

That's too bad about your hubby catching your cold -- and then jury duty on top of that. Goodness...

Rhea -- you make me laugh with your cute comments -- oh, joy, more work... Hope it wasn't too bad.

The two of you must have some beautiful looking yards -- since mine has a lot of shade, I think I might go with planting quite a few impatients this year. The fellows have the fence finished in the front yard and so the flower bed should be okay -- not disturbed.

Really do like Charlene -- I watched some of the info about her, as well, which I found really interesting, too.

It was up early and writing for me today -- then a workout around noon/1PM -- did a long warm up (as I was feeling tired) and then a Sprint 8 -- total workout time was about 50 minutes.

One thing is good and that is that I didn't gain weight on this trip -- sometimes I am apt to gain weight -- but I've noticed that since I've returned home, I have more appetite -- I'm surrounded now by foods that are safe for me and good to eat -- and I just seem to keep eating -- so I'm going to have to watch it.

Rhea, I have a friend that has lost close to 80 pounds on the South Beach diet -- she swears by it -- and she looks great! So I think this diet really works. Am concentrating on eating mostly raws foods -- not an easy thing to do -- and to eat only certain types of foods with certain types of food -- for instance -- one can only eat a fruit alone -- no grains with flesh/protein -- that sort of thing -- not sure how this is going but at least doing this hasn't put weight on me...knock on wood.

Anyway, have some great workouts everybody and a terrific day!:7
Hi ladies:

I have a time trial on the bike tonite so chose to do yoga only today. I did Eoin Finn's magically hips premix. Love the feeling! Will do the time trial and then a Bowflex workout tonite if I have the energy!

Karen, no, my yard doesn't look anything like Rhea's. Hers looks like someone works in it, mine is just cut the grass and weedeat. I don't seem to make the time for anything else. Just don't want to spend the time. Right now, the grass is growing like crazy and I'm still waiting on the lawn mower belts so I can mow (riding lawn mower). They've been shipped so I should get them soon.

DH's cold sounds better today. They ended up dismissing everyone from jury selection after a couple hours. Must have settled something.

My massage didn't materialize yesterday, mixup in the times or something. I was bummed but ended up getting to watch my grandson's little leage game instead so it was good. Got to visit with some dear friends there too. Next Monday will be the massage.

Karen, good on the no weight gain. That's really something for as long as you were away from your regular routine. You must have done something right! Mine is up as DH BBQ'd pork ribs last night and I had a few. He always puts lots of salty seasonings on, they taste soooo good, but you know what salt does to me.

Must run now, hope you aren't too swamped Rhea. Good for you for planting all those plants in your yard. I see fruit trees are blossoming now.

Must go,

Good morning!

Karen - that is great that you didn't gain on that extremely long road trip. Eating out is the hardest.

Rats about the massage Jeanette...I go regularly and would be very bummed if I had to miss one.

Actually worked out last night. Just did the P90 Circuit and then added on the TJ twenty min. workout. I just love the 20 mins, that routine flies by! Today, I'm going to try to sneak in a quick workout at lunch. I would like to be able to hit some golf balls this evening.

Have a great day everyone. Good luck on your time trials Jeanette!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie!:)

(Am going to have to visit Jeanie at her site now that I'm back!)

Jeanette, have fun on the trial -- it sounds like fun -- bummer about missing the massage -- but great that you got to chat with old friends and go to a game. At least the massage can be rescheduled.

And am happy to hear that your DH's cold is better and that there's no jury duty. Yea!;)

Rhea, tomorrow is my TJ day -- hoping I have the same 20 minute workout that you're talking about -- I know, sometimes, you just have no choice but to do 20 minutes if you're going to get a workout in at all -- and I think getting a workout in is more important than how much time is spent.

Haven't worked out yet today and have been bothered today by some incomplete stuff -- needed to get some books off as presents to a cousin of mine that I saw on the road -- and needed to order some research books about archaeology -- I may have misspelled that -- don't know anything about it and have to learn about it fast. Pant...pant...

Amazing how much time that takes just to do those simple two things -- plus have a booksigning tonight here locally -- so the workout today -- which is ME might be the shortened version only because I strapped on time -- but at leaat I should get it in.

I'm sure your lawn is just fine, Jeanette -- we are in the midst of redoing some things in our house and so it doesn't look all that great right now -- but that's the way things go when you're trying to get things improved. We have the fence and painting the house as priorities -- right now the fence is 1/2 done.

Anyway, it's time for me to get the workout in, so I will close off here and get to it -- logged on early today as I'll be out tonight. Have a simply super day and wonderful workouts everyone.!:7
Good morning all,

The time trial was good yesterday, I bested my time last year by over 2 minutes for the same course so I was thrilled. Of course the wind can make a difference, but I felt really good and was able to push hard clear to the end. I wore my HRM and wouldn't let it get over 163 bpm, that's the point where I could maintain, but after that I would start to burn, think that's lactate threshhold. Anyways, it was good.

Rhea, did you get to hit some golf balls? I would like to golf sometime, but have too many hobbies now to start another one. Heck, I can't even get to the yard to mow it yet. The belts should be in on Friday so hopefully DH can get them on the mower and I can mow on Saturday. Yep, the 20 minute TJ is great. I'm getting more cardio with the bike riding so am finding more time in the mornings to do yoga or shorter cardio sections. I like variety and changing of intensities.

Karen, enjoy TJ. I did the Cardio Party today (so much fun) and then added on CTX shoulders. I'm going to try doing bits and pieces and see how I do with that for a while. I haven't gotten serious about a rotation yet.

Must go now, good workouts today, okay?

Good morning!

Glad to see everyone busy, healthy and happy. :)

Got in a workout yesterday, did the P90 sweat 1/2 and added on about 20 minutes of Cathe's Low Impact Step. Total workout was about 57 minutes. Didn't get any golf in though, darn it. When I got home, DH was already gone and I didn't know if he was playing nine holes, just hitting balls, what time he would be home, what time he left, etc. So I waited, which I should not do, just frustrates me. I ended up doing chores, cooking dinner, etc. However, if I don't cook, we don't eat. (DH needs some retraining:p )

Have a great day everyone!

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