KK's March Rotation

Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

You would not believe the blizzard outside my window right now! Oh, this has been a long winter and yet, we're in spring by the calendar anyway. Definitely not weather I want to be out in today, not skiing, biking, walking, anything. Will stay inside and do housework, pay bills, work on this darned computer, etc.

Today's workout was Firm It Up and my buns are still burning. You get THOROUGHLY worked in the butt area. Before I did this DVD, I put in my Cathe Timesaver and did the warmup and hi/lo from a couple of the sections. Cathe is so much fun.

I'm holding my breath, I've been taking Vitamin B6 and some evening primrose oil for the last couple weeks. Yep, TTOM and no water gain yet. In fact, I've lost 3 1/2# from Monday. Of course I know some of that is water as I had a hard bike ride on Sunday and my weight and water is always up after that. My BF% is also down. We'll see. I feel leaner but it's like the weather, blizzard one minute, sunshine the next. Makes it interesting...

I've been struggling with my computer. I bought it in 2000 and it has Windows ME on it and now I'm having some problems. I'm thinking maybe I should just bite the bullet and get a new one. I'm struggling with Norton, my new Sandisk player (recognizing drivers), my email shutting down... Might have to check out Circuit City deals. Getting one with a DVD player on it would be nice too.

The new Bowflex machine is supposed to come on Monday, while I'm gone. It would sure be nice if DH would put it together before I got home Tuesday night. I can only dream. Hope it's not in too many pieces.

My son-in-law took my horse to ride for a couple of months. They have cattle they are keeping down by Red Bluff and need a couple of horses to handle all the riding so I loaned mine to him. It will be good for my guy and I won't have to worry about getting him exercised. My SIL is a good rider and will give my boy lots of experience, water crossings, brandings, long miles. Think it will work out well.

Well must get a move on as it's the afternoon already! Have good workouts.

Ummmm knock, knock....sorry to barge in on your thread....but what does "KK" stand for in the title of this thread? I have always seen it but never knew what it meant?

Thanks and sorry to bother.

Stands for Karen Kay, who has the username of Author. Even if someone else starts it at the beginning of the month, we still use KK. I think it's a good thing for searching back threads too. There are only 5 of us (at the most) that post here and usually only once a day so the thread doesn't really get that long. We would welcome anyone else to join us though. We're not real chatty, usually only posting once a day.

Good question X,

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie & X!

Great response, Jeanette. And X, we would welcome you to come and chat with us -- like Jeanette said, we pretty much post only once a day, but it's a time of day that I always look forward to.

Hope you'll be able to log on before you take off for Chico, Jeanette -- and have a great time -- stay alert on those roads...

Wow, a blizzard -- hmmm, that sounds kinda nice to me. Staying home and staying warm -- reading, doing things around the house -- sounds good, actually.

Way to go, Jeanette, on not putting on the water weight -- I struggle with that here in Florida, but I haven't solved it for myself yet -- my weight is at least in a range where I can stand it -- knock on wood -- but I'm hoping to take off a couple of pounds still.

Aren't computer problems the pits? I was having them when I first came here and it was really tough -- my email is tricky, as well -- I have so many ways to trick it so I can get it -- it gets silly, actually.

This laptop that I'm on here in Florida has turned out to be a good thing -- after I got more memory for it -- it has been my "everything" computer -- I go on line -- check email -- it plays my workout DVD's and DVD's for fun -- it has really been a good thing for me and -- you may not believe this -- but I got it at ebay for a pretty good price.

A friend of mine, however, was telling me that nowadays, one can get a fairly good laptop -- or even a computer -- for very good prices -- my hubby bought one recently for $300.00 in the LA area. Not a bad price at all for a new computer. I think he got it at Best Buy -- just so you know about it.

Anyway, as far rotation goes, here's what I plan:

Monday: ME -- short 55 minute version

Tuesday: IMAX2 -- love this workout

Wednesday: Cardio -- perhaps one of the new Blast workouts that I've received, and stretch.

Thursday: Off

Friday: Supersets

Saturday: Sprint 8 -- if my hip allows it

Sunday: Cardio & perhaps another stretch

It was a Sprint 8 for me today -- with warm up and cool down and stretch -- about 45 minute total. My hip is feeling it a bit, but not too bad -- so I'm hoping to gradually work this in again -- we'll see.

Well, have a super day everyone and terrific workouts! I will miss you and your wonderful posts while you're gone, Jeanette!:7
Good morning all!

I've been pretty good with the workouts. Did some fun mixes this weekend. Sat was the P90 sweat 1/2 and then I added on Kick Max the low intensity premix. Oh my...I gorgot how the leg drills kill. I need to do those more often. Yesterday I did P90 circuit and then added on Cardio Party #2.

Well, my week looks like a rotation of the P90 circuit and cardio with add ons. Actually that's the plan for the next 90 days. I even took a before picture....yuck.

Have a great day. I hope the weather is great in Chico for you Jeanette!

Karen - when does the tour start?
Hi Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie & Jeanette (if she can log on):

Rhea, what is the P90 ciricut workouts -- are they at Collage? Just got an email on the new Collage catalogue -- and a before picture, huh? Are the P90's supposed to trim one down?

You are so pretty and slim anyway, Rhea. I can't imagine you have much work to do.

Well, the tour starts in 10 days or so -- on April 4th -- and as always, I'm not really prepared for it -- but I am anxious to get home -- must admit to being terribly homesick. Am so homesick for my kitties that I've been feeding a possum in the area -- she's come out to meet me a couple of times -- I call her Polly. Sigh...

Oh, and today it was ME for me -- this workout doesn't play well in my computer -- it keeps stopping -- and so it was a bit frustrating -- so I might stick to the Push/Pull or MuscleMax or Supersets while I'm here as my full body workouts, since they play well.

Just saw, by the way -- rented it from the library -- the BBC version -- 6 episode version of Manfield Park -- it was quite good. But then, of course, I love the romance. Another sigh...

Great workouts everyone and have a super day!:7
Good morning everyone!

Jeanette - thinking of you in that wonderful climate of Chico...hope it is not pouring on you.

Karen - you are so sweet. The work is needed in the lower half of the back end. (the tush...) The P90s are from beachbody.com. Tony Horton. They are strictly a cardio/sculpt/ab set that is very basic. I was surprised on some of the basic stuff that I needed work on. They will not last very long for me since aerobically, my heart is in too good condition. But I am working on some strengthening with the hip flexors and the chest. P90 is like a boot camp and is supposed to trim. Since I'm not a beginner exerciser like the set is actually geared for, I'm adding on to the workouts. I don't do just the 30 minute routine. Unfortunately I'm ending up working out over an hour each time. But I'm pushing to get over that plateau and get some results.

Have a great day and great workouts. Talk to you later!
Hi Everybody!:)

Ah, Rhea, thanks so much for telling mem about the P90 series. They sound really good. I bet I would be surprised at how much basic stuff I needed to do, too. I'd probably try to add on workouts, as well, since, like you, aerobically, I need at least that 20 minutes or more.

Today was IMAX2 -- one of my favorites -- time was short and so I skipped interval 9 -- the hardest one -- made the workout about 45 minutes, I think. Not entirely sure on that. But the one thing I've really noticed is that since I've been here I haven't done ME because it doesn't play well on my computer -- it keeps stopping -- but I suffered through it on Monday -- and boy do I have DOM's today -- was that the right appreviation? Goes to show -- at least for me -- what a good workout that one is.

Anyway, tomorrow is a cardio day and stretch -- am looking forward to that -- might try one of my new workouts that I've just received -- we'll see. It's awfully nice here -- just begging one to come out and walk.

Well, have a great day, everyone -- and super workouts!:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Ahhh, it's good to be home! The Chico trip was good, the Excel class was excellent! Instructor really knew his stuff. I learned a lot in the basic class and the next day's advanced class was good too. However, you really do need to try out this stuff. I'll see if I can take the time at work and do some of the workbook examples. Excel is wonderful, but I really would like to take a class in Access as I've never done anything in that and think it would be a good one for me to learn. I'll have to look for a class in that, maybe our community college has one too. I did ride my bike on Sunday afternoon after checking in to the hotel. Rhea, I rode up to Centerville and back. My starting point was on the Humbug Rd. I would have liked to have done Honey Run but it was way too deserted looking for me to feel comfortable on. Monday after the class it began to rain and rain so no riding then. I did get a couple of short lunchtime walks in at Bidwell Park so that was nice. The hotel had a workout room so both mornings I did 1/2 hour run on the treadmill and those runs felt good for not having run since I think October. The drive home was uneventful, but snowing along Deer Creek but none sticking to the road. Actually, Susanville was gloomier and looked like they'd gotten more than even Chester or Deer Creek.

I did 70 minutes of Shape It Up this morning, lacking 10 more minutes but just didn't have the time. I get a haircut after work today and then a meeting with 4 other ladies to plan a 3-5 day bike trip this summer. 2 years ago we went to the Wine Country and cycled for 3 days, with nice dinners at night and a little shopping to go with it. It was really fun and beautiful. We're going to discuss where we want to go this summer. I'm bringing some maps and suggestions and see what the other ladies want to do too. Should be fun to plan!

Our Bowflex came on Monday so I'm in the middle of sorting out the pieces. Will start putting it together tonite (with DH) if I have time after the meeting.

Rhea, a before picture! I wasn't brave enough to do that for Slim Series but will think about it. Let us know how P90 goes.

So good to be back to this check in, I surely missed it!

Good workouts,

Jeanette :7
Good morning all!

Just a quick post today...way too much to do that I don't want to do...so no computer time. ;)

Workout yesterday was the circuit P90 ( I always have sore rhomboids after that one!) and then I added on one of my new Turbo Jams, Kick, Punch and Jam. It was about 50 minutes and very fun. Low impact with lots of repetition. Will take me a while to master all the moves, but I know I'll be doing it enough to practice.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi Everyone!:)

So nice to read your posts again, Jeanette! Welcome back!

Sounds like the trip to Chico was not only eventful, but full of promise, as well. The ride on Sunday sounds good -- too bad about the rain, however. But running on the treadmill -- wow! I know what you've said in the past about running, and so this is good, huh?

The bike ride this summer with your friends sounds like a little bit of paradise, Jeanette -- riding in beauty and shopping. Hmmmm...

Hope you like your hair cut, too -- I'm always concerned when I go to my hairdresser -- she's good -- but haircuts tend to scare me a little.:+

Sounds like you're keeping in there, too, Rhea.

It was no workout for me today -- was sick today -- breathed in some sort of chemical and have been having quite a time getting the body to detox.:-( Am hoping that I'll be all better tomorrow and so can do the new step workouts that I've gotten. At least that is my plan.

Well, hope you all have a wonderful day and absolutely terrific workouts!:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Jeanie & Natalie:

It was cardio day for me so I did the warmup and 1st combo of RS, then switched to 3 step combos from Cardio & Weights, stretch for a total of around 60 minutes. I have a bike ride today after work.

Our summer bike trip meeting went well. We've decided that we want to cycle for 3 days in 1 of the following areas: Bend, Oregon; Ashland/Medford, Oregon; Nevada City, CA; Southern (coastal) Oregon. We'll meet next week to bring info on each area such as cycling roads, lodging, shopping and dining. 4 of us have the assignment to research one of these areas and present to the group. Hopefully, we'll make a decision then. The trip will probably be in late July, early August. My assignment is the Ashland/Medford, Oregon area.

Organized the parts to put the Bowflex together. Will start that tonite if we have time and energy.

Karen, hope you are feeling better. I know you're anxious to try the new Body Blast workouts (think that is what you got). I do want to order Step Blast/Step Jump & Pump someday.

Rhea, I've looked at the 10 day forecast and there aren't very many sunny symbols. What a long winter we've had. Not even teasing us yet with sunshine. Soooo tired of it.

Well, must run now.

Good morning!

Karen - hope you feel better soon. You will love the new step workouts.

Jeanette - I know, not even a long enough peep of the sun to tease us. Just enough to maybe get the chill out of the air.

Well, got a juvenile trial today....err. can't wait until it is over.
Hi Everyone!:)

Jeanette, that tour sounds like it's really going to be beautiful and fun! What a wondeful thing to organize and put together. Makes me want to get out there and ride, too.

Rhea, hope juvenile trail went well today -- doesn't sound like fun.

Did a couple of interviews today -- one was on a radio show -- it was fun, but I'm glad it's over.

Am fine today -- still a little tired, but good enough so that I got up and did one of the Step Blast's pre-mixes -- the 31 minute premix -- it was great -- really fun -- I'm going to look forward to doing the entire workout when I have a moment. Added on a good sretch -- and all total I figure it was about an hour workout.

Am so sorry about the weather. Paul said that they've been getting alot of rain down LA way, too. Here in Florida, we have a lack of rain right now -- interesting -- as a matter of fact, it's downright beautiful. But rain is needed.

Well, the tour starts soon. April 4th -- and I'm not really ready for it. Sigh. Am very anxious to get home, though.

Well, have a terrfic day, everyone -- here's a wish for some sunshine -- and wonderful workouts!:7
Good morning ladies!

It was Shape It Up for me. I found this one difficult and I used 3# weights for most of it too. Felt like I really got worked out in the shoulder area.

I have a tax appointment this morning, have to start putting the Bowflex together, housework and have my folks coming for dinner and a movie here so better get a move on.

Glad you are feeling better, Karen. It's good someone's having nice weather. Ours is rainy again today. Glad you enjoyed the Step Blast pre-mix. Aren't pre-mixes the best?

Oh yeah, got my computer email fixed so that's good. Someday, I will upgrade this dinosaur.

Rhea, hope you got thru the juvenile trial okay. Glad our kids are grown and not too many problems growing up.

Will talk tomorrow,

Hi everyone,

It's been a hard month to keep any continuous workout schedule. I have managed 4-5 days per week but not always the complete workout - sometimes a premix instead. I'm going to do a Muscle Max premix in a few minutes but just wanted to check in on everyone and say hi.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


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