KK's March Rotation

Good morning all!

Jeanette, the weather is getting to me too I think. I'm just a restless as all get out. Either that or I just need some "me" time off of work. (hmm, I only have about 400 hours of sick pay, mental health day sounds good to me.)

Karen - that author sounds a bit nuts to me. Does he have any research to back up his views? It just doesn't make sense. The only thing I can see is that continuous over strenuous (sp?) exercise is probably not good for you since it wouldn't give the body any rebuild time.

Hi Jeanie! How are you doing? I'll see you over at WFHN!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

What was so confusing is that he does have some other very good info in the book -- and on exercise he does have research to back up his statements, but again, I see flaws. And that's a good point, Rhea -- that's the whole point of rotations is to give the body a chance to rest.

I'll let you know what my DH says.

It was Push/Pull for me today -- a workout I'm really starting to like a lot. And my hubby is here! Yea! Boy, have I missed him!

Well, have a great day everyone -- great workouts and a terrific Friday!:7
Good morning!

Yesterday was Step, Jump and Pump for me. Fun workout. If you got the Step Blast DVD Karen, this workout is on that DVD. Longer, but worth it.

Not sure what in store today. I should add a Functional training (TLT) in this week, probably do FYC or BBBB and add some cardio.
Good morning ladies:

My day off today, so I can get to my workout in a more leisurely way. Today was 1/2 hour of Imax2 and then switched to all of the cardio portions of CTX Power Circuit (hi/lo and step) and then did CTX Step and Intervals. This was a great workout and I had loads of energy. The music in CTX is so motivating and the right volume too.

I did a bike ride yesterday after work. It wasn't long but I did some hill climbs that used to be a lot tougher. I was pleased with my power going up the steeper hills that used to really make my heart rate climb. Now, I just need to get some longer rides in but this darned weather has not been the best for cycling this winter.

Think tomorrow will be a TLT for me. Sunday we have a 50 mile plus bike ride planned with lots of climbing. I'm hoping the weather cooperates and we have some takers for it. Otherwise, I'll still do it, but maybe not there (Rhea, it's the Red Rock Road, from the California side to the Nevada side and back).

Today I need to do some computer work. I'm putting together a calendar of events for our club and need to get it done and to the copy place here in town and mailed out. This will keep me pretty busy, I'm sure.

Rhea, Step, Jump & Pump is one I don't own yet, but will probably be one of the next Cathe's I order.

I'm going to start a Slim Series rotation next week, with more cardio inserted in between. I've done a lot of reading and reviews and know the boredom factor will set in, but I really want to see if a different way of weight training will make me look different. I'm only 5'2" and my arms and legs are pretty short so more muscle building on me doesn't really give me the look I want. I would like to be more defined so I will try SS (with added cardio) and see what happens. Will be returning to Cathe's I'm sure but you never know unless you try.

DH wants us to get a Bowflex so I'm researching that too. Also, I'm interested in getting an mp3 player and downloading the Cardio Coach workouts to help with running when I start that up again.

Karen, enjoy your time with your DH, know you will.

Must go get in the shower now.

Jeanette :7 (the endorphins are really kicked in today!!!)
Hi Everyone!:)

Quickly -- before I head out the door. It is simply wonderful to have my DH here -- goodness, how I've missed him.

But anyway, yesterday, did a Sprint 8 and the hip objected a bit, but is okay today and today I did PUB up only and a walk and this was good. Tomorrow I plan Legs & Glutes. Glad that the hip is getting better, but I might put an entire week between the workouts.

Jeanette -- your workout sounds wonderful -- like I said I'm going to get CTX next -- so I'm really looking forward to it.

I think it's great that you're going to try the Slim series -- if you're not happy with the way your body looks, it seems only right that you should try many different things. Go, Jeanette!

Wish I knew something about bowflex, but I don't -- but you are certainly making me interested in these other things.

Like I've said before, I keep with Cathe because I don't tend to injure myself with her workouts and I'm just happy with it -- but the TLT's I plan to get as soon as I can -- probably after the CTX series, though.

Anyway, have a wonderful weekend, everybody! Love your energy, Jeanette!:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

It was a very interrupted morning and workout for me, but good cuz I got to visit with 3 friends, though I didn't get to finish my workout.

I did the warm up and hi/lo up to the high impact stuff of MIC and then did TLT's Strength in Movement. I really like this workout, but didn't get to do the abs portion because my BIL came over to visit. He stayed quite a while and then I had to make a couple of phone calls. Oh well, it was a good workout while it lasted and does make me sweat, even with the door open and fan going. The more I do the TLT's the more I am getting in touch with what my body is doing during the exercises. It's good!

I went ahead and ordered the Bowflex. Did a little research and think the Bowflex Sport will be fine. It was $699 with $0 for shipping. Oh yeah, DH and I started to do one of Gilad's DVD's last night. It's the one with kickboxing. DH was doing fine, I told him just to keep moving even if he wasn't keeping up or following Gilad, but then the phone rang. It was his brother and he stayed on the phone for an hour. We got in about 20 minutes of the workout. Probably enough for now. Will try again some other time, but glad DH wasn't opposed to doing a little cardio.

Finished the calendar of bike events I was working on and still need to do a little more copying and mailing. Also have a birthday party for my sister this afternoon. I'm making a dutch oven dessert (outside of course) that is a brownie pudding dessert thing. DH went with our son-in-law in a BIG semi-truck to deliver some hay up in Tule Lake, CA. He'll be back later this afternoon.

Have a bike ride planned for tomorrow. Should be a toughie!

Karen, so happy for you to have your DH with you. Know you will really enjoy and treasure your time.

See you all later.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

No workout for me today -- decided to take another day off -- even though it was unscheduled. With my DH here, it worked out well...

Wow, what is bowflex that it cost you 699.00? It is a series of workouts or is there equipment? I know one can get up there in expense with Cathe -- but one has to buy a lot of workouts.

Anyway, hope the party went well -- that dutch oven treat sure sounds good.

Have fun on the bike ride tomorrow, Jeanette. Tough is good, I think.

Well, only one more day with my DH and then 2 more weeks here and then tour -- then home. Am getting anxious for that now.

Well, thought I should try to post this week's upcoming rotation:

Monday: Legs & Glutes (since I missed it today)

Tuesday: IMAX2 -- gee, I love this workout

Wednesday: Muscle Endurance -- it's been a while on this one.

Thursday: Off or short cardio and stretch

Friday: Push/Pull -- really like this workout

Saturday: Sprint 8

Sunday: Off if I didn't take Thursday off -- if not -- some circuit workout -- might do a kickbox workout here

Well, that's it -- have a terrific week, everyone and wonderful workouts.
Good morning ladies:

No workout yesterday morning, but did do the group bike ride. There were 8 of us to begin with but part way thru, 4 people decided it was too cold. It was supposed to be 46 degrees for the day, but never even came close to that. We also got a couple of snow flurries on us, but nothing that stuck to the road. Thank goodness, I usually bring every kind of clothing that I think I might need with the idea that I'll probably need to take some of it off during the climbs. Didn't have to take too much off, that's for sure. It was nippy! It was a good ride, though, 50 miles with 3000 plus feet of climbing. Glad I did it.

Started Slim Series today, did the Firm It Up DVD. This one really worked my glutes and made them burn! Tomorrow I will do a Cathe cardio and will alternate it in this way to get enough cardio in. Firm It Up works legs, glutes and has abs in it too.

Karen, the Bowflex is a weight lifting machine with cable and power rods. It should come in a week or so. If you do a search on google, you will see the different models. We got the Sport. The commercials are on the TV all the time. I think I will like the leg extension part of it for my knees.

Must go now, good workouts to all.

Good morning!

So glad you are having fun with your DH there Karen. I would go nuts all by myself for that long. Too bad your kitties couldn't come visit too.

Jeanette - I'm so ready for some more sun.....

Let's see, workouts....Friday ended up being a day off. I was in a really sort of anxious mood and was in the midst of cleaning and decluttering. (cabin fever comes to mind) Sat we went to ski. The top of the mountain was so fogged in that you couldn't see two feet in front of you. So on the second time down (where I could actually see) I did a good klutzy fall and bounced my neck, so I have a little stiffness (almost like a whiplash, but on the sides.:-( ) I managed a workout yesterday....just my P90 cardio and added the abs. That may have used my neck too much though. Oh well, I just have to work through it and get it loosened back up.

Have a great workout and fun days everyone!
Hi Jeanette, Rhea, Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Sorry to hear about your neck, Rhea -- I've had a bit of whiplash in the past, too. To this day, I sometimes will lie down for about 5-10 minutes with a rolled up towel placed at the back of my neck. Have you ever gone to a chiropractor? In my experience, they have helped me with this sort of thing.

Glad you're keeping up with the workouts, though. Cabin fever, huh? It's something common in Vermont, where the sun doesn't make it's appearance as often as one might like. Hope that that ole sun comes out and stays out soon.

That bike ride sounds like great, Jeanette. And I think it's great that the Slim series is attacking muscles that you haven't used. A good feeling, huh?

Ah, so that's what a Bowflex is...we don't get TV -- by choice -- and so I seldom see these kinds of things. I'm out of it a bit, but I read alot and hope that this makes up for it.

Anyway, have a terrific evening and wonderful workouts tomorrow. I think it's IMAX2 planned for me tomorrow.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Oh Rhea, that sounds like it hurts. Hope it's feeling better. Sometimes the slightest strain can make my neck hurt. Hasn't happened for a while, knock on wood. My horse is kind of klutzy, used to be really klutzy and if he stumbled it would pop my neck and I'd be sore for a while. Glad he's kind of grown out of that.

I had some pretty good DOMS yesterday in my glutes and legs from Firm It Up. Today I did all cardio using the warmup and 1st part of RS and all of CTX All Step. Tomorrow will be an all weight workout from Slim Series.

Made my room reservation last night for my training to be held in Chico on Monday and Tuesday. I'm taking my bike so I can do some rides on Sunday and Monday. There's great riding in Chico and hopefully, the weather will be good.

Must go now, yesterday's weather was sure rainy/snowy, pretty miserable if you ask me, but I guess I'm just so tired of it.

Good morning!

Neck's much better. I just keep moving and stretching and drinking lots of water.

Chico....I love Chico...my alma mater. Hopefully the weather will be sunny and it will definately be warmer than here!

Workouts...let's see... yesterday I did the sculpt portion of P90. It was a nice little weight workout that attacks muscles a bit differently than our general weight workouts. Then I added on some extra and mild cardio...Crunch's Dance Blast.

Have a great day!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea -- Natalie & Jeanie!:)

You brought a smile to my face, Jeanette, talking about your horse being clutzy -- I've never thought of horses being that way, but of course, they could be -- they're living beings, after all.:eek:

Are you going to Chico to train on job related things, Jeanette? If so, hope you have some good training and get those bike rides in.

Those workouts sound fun, Rhea. I'm going to have to start expanding out a bit -- I've kept with Cathe for a long time -- but you and Jeanette are right, I think, to try to work different muscles in different ways.

It was no workout for me today -- up very early to take hubby to the plane and then couldn't really go back to sleep very well -- though I tried -- so I ended up making this my rest day.:+

So, I'm looking forward (very much) to IMAX2 tomorrow. Read something really good about the skin in another book, which makes the point of cosmetics -- something like this -- the skin is the largest organ in the body and what goes on the skin goes into the body -- so why would you put something on your face that you can't eat?

Never thought of that before. So I'm doing some clay masks with mangoes and different things like that -- and straight coconut oil on the face -- so far, the changes I notice are good ones.:7

Anyway, have a terrific day, everyone, and great workouts.:7
Good morning ladies!

Rhea, glad to hear your neck is better. Being in shape really helps the healing, don't you think. Can you imagine if you were sedentary how much longer it would take. I'm looking forward to going to Chico on Sunday. I'll be staying near Skyline so can cycle up Honey Run or up to Centerville, 2 nice climbs that don't take too long. Weather should be okay. I'm taking 2 Excel classes (beginning class on Monday and the advanced one on Tuesday). Will return home Tuesday after the class.

Yes, Karen, some horses are more uncoordinated than others, just like people. Sure makes you more confident with a horse that's agile, especially going up and down hills.

Today was Mix It Up, a full body workout. You use light weights, but parts of it were a challenge for me. I do like Debbie who leads it. She's got a pleasant personality. Tonite is a bike ride with a girlfriend so there's my cardio.

I agree with you, Karen, re: makeup. What are some good products for the skin, such as foundations, blush, etc? I've always used Mary Kay stuff, but do wonder where that eyeliner and makeup all goes by the end of the day.

Must go now, hope everyone's workouts are good ones. Maybe we'll get a little more sunshine today? I'm sure needing it.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

The trip to Chico sounds like it will be a good experience, Jeanette. Two Excel classes -- will that teach you the program on computer, I'm wondering -- is that what this is -- the Excel program? Just wondering. Not that I know it -- have just heard about it.

I read a much gentler and helpful approach to exercise from an all natural book -- it's called "Traditional Foods are your Best Medicine." It mentioned taking things gradiently and working up to more time and more distance, etc -- very gradually so that the muscles have time to adapt -- the way he describes it, I can see how that would be pretty injury free.

Also in theis book called "We Want to Live, the Primal Diet" -- I'll just post what he suggests for beauty -- he writes: "Several times a week, applying onto the skin a thin paste made of 1 teasp. sun-driedpowered claly mixed with 1 1/2 tbls. unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, or clay mixed with a fertile egg, or clay mixed with 1 tbls. fresh raw papya juice with 1/2 tbls. good mineral water, attracts and absorbs toxins. Alternating apple cider vinegar, then egg, then papaya in the paste is healthest for skin. Papaya helps remove scars, such as acne."

Just for your info.

Thanks for describing the workout that you did -- makes it real to me -- and makes me want to get it, as well.

Anyway, today was IMAX2 for me -- did it in full. And tomorrow I plan ME, but may opt for Push/Pull instead -- I really like that workout -- am so glad that I got it. Then do ME later on -- on the weekend or something.

Hope you have had a terrific day and here's a wish for a wonderful day tomorrow -- Great Workouts everyone.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

The Excel class is a spreadsheet program, part of Microsoft Office. I know the basics pretty well, but would like the more advanced stuff.

Today was several step combos from Timesaver, so much fun. Hadn't done this one for a while and really enjoyed the music. I like Kung Fu Fighting! What a fun combo it is too. Total cardio with warmup and stretch was about 55 minutes. Yesterdays bike ride was hill climbs and recoveries. Felt really strong for it.

Karen, glad you did Imax2, you and I both like that one. Hopefully, your hip is not bothering you any more. Rhea too, hope the neck problem is behind you.

DH and I are going for a walk after he gets off work tonite. Today should be nice weather but the next 2 days won't be as nice. Then Sunday and Monday are supposed to be decent. I'm taking my bike down to Chico so I can get some cycling in on Sunday and Monday after the class. Will return home on Tuesday night.

Must go now,


Didn't get time to post yesterday. Got busy helping co-worker in court yesterday morning and then had to run to Reno to get parts put in car. Was absolutely nice (not gorgeous because of high cloud cover...hehe;) )yesterday in Reno. I did some walking while waiting and shopped at Linens and Things. I love being able to take my time in stores like that. I'm not much of a clothes shopper, but do like to dally in home type stores. I also got to sit in the sun and read. Was very nice. I was reading the novel State of Fear by Michael Crichton(don't know if I spelled his last name right) So true about us now being controlled by the media and fear.

Well, since I managed to get home early (didn't do any more shopping, got the car back too close to rush hour...I wanted to avoid rush hour in Reno...not fun), I did a quick workout. Did my Turbo Jam live which is only 30 minutes and a great cardio workout. Was just right.

Have a great day everyone and I sure hope this weekend is nice. I'm ready to start the weeding/planting/beautification process of the yardl.:+
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!:)

Almost didn't get a workout in today, myself, as time slipped away from me -- I'm doing this course and all -- but I did one tonight before dinner -- did Push/Pull -- a full body workout that's only 44 minutes -- am liking that workout more and more. So glad I got it in -- tomorrow is cardio and stretch -- am looking forward to that, too.

Rhea, I so agree with you on the fact that we are being molded more and more by media -- and controlled with fear -- it's one of the reasons we don't get TV -- I refuse to watch it (though I do like movies). If I might add something -- In my humble opinion, I think the press rarely prints the truth anymore -- I've read some things about PR and how it's being used nowadays -- it seems it's all about public "imaging" and "molding public opinion" -- not so much about truth -- it's why I tend to read so much -- to try to find out what's really happening...:eek:

Anyway, Jeanette, I, too, love the Timesaver DVD -- I gave mine to my daughter, who also loves it -- I think it's one of the reasons why I eventually got the Blast series -- loved that Timesaver DVD. And I'll be looking to get the CTX series next -- then go onto some other DVD's.

Jeanette, will you be able to post while you're gone? If not, we will surely miss you -- I always look forward to this time of day when I get to go online and read everyone's posts. And I bet you'll have fun with your bike in Chico -- at the very least, it will be all new places to see.

Anyway, oh, and Rhea, I love Home type of stores, too, but then I also love shopping -- although I've noticed lately that I'm put off a bit by department stores due to their heavy use of perfume. Sometimes I come away from those stores gagging.

Okay, so the tour scheduling is done and the hotels are booked (had to call each and every one of them cause I'm allergic to mold and also to perfume).:+ But it's done now -- there might be little things here and there to do, but for the most part it's done. Yea! Now -- and I'm really excited about this -- I am so looking forward to getting down and writing the next book -- went to the library here today and printed off the synopsis (don't have a printer with me) so that I can get started. It's amazing how excited I am about this.

Well, again, I've gone on and on. Have a wonderful Friday, everyone -- terrific workouts and for those who don't post over the weekend -- have a refreshing and terrific weekend.:7
Good morning ladies:

Today is my day off so I can be somewhat leisurely. I just finished Tear It Up and some of the shoulder work was tough. I made sure I went down in weights so as not to stress myself. It has some cardio in it but I may try to fit in a little more cardio like a walk or something if I have time.

Have been monkeying with my computer last night and today. Shame on me, I don't have an antivirus so I installed Norton last night. Well, not sure if I did it right, but it didn't find any viruses, took FOREVER to scan and REALLY slowed down my computer. The original problem of my Outlook Express is still there (it kicks out of there and I have to reboot the computer to get back in, pain in the butt). I uninstalled Norton and will get some more advice from my computer friends. I may have too many antivirus services loaded.

Karen, is your daughter still doing Cathe workouts? Hope so. My sister came over last night and borrowed Tamilee Webb's I Want That Body. Think it will be a good place for her to start. So neat when family members want to get in shape.

I won't be able to post while in Chico, but I should be back on Tuesday night or Wedn. morning. Really looking forward to the bike rid..er, I mean the class ;-)

Karen, do you have an idea in your head already for your next book? Wow, there is so much work and time involved, isn't there? But it's worth it, I'm very sure.

Rhea, glad you had a good time in Reno. Think the weather was better there than here and today's not that great. Glad I got my bike ride in on Wednesday. Yesterday was pretty windy.

Must get something done.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!:)

Sounds like a good workout, Jeanette. I've really become out of it on other DVD workouts -- but I'll try to catch up later, I think. Glad you're looking forward to that bike rid...I mean class...

So cute.

Hope your day off was fun. It was cardio fpr me today -- took about 1/2 hour power walk and then stretch -- felt good. After the workout last night, I needed a little bit of a rest and this was just the ticket.

Not sure if tomorrow I'll do a shortened version of ME or do a Sprint 8 and and then ME tomorrow -- just not sure yet -- probably will depend on the time factor.

I will miss you, Jeanette. Like I said, I always look forward to this time of night when I get to log on and check in.

Well, just did some laundry and am gearing up for the tour now -- and yes, I always do have an idea as to what the next book is about -- and it's always a thrill to start -- it's like starting a new project or something like that, I think -- it's always exciting... Plus, the people in the story really do want their story told and so they are happy about it, too.

I know that may sound odd, but yes, the characters do take on a life of their own -- it's an extremely interesting process.

Anyway, have a super weekend, Jeanette -- stay alert on your way to Chico and back and have a blast.

And have some terrific workouts everyone!:7

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