KK's June rotation

Hi Karen, Jeanette, Natalie and Jeanie!

Karen, you are so busy! I'm so glad that it is very close to the end. Believe it or not, Jeanette and I live in Northern CA. The mud is really from the backhoe digging my leach lines. No matter how good he would scrap, the tractor puts dirt on the lawn, so when it decided to rain, rain and rain, it just made a mess. But we did find out that the pressure washer was actually a good tool to squirt the dirt off the grass. Unfortunately, we have a very large lawn and most of it is covered. Besides, I still have about two piles of dirt next to the pond, just in case I need some dirt while forming it. That is what I will be doing all day today and tomorrow. I think I might skip working out. Sometimes that's a mistake for my back though. We'll see.

Have a great day everyone. Jeanette, you may be able to sneak in a horseback ride today. Looks like the weather is going to be great. It has already climbed from 57 to 63 degrees on my trip from Starbucks to the office at the courthouse. It may make it past 70 today....whoo hoo.
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

A leisurely morning for me, even though I have plenty of errands and chores to do. It was Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance Premix for me this morning. I'd never done it before. Think it's 1 hour, 5 minutes (including warmup and stretch) so doable for me. I kept thinking of you, Karen, and how much you like ME. Think it has 4 Bootcamp cardio sections (1 minute each) and then does legs and upper body from Bootcamp and ME after each cardio. The abs section is at the end, and all from ME. It's a great workout, I felt it really focused a lot on legwork (which I need). Boy, I was really sweating a lot on the legwork and I don't load the barbell as heavy as Cathe says. It might be a good one for you Karen, to mix up ME a bit. It's a circuit workout, but more focused on weight work than cardio. I thought it was lots of fun.

Karen, I'll be doing KPC tomorrow. I know this DVD is going to really grow on me. Legs and Glutes are great. Wow, what a process on the editing of your books. Very interesting to hear what goes into making one, besides the creative process of writing. Thanks for the encouragement about my bad day at work. Yesterday was much better. I hate office politics. I'm not involved at all, but I am friends with some of those involved and it bothers me to see them going thru garbage. Sometimes people can really play games, and mean games too. I don't think any one is any better at it than State workers. Anyway, I was glad it was my Friday yesterday. Today I have housework and errands, hopefully ride my horse some. Tomorrow DH and I need to go out to the desert or woods and sight in our guns (black powder), as we're combining attending a Black Powder Rendezvous with the Chester bike ride on Saturday. Will have to get the trailer readied again too (seems like I just cleaned it up earlier this week). Sunday will be a metric distance bike ride with the local cycling group here. Cass will go too.

Good workouts everyone!

Hi Rhea,
I woke up today and the sky was nice and blue, but now it's pretty cloudy. Boy, don't think the amount of rain was forecast, was it? Hopefully, it will be nice enough to ride my horse this afternoon after my housework is done. Plan on going out to the desert to sight in some black powder rifles as we have a shoot next weekend near the Last Chance campground (turnoff is located on the right before you get to the causeway when entering Chester). It's a lot of fun to camp and shoot there, but I'll also be doing a bike ride that same day out of Chester so will be scrambling as usual. I don't seem to do anything well, just a lot of things! No specializing in anything for me.

Will try to look for the piles of dirt by your house on Richmond Rd. Your yard work sounds heavy duty to me, so be good to your back. I've been doing a lot of corework from Coremax. I try to get in a premix segment a couple times a week and my little aches and pains have disappeared. Don't seem to get those hitches (you know the kind, from turning just the wrong way) so often. I've never had a real back problem though, and I'm sure thankful for that.

Hope you have a good day at work today. I do like that it's not too hot yet (looking on the bright side).

Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!


Am posting very late today. Finally got my page proofs off to my editor today. Whew! One cycle done. Now for the big one, the next manuscript. Didn't get much work done on it today, mostly worked on getting the page proofs done and off. But hope to have the manuscript done by the weekend and ready to send to my editor hopefully on Monday. (Fingers crossed.):eek:

Anyway, Rhea that does some like heavy duty yard work -- maybe Jeanette's suggestion would be good -- some Core Max -- and also some Stretch Max. I think the Stretch Max would be good, too. Also, just for your info, my chiro told me that the back was more prone to go out when the adrenals are low. There's a product called Adrenals from Nutri-West that I take when the adrenals are low -- which happens to me often when I'm under deadline. It's some info to stick in the bullpen, so to speak.

Jeanette, that workout sounds really good. I wish now that I'd gotten the DVD's for the intensity series instead of the VHS's. I only have the Pyramids in DVD. -- Oh, by the way, I loved your comment about the Pyramids yesterday -- you did sound like an archeologist (please excuse my spelling -- you'd never know I'm a writier).

Once this deadline is over, I think I may be ready to start in on doing split days on weight work. We'll see how well that goes. I know I really like the full body, but it's possible that the split days will start getting me even better results.

For me today -- I didn't workout until 7PM -- just couldn't fit it in until then -- did the warm up for IMAX2, then did 5 sprints outside, until a dog busted out of its pen, then I came inside and finished up with the first 5 intervals of IMAX2 and the cool down and stretch. Was actually a good workout, and only about 40 -45 minutes. I don't usually work out that late, as it often makes it hard for me to go to sleep on time -- but I really wanted to get in a workout and it's the only time I could fit in.

The Black Powder Rendezvous sounds really interesting -- almost like the old rendezvous's from the old trapper days that I read about so much. (At least for this book, I had to do a bunch of research on trappers and trading posts, so I was reading about rendezvous's.) It really sounds interesting. What do you shoot? Is it contests? Let us know how it goes.

Oh, I'll be cleaning out our motor home, as well, very soon. We had someone staying with us using the motor home, but he's not here now, so I think I'll need to clean it up, too. With my brother in law here, it's my guest room at the moment.

Oh, those sprints went well today, ran faster than usual and felt stronger -- I think these Cathe workouts are just great!

Anyway, I'll be working all weekend to get this manuscript done and hopefully ready to be printed and sent in on Monday. I have till the 15th, but my editor emailed me today wanting to know when it would be in, so I think I'll just wrap it up and get it sent pronto.

Plan to do either Bootcamp or Highstep Advanced tomorrow. To me, they are very similar type of workouts and I love them both.

Oh, one more thing, Jeanette, hope everything clears up soon at work. I know what you mean. The games people play sometimes. Although I do work an awful lot, weekends, etc., and have to tour (which I dislike) it sometimes reminds me that it is, after all, nice to work from home.

Have a great ride. And Rhea and Jeanie and Natalie, have a great weekend.:7
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!


Am posting very late today. Finally got my page proofs off to my editor today. Whew! One cycle done. Now for the big one, the next manuscript. Didn't get much work done on it today, mostly worked on getting the page proofs done and off. But hope to have the manuscript done by the weekend and ready to send to my editor hopefully on Monday. (Fingers crossed.):eek:

Anyway, Rhea that does some like heavy duty yard work -- maybe Jeanette's suggestion would be good -- some Core Max -- and also some Stretch Max. I think the Stretch Max would be good, too. Also, just for your info, my chiro told me that the back was more prone to go out when the adrenals are low. There's a product called Adrenals from Nutri-West that I take when the adrenals are low -- which happens to me often when I'm under deadline. It's some info to stick in the bullpen for later, so to speak.

Jeanette, that workout sounds really good. I wish now that I'd gotten the DVD's for the intensity series instead of the VHS's. I only have the Pyramids in DVD. -- Oh, by the way, I loved your comment about the Pyramids yesterday -- you did sound like an archeologist (please excuse my spelling -- you'd never know I'm a writier).

Once this deadline is over, I think I may be ready to start in on doing split days on weight work. We'll see how well that goes. I know I really like the full body, but it's possible that the split days will start getting me even better results.

For me today -- I didn't workout until 7PM -- just couldn't fit it in until then -- did the warm up for IMAX2, then did 5 sprints outside, until a dog busted out of its pen, then I came inside and finished up with the first 5 intervals of IMAX2 and the cool down and stretch. Was actually a good workout, and only about 40 -45 minutes. I don't usually work out that late, as it often makes it hard for me to go to sleep on time -- but I really wanted to get in a workout and it's the only time I could fit in.

The Black Powder Rendezvous sounds really interesting -- almost like the old rendezvous's from the old trapper days that I read about so much. (At least for this book, I had to do a bunch of research on trappers and trading posts, so I was reading about rendezvous's.) It really sounds interesting. What do you shoot? Is it contests? Let us know how it goes.

Oh, I'll be cleaning out our motor home, as well, very soon. We had someone staying with us using the motor home, but he's not here now, so I think I'll need to clean it up, too. With my brother in law here, it's my guest room at the moment.

Oh, those sprints went well today, ran faster than usual and felt stronger -- I think these Cathe workouts are just great!

Anyway, I'll be working all weekend to get this manuscript done and hopefully ready to be printed and sent in on Monday. I have till the 15th, but my editor emailed me today wanting to know when it would be in, so I think I'll just wrap it up and get it sent pronto.

Plan to do either Bootcamp or Highstep Advanced tomorrow. To me, they are very similar type of workouts and I love them both.

Oh, one more thing, Jeanette, hope everything clears up soon at work. I know what you mean. The games people play sometimes. Although I do work an awful lot, weekends, etc., and have to tour (which I dislike) it sometimes reminds me that it is, after all, nice to work from home.

Have a great ride. And Rhea and Jeanie and Natalie, have a great weekend.:7
Good Saturday morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

The sun is shining here in Lassen County! Hope it stays that way all day. Had some rain last evening around 7:30. Wonder if graduation ceremonies were over or if they decided to have it indoors. Have a few things to do today, work and fun. I always try to get something fun in there if at all possible.

Rhea, I took the weed eater and chainsaw into Diamond Saw Shop. Steve took one pull on the weedeater and said what you did, the spark arrester needed to be cleaned. He showed me the screws to the cover and how to remove it and clean it, so DH will do that this morning so I can weedeat. Have lots of weedeating to do. Will do a little laundry and this afternoon hope to get out with DH and sight in our guns. Tomorrow have a group ride out to Bogard planned. From town, it's around 50 some miles.

Today was KPC. It's a great workout and really makes me sweat. Notice my flexibility getting a bit better on the front kicks. Didn't do the stability ball ab work as I'd done plenty of it all week (seems like it, anyway). Karen, didn't know you don't have the DVD's. They sure are nice for mixing and matching and tailoring a workout to a time schedule. So good you felt strong on your sprints. There's nothing better than feeling strong!

Karen, the black powder rendezvous are fun. My DH and I don't dress up or have all the primitive gear. It's not required at this shoot. We just go to be with some friends and shoot together. On this course, there is a trail and along the trail are various points that you stop at and shoot at the target. The targets are sometimes just fun things like tooties roll pops sticking up on a log, colored straws, a length of chain hanging from a tree, a cut out of a buffalo, sometimes they are a moving target and they are all at various distances. You have a score card and if you hit the target, you punch a hole in the # of the target (usually 1-24 or so at this shoot). There is also a pistol course where you do the same thing, only the distances are much closer. The final competition element is called Hawk & Knife. There is a course with logs and you throw your tomahawk and knive at the targets, distance is not very far, just enough for your hawk and knife to make a complete 360 in the air and stick in the target. Of course, at the end of the shoot, there are awards based on how well you shot, and categorized by Men's, Women's, Youth. I shoot a .45 caliber black powder rifle, with percussion caps for igniting the powder (as opposed to flint). Most people shoot a .50 caliber but I was new to it and bought the gun from a young girl (who by the way, was pretty accurate with this gun). We don't get too competitive about the whole thing and only participate a couple times a year or so, but it's a lot of fun. Think we just like the camping the most. I usually do some kind of dutch oven dessert at night, as I enjoy doing that kind of cooking. I've gotten smarter and line the dutch oven with tin foil so I don't have to clean out the mess afterwards. There are usually vendors there that sell hides for making clothing, gun supplies, food, etc. At this particular shoot, in the evening they have a candle shoot where you have to shoot out the flame of a candle from a pretty good distance. Anyway, it's all just good, healthy fun and comaraderie. I probably won't be shooting next week as I have a bike ride nearby that same day. May throw the hawk and knife just for fun afterwards. All depends on what time I get done riding.

Karen, let me know how Bootcamp (or High Step) was. It sure is high energy and I feel soooooo accomplished when I get done with it. I don't have any of the High Step DVD's. What are they like? Hope the editing and proofing goes well today and you meet your deadline for sending off to your editor. Thanks for the words about my work situation. I just get disappointed in people when they get sucked into playing the games back. I guess I kind of think they should be above that sort of thing. Good thing this job is not my life, just a paycheck. The vast majority of people I work with are wonderful to be around, so I'm pretty fortunate and still like going to work.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and good workouts too!

Jeanette :D
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!


Okay, I finished! Yea! Yea! I'm printing up the manuscript now as I type this up. Yea! I'll just package this up and get this ready to go to my editor tomorrow. Yea!

Oh, I did Bootcamp yesterday. What a workout. I love it. It really gets me sweating. High Step is very similar to me to Bootcamp. The intervals are similar, but in High Step, you do two minutes of everything. 2 minutes of cardio, followed by 2 minutes of leg press, followed by two minutes of upper body work. There's no abs, however, in this workout. But it's one terrific workout. It's one of my favorites, actually.;)

Jeanette, how did your ride go today? 50 miles. Sounds really, really good. Well, I didn't finish my edits until after 6PM today, and so all I had time to do was walk the dogs. But it feels so good to have this done. Gee, it's done.

Now I get to get onto promo type stuff...

That Black Powder Shoot sounds really, really fun. Something that my hubby and I would really like. We, too, love camping though we rarely do it. We're just both so busy. But we were talking about it the other day and decided that we really must get in some camping this year. The water line is broken in our camper, and believe it or not, that's what's keeping us from camping, of all things...:+

Anyway, time to figure out next week's schedule. I'm going to start including sprints in my workout, only because in September, I'll be away from my Cathe workouts while I'm on tour, and relying pretty much on the Sprint 8 workout from READY, SET, GO!

I did only 5 sprints on Friday, and my thighs were fried...

Monday: IMAX2 -- this and ME are my favs

Tuesday: ME

Wednesday: Cardio & Stretch

Thursday: I think I'll try something different. There's a mix on my Pyramids of both Upper Body and Lower Body. I think I'll try that workout on Thursday, just to see how it goes. Or perhaps I'll do Power Hour. We'll see.

Friday: Sprint 8 workout

Saturday: High Step Advanced

Sunday: Off

Have a wonderful day, Jeanette, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie. I'm so thrilled to be done with this book. :7
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

First of all, Karen, it's fantastic that you are finished!!!! :7 :7 :7 :7 Hoorah, (happy dance inserted here too!)!!!!!! What a wonderful feeling you must be basking in! You've worked soooooo hard.

Karen, glad to hear that you enjoyed Bootcamp, I know I hoop and holler when I do this workout. Which High Step workout is it that you have? There are a few different ones and I get confused about them. I need to check the clips on them too.

Our bike ride yesterday was good. A beautiful day from the start! There must have been 15 people that showed up for the ride, Cass and I were the only women, but there is a wide range of ages, from 20's on up to 70's. However, most of the local "hammers" showed up so I knew we wouldn't be seeing them much. The group quickly split up and our group of 4 rode together the whole way. We did 58 miles at a pretty good pace for everyone. The meadows are so dark green right now, still a lot of melted snow water sitting on them. It was absolutely gorgeous. The shoulder of the road is wide (at least 3' wide, consistently) so it's pretty nice not to have to worry about getting over for traffic. Average speed, including hills was 16.1 mph for me, which I felt was good for almost 60 miles. Could have gone faster, but we try to keep everyone together and not drop anybody. Cass's strength is increasing all the time too, even though she's only able to ride with me on the weekends. Hopefully, that'll change for her during the summer as she'll have a bit more time after work.

Thought I had horse class this Tuesday, which also is our monthly bike time trial, but no class, so time trial I will do. It's pretty tough to push that hard, but it's a good gauge of fitness, if the dreaded wind doesn't blow too hard.

Here's my weekly rotation, along the same line as last week. I did feel like I lost some fat and gained some definition so will continue this rotation.

Monday: Did Muscle Max today. I really like this workout, kind of how Karen feels about Muscle Endurance.

Tuesday: CTX cardio & Coremax premix #1

Wednesday: GS Legs

Thursday: Imax 2 Intervals 1-5, Coremax premix #2

Friday: Bootcamp/ME Premix (this was fun last week when I tried it)

Saturday: Cycling (organized metric century in Chester, CA)

Sunday: Maybe just a walk

Karen, the Black Powder shoots are lots of fun for us. Hopefully, you can get that water line fixed. Usually, they aren't too tough to repair. I'll be packing the trailer tonite and hopefully a horse ride. I think it'll be a pretty busy week.

Have a big breakfast potluck at work this morning. I'm going to indulge some, but will try to keep it toned down. I had to make biscuits this morning (the kind in a tube).

Good workouts everyone!

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!


Well, got the manuscript off this morning, and boy, did it feel good. Thought I'd take the day off, but instead have spent the day updating my bookseller's list -- always a chore. Had to pull off a list off the Internet from the Romance Writer's site and it took me most of the afternoon to figure it out.:+

So here I am at this late hour, still haven't gotten dressed. Tomorrow, I am going to take some time to myself -- however, I have to get the bookseller list done somewhat fast, as we're going out of town and I have to get stuff going...pant...pant...

Seems it's always something...

Your bike ride sounds so much fun, and I bet it really gets you going for the week. Yes, we really need to get our water line fixed so that we can camp. That Black Powder shoot does sound great.

Workout wise, did IMAX2 today. Always a good workout. And I always enjoy it. Am going to force myself to take some time tomorrow -- and then get into these lists heavily...sigh...

Have a terrific evening, Jeanette. I always look forward to your posts.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

Something different today, I got up feeling just fine and started doing step cardio from Timesavers #1 and part of #2. I just didn't feel all that good, kind of light headed, like I needed to eat something. Stopped and had a 1/2 of a zone bar. Still didn't feel too good but put in Coremax anyway. Didn't take me long and I felt like my heart wasn't in this and there was a knot in my stomach. Made DH's lunch and climbed back in bed. Called in sick to work today but told them if I felt better, I'd be in later. I'm feeling better now, but not tip top so will stay home and rest some. Don't think it would be good to do the bike time trial tonite anyway if I can't give it my all. Also have a ride and camping this weekend that I want to be well for.

Have been reading about freestyle training. Think I will start working my legs more days a week and see if this helps to trim the lower body. My upper body looks pretty good and defined, also waist is good, but hips and thighs need improvement. Think I've lost 1/2" off my hips and 1/2" off my thighs in a year. They are getting firmer, though, so something's working. I may just change up this week's rotation to start accomodating more legwork in. We're sure fortunate to have all the Cathe DVD's to mix and match what's needed.

Well, the breakfast potluck yesterday was good, but I could have been better. Oh well, we don't do it that often and I'm back to paying attention to what I eat.

Karen, bet you are very happy to have sent the manuscript off. Good for you for doing Imax2. Yes, it is fun, but a challenge each time I do it.

Good workouts to all.

Hi Jeanette!:) Hi Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!

So sorry to hear that you're not feeling in tip top shape. I wonder if the breakfast pot luck might have had some food in it that might have been a little tainted. Whenever I eat out, (and I do alot of that on tour), I take grapefruit seed extract with me and add a drop of it to my food -- just to be on the safe side.

Hope you're up and feeling good tomorrow, though.

Okay, so I'm not sure what freestyle is. Could you tell me about it? Oh, also I think that working legs alot would be good. I still haven't ordered KPC and legs and glutes and I really mean to. Perhaps tonight or tomorrow. Probably tomorrow in case I have trouble ordering, then I can call customer service.

Anyway, did ME today. It really is a favorite of mine -- kicks my butt every time I do it -- and I like the leg work in it

Oh, also I didn't answer one of your questions yesterday -- the High Step workout that I have is High Step Training Advanced. It's really a good workout -- another one of my favorites though I haven't done it for a while.

Went for a walk tonight with a friend -- now that I'm off deadline, I'm really wanting to get out and see my friends again. So went for a real long walk -- was great -- and then Thursday, I'll see another friend, etc. Deadlines are tough and yes, I'm so glad to be done with this one

Taking all the things backlogged one at a time -- otherwise I tend to get overwhelmed.

Tomorrow for me is a short cardio -- 30 minutes or so and stretch. I might run outside or do a Cathe -- we'll see.

Let me know how you're doing Jeanette, okay? Have a terrific day tomorrow -- and have a great workout.

Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

I'm feeling much better this morning, I'm actually hungry again. Don't know what caused it but it was just such a "blah" feeling in my stomach. Glad it's over with now.

Karen, I did some reading using the search function on freestyle training (on this forum). Basically, I think it's where you work the legs from 4-6 times a week, not really resting them as you don't want the muscle to grow. You also do cardio a few times a week (tacked on after the leg work) and work the upper body a couple times too. Some ladies have gotten pretty good results on their lower body using freestyle. That's where I'd like to see changes for as much time as I put into exercising. I'm going to give it a shot for a while and see what happens. Here's the rest of my week's rotation (I changed up).

Wednesday: GS Legs (floorwork) and Lowmax intervals 1-4
Thursday: KPC
Friday: Bootcamp/ME premix
Saturday: Cycling (metric distance)
Sunday: Rest, walk the dogs

Good for you Karen, to get out and see some friends. I have to remember to take time to do that too. I'm around so many people at work, that sometimes you just don't want to see anybody on your time away from work. Will get to see a few friends at the black powder shoot this weekend, I hope. Looks like the weather may be a bit cooler, but that's okay for the bike ride, anything above 50 degrees is good with me (and as long as the wind doesn't blow). Will be taking the trailer out to the camping spot tonite after work.

Hope all your workouts are good.

Jeanette :7
HI everyone,

My cold is finally gone and I have taken today off from work. My husband has surprised me by taking it off as well so we are spending the morning together. My son has 1/2 days school today as this is their last week and I have told him we are going to the movies.

I am going to try to work out sometime this morning but have not looked at where I am at on the June rotation. I do like this month's workout format and may repeat it later this year.

Jeanette - I'm intrigued by the freestyle workout. I would like to get more lower body definition so if it works out for you, maybe I'll give it a try.

It's going to be 96 degrees here today - HOO YA!

Good morning everyone!

Just a quick note to say Hi. Congrats on finishing Karen! You must feel great and relieved. Whoo hoo!

Jeanette - glad you only had a slight blimp in the road and wasn't really too sick.

Natalie - glad to see that your cold is finally gone too!

I'm just been busting to get that pond done. I have blisters on my poor hands. At least I'm nice and brown? I can't wait to get back to working out though. I miss it. I miss being able to "yak" here too. Hopefully soon, I will have some more time.

Have a wonderful healthy day everyone!
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie! & Hi Jeanie!


Gosh, it's good to hear from you Natalie and Rhea -- I was wondering how you both were doing. Let me answer this person's question first -- you get Cathe's June rotation by just scrolling down on the subject side of this forum -- you'll see it. It's a good rotation this month, I think.

Anyway, Jeanette, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling better. Thanks for defining Free Styling. That's an interesting concept -- not resting the muscle inbetween -- it's something I wouldn't mind doing, either. Working it 5-6- days a week, huh? I wonder if it might go a long way toward getting rid of that cellulite that's so annoying...x( I might try it, too.

Natalie, so glad that your cold is gone -- you must've had a great day today -- the family home and together -- what movie did you see?

And Rhea, I'm so glad to hear from you -- too bad you have blisters on your hands -- you must really have been working. But I know the feeling of wanting to get back into working out -- I can't stand to be sick, if only because I can't work out:eek: ...:+

Oh, it does feel good to have that book done. I've swung into heavy promotion mode now. Very little time before (promotion wise) that book comes out in September. Seems like it all needs to be done yesterday:+ But it's not the same sort of thing as a deadline -- those are really tough -- this is just getting through the motions of what you gotta do.

Anyway, workout wise, I did the first 30 minutes of Body Max. Love that workout -- the warm up is probably my favorite. When I have the time, I love the whole workout, but can rarely put in 90 minutes. So anyway, did the first 30 minutes and then stretched with Stretch max -- the one with the band. My favorite so far is the regular stretch with no equipment.

Well, I go to Montana on Sunday -- for a week -- my mother-in-law's 80th birthday. I'll be gone a week, and I don't think my mother-in-law has a computer, so I may be away for an entire week.

I don't know. I'm so used to coming on here and chatting...I'll have to see if I can use someone else's computer or something. My laptop is so old, it's the kind that never hooked onto the internet -- guess eventually I'll have to break down and buy a new one...;-)

Natalie -- 96 degrees. Oh, my gosh. Do you mind if I ask where you live. Here in LA, we're having June gloom in the morning -- afternoons are sunny and fair -- perfect temperature, actually. But mornings we have that fog.

Okay, so I guess I'd better get myself off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow and terrific workouts.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

So good to hear what everyone's doing workout wise or whatever. It was the cardio conditioning premix from KPC for me (37 minutes warmup through to stretch) and Coremax premix #3 (18 minutes). Good workout. KPC does have good music and this premix was just the ticket. I'll do a short cycle (20 miles at a leisurely pace) tonite as I haven't ridden since Sunday and have a metric on Saturday.

Was so nice to spend time with good friends last night, even though it ended up at a pizza place (great pizza, by the way). Just had a salad and one piece. Wonderful company, thought of you Karen, and having time to get with friends. Boy, we have to try to balance it all, don't we. Sometimes just not enough time, but it's sure nice when there is time.

Karen, hope you can get on the computer when you're in Montana, will miss you on here. I was in Montana in 1977 for a cross country bike ride. It surely is Big Sky Country!

Rhea, know the yard will look really nice when you are done. Such a satisfying feeling, but much work to get to that point. Hope the weekend's weather is nice as we're camping near Almanor. Boy, it's sure been some spring. And the wind, what can I say?

Good workouts everyone!

Hi everyone,

Karen Kay - No problem asking where I live. I guess I never really said. I live in Southeasterm Virginia - on the Chesapeake Bay. Beautiful in the summer, very windy in the spring and fall. And hope you get to check in when you in Montana as we will miss you if you can't.

Rhea - sounds like a huge yard project! I know it will be great when you get done with it.

Well, I am going to try to continue with the June rotation tonight but do not have enough time for the entire workout. I always end up making up my working out longer on the weekends.

Talk to you later,
Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Rhea! and Hi Jeanie!


Workout wise today, did High Step Advanced. Had an all weight workout planned, but felt like doing weight, plus cardio. This is a good workout -- though I don't do it often. And I don't know why. It's quite intense -- shakes things up a bit. No ab work on it, though.

Natalie -- southeastern Virginia -- hmmmm...beautiful. No wonder it's so hot there. I used to live in the Washington DC area, long ago -- in the 70's -- had both of my kids there. We lived in Arlington, VA -- beautiful place. Really beautiful.

Hope your workout went well tonight.

Jeanette, that sounds like fun, getting together with your friends -- went an spent some time with another friend today, as well. Pizza -hmmm...sounds good.

Also, your workouts sound interesting. I've been dragging my heels on getting that KPC workout and I really need to. Have been shoe shopping at the Zappo's site, instead of getting those workouts I need...

Tomorrow I'm going to start doing sprints and running, cause I'm afraid that's going to be my cardio all through the month of September -- so I'm preparing the body for it now. Last time I did sprints, my thighs were screaming.

That High Step Advanced has some of the best leg work in it, Jeanette -- I was noticing that today, and thought of you. Twice she does squatts on the High Step with weight -- I can barely get through them without weight...

Anyway, am heavily into promo work right now -- seems like it's always something...

Have a terrific night -- and great workouts tomorrow.:7
Hi Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

Another leisurely Friday for me, I sure love Fridays! I really need to get with it, though, as I need to drive to the camping spot and start the fridge up so it will be cold be tonite. It's almost 11 a.m. and I'm still in workout clothes, need to shower and pack some more stuff, including bike and gear for tomorrow's ride. Weather is iffy this weekend, but hope it won't spoil the ride tomorrow.

Did Bootcamp/ME premix and it's a good one. I didn't do the ME abs on it as I did coremax yesterday.

Karen, I think I will order the High Step Advanced DVD as it sounds really good. Will have to do that soon. My legs don't feel sore today, and I don't want them to as I may either be doing the metric with Cass tomorrow, or if she doesn't show for the ride due to weather, I may do the century instead. I was hoping to get a bike ride (short) in this week but weather didn't allow. Oh well, thank goodness for my Cathe workouts. Karen, hope you have a great trip to Montana too. Weather is supposed to be looking up for next week. Can't believe in a couple of weeks it will be the 4th of July weekend and it's been so cool still. What strange weather for us.

Good workouts everyone, and I'll write more after the camping is over this weekend.


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