KK's June rotation


Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!


Well, let's see, I have 62 pages left (round about) and counting...

Didn't get as much done today as I would like, but wrote about 22 pages yesterday. And will get back to it shortly yet tonight.

Wow, Jeanette, painting your bathroom. Sounds like a lot of work -- but a great result. My whole house need painting inside and out. But once deadline is done, it'll have to be one thing at a time.

Sorry about your back -- it's great that you got the form down, though. Where did you go to learn about the form? This is something I'm looking for, too. To make sure my form is good.

Okay, so today I did a walk and stretching. Will just briefly post the rest of the week, since I'm starting this mid week.

Thursday: ME

Friday: Sprint Run or IMAX 2

Sat: Circuit Max

Sun: Off

Really like Cathe's rotation this month. It's only that I don't have many of those DVD's... Sigh...x(

Have a terrific evening, Jeanette. I'm going to try to log on every day. I really enjoy our chats.:7
Hi Karen, thought I'd copy this URL while I was thinking about it. From the search I did of "deadlift" on this forum, many people have problems with it. Thought this was a good article and picture. Believe what I was doing wrong was not keeping my upper body straight and with a curve in the spine. I was rounding the lower back. I will try it the other way and really try to feel the tension in the hamstrings.


Will write more tomorrow. Must hit the hay now. Finished painting the first color in the bathroom tonite. Cycling tomorrow after work and mask the line for the wall color after that. Think I will take 1/2 a day off on Friday and finish painting the walls and trim. Hoping it turns out okay.

Good morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Did Cardio & Weights this morning. Such a fun step workout, love the music too. Had tons of energy. Could it be that I haven't had to get up at 2:30 a.m.? I do like these holiday weeks cuz I go back to 8 hour days instead of 10 hours, so I get more rest. However, I do love my 4-10 schedule, with 3 days off so it's worth it for me. Used my 15# DB's for the chest work today. Felt good and doable.

Karen, when you finish your book, do you get to take a vacation? Seems like you deserve one, you've worked very hard. Are you excited about this story?

Looking forward to cycling after work. May do about 30 or 40 miles with a couple of girlfriends. Am going to Reno, NV this weekend to shop with Cass (son's girlfriend) and I arranged for a bike ride with the local club there. It'll be good for Cass to hook up with some Reno locals and find out some safe biking routes too. We're looking at doing about 50 miles or so. Should be fun. This will be on Saturday. Sunday we will go shop for accessories for the new bathroom decor.

Have a good workout everyone! Boy, are the endorphins flowing today!

:7 :7
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Jeanie & Natalie!


Wow! Okay, am 47 pages yet to go. But, hey, who's counting?

Actually, I almost always take some time off after a deadline. I really have to. What I love is when I'm off deadline, and then I get to go out shopping for things for the house. I love doing that. But this year, we're going to Montana almost immediately after deadline for my mother-in-law's birthday -- she turns 80 this month. It'll be a bit of a vacation, which is good.:)

And I'll get that shopping in when I get home. Sounds great going shopping for things for the bathroom. I think when I'm off deadline the first thing I'm going to do is gardening. I've noticed that my garden looks a little unkept...gee, I wonder why.

Wow! You've really got me thinking of Cardio and Weights again -- it's such a fun workout. I have planned Circuit Max for Saturday, but I just might change it for Cardio and Weights.

Did ME today. I love that workout -- not sure exactly why. But I just love it. Had me feeling good, too.

Hope your bike ride went well today, Jeanette. It's about 6 PM right now and I'm thinking you're probably doing it or have finished. Hope it went great.

Yeah, I was thinking about the safety issue on biking -- only cause I saw some bikers the other day and saw some cars pass them dangerously close, I thought -- and then I sort of went, hmmmm -- it would be good to have a place that was a little safer than the LA streets.

The story I'm working on is definitely interesting, but it's so hard to judge my own work. I never know. Some of the stories I like best are not those that are the most popular.:eek: So it's just a difficult call for me.

Definitely like the story. Has much detail about scouts and scouting and how fascinating the Indian scout was -- and how spiritual, as well. Did you know, for instance, that an Indian scout could "feel" or know about something as far away as 2-3 miles? And in detail? That a scout could tell from a single print if a man had a headache -- or what was on his mind?

Interesting stuff.

Anyway, back to working out. Tomorrow I have planned another favorite -- IMAX2. Am thinking that when I go on the road I'm really going to miss my Cathe's. I will exercise on my own -- but I don't think I'll have nearly the fun.

Have a terrific evening and a great workout tomorrow, Jeanette!:7
Good Friday morning Karen, Rhea, Natalie & Jeanie:

Karen, it was Imax2 for me too this morning. Great workout, love the music on this one for sure. I do modify a little bit, my tuck jumps barely clear the floor, as do the plie jacks, but I still get a workout and each time I do it, I get thru it stronger than the time before. I do think it's one of the best Cathe's I own.

No workout tomorrow or Sunday as I'll be going to Reno tonite to spend the weekend with son's girlfriend and shop for bathroom stuff. Arranged a bike ride with the local club in Reno, probably about 50 miles or so, starting at 9 a.m., but we should be done around 1 or 2 p.m. depending on how fast we go or how many stops. Looking forward to this.

Yesterday's cycling trip was a tad delayed as one of my friends had a flat tire at her home and was having trouble changing it. We rode over to her house and helped her, then got on the road. Did 34 miles, with a good 1/3 of it as climbing miles, so a good workout. Karen, yes, we are always concerned about safety around cars on the roads. Most all of the riders (unless they are hard core racers that don't want the geek effect) ride with mirrors on our sunglasses. This enables us to see cars behind us long before we hear them, then we can get over to the side. We tend to ride roads with wider shoulders if possible, but of course not all roads have these. If it's a heavily traveled road with no shoulders, I won't even attempt to ride it. If it has no shoulders but is lightly traveled, we will ride it. We also try to wear very bright colors so motorists can see us. If it's a very curvy road, we won't ride that either. We're blessed with a low population here in Lassen County so we don't really have too many traffic concerns. I've seen cyclists riding in heavy traffic, multiple lanes and using those lanes along with the traffic and I think they are crazy. Guess it's all relative. I can't say enough good about the mirrors, though. Did a ride once in Lassen Park without the mirror and felt naked without it. Karen, are there bike paths near you? Someplace you can drive to with your bike and then ride from there? We do that all the time. I have a bike rack to put my bike on, but lately I've been taking off the front wheel and putting it all in the back of my Jeep SUV, along with helmet, camelbak, etc.

Karen, your book sounds very interesting to me. I would love to know more about this so when your book comes out, I will purchase and read. Know I will learn a lot. Now I'm really looking forward to you meeting your deadline. How long after that will the book be out?

Will only work until noon today. Will take the afternoon off and finish painting the bathroom and cleaning the trailer before heading off to Reno. Looks like it might be a nice weekend.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea & Natalie & Jeanie!

Gee, I stayed up Thursday night until 6AM on Friday morning, writing. Wanted to get to the end of the book. So I finally wrote THE END, always a good feeling. However, the book is far from written -- I'm sure as soon as I go back into it, it will sound like something a 2nd grader wrote. But there is it -- at least the outline of it is down -- something I can work for. It takes a while for a book to get into print. I'll turn this in in a few days -- but it's not due to go on sale until -- I think it's May of 2006. There's all sorts of editing (usually is edited minimum of 3 times), etc., etc.

The book coming out in September is the first in the series and doesn't have quite so much info on the scouts -- a fascinating subject. It's about a lost clan that was sentenced by the Creator to live a half existence (I call it to live in the mist) because of a wrong they did to the children of the Thunder God, and is about the hero charged with breaking that curse, and the woman who brings it all about. -- that's the story of the book coming out in Sept. -- of course it's romance, not adventure or paranormal as this might sound.

Anyway, I slept most of the day yesterday...can't think of why:+ -- so no workout. So did IMAX2 this morning. I, too, love this workout and the music. I don't jump as high, either, but sure do work up a sweat. Love these Cathe workouts.:7

I was wondering about the safely issue on biking -- what we do here when we bike (but we're not competing) is ride the back streets where we live -- there's so little traffic here that it's pretty safe. And because we live fairly close to the mountains, we try to ride so that we have beautiful views.

Anyway, hope you have a wonderful weekend shopping for bathroom stuff -- oh, how I love shopping... Should be fun. And have a great time on your ride.

I'm off to work now... Hoping to actually edit to the very end of the book by the end of the weekend. Then I start the long and lengthy edit process. Sigh...

Have a great one.:7
Hello! Thought I'd better pop in and see what's happening. I sure miss it when I don't get to come "visit."

Wow, Karen, congratulations! You must have been in the writing mode to stay up all night. I used to do some writing and know how it is when the "flow" is there.

Jeanette--I was in Reno on Sat too! Did a very much needed Costco run. Bad time to do it since it was the first weekend of the month, but must have hit the store just at the right time since it was busy, but didn't have to wait in line too long. Now I'm well stocked.

Workout wise....let's see....Thursday I pushed myself...got home early and did Step Blast and a bit of one of my new ones....Push/Pull. About and 1 1/2 hours. Then yesterday I did the full push/pull, it was very fun. Mainly a remake of FitPrime's Up and Down, but with some tweaks that made it more fun. I'll be selling the old one at my yard sale. I'm off to do a workout, I think it will be a fairly low key one since I'm a bit pooped from Reno, but DH went with a friend to scout for firewood, so I'm grabbing the chance to workout. Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie & Natalie!:D

Had a good weekend. Got finished with the book -- added a scene and edited it to the end.

Now comes the heavy editing -- printing the book and going through it -- usually read it aloud -- print it on colored paper -- all to try to fool myself into it being "fresh."

Actually, on Thurs. -- I was just into getting the book done -- then took Friday off and this weekend, though I've worked on it both days, things are a lot calmer... Gee, I wonder why...;-)

I guess you're right, Rhea -- I must've been in that mode to write -- cause I was just gonna push it to the end. Always love that feeling of typing THE END.

Anyway, heavy edits for me tomorrow. Hope you both had terrific weekends. Wow, Rhea, those workouts are really going well, huh? I may pop for the new ones, myself, and then sell off my old ones.

Okay so for the week, I plan:

Monday: IMAX the original

Tuesday: Power Hour

Wednesday: Cardio and stretch

Thursday: Muscle Endurance -- my fav

Friday: IMAX2 -- my fav

Saturday: A circuit workout or some sort

Figure I'm getting in 4 days of cardio (2 of them with anaerobics), and 3 days of weights, one an endurance and one a power/strength.

Hope your ride went great, Jeanette. And Rhea, it's always great to hear how you're doing and what you're up to.

Have a great one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea, and Natalie!

First of all my week of workouts:

Monday: Today did Muscle Endurance, haven't done this in some time so it was good and fun. Those biceps were killer (as usual)!

Tuesday: CTX Step and Interval, Coremax Premix #2 (cycling in evening)

Wednesday: Legs & Glutes

Thursday: Lowmax Intervals 4-7, Coremax Premix #3

Friday: Bootcamp

Saturday: KPC

Sunday: Rest

Talk about a mish-mash! Had a great weekend. Went to Reno, rode with the Reno bike group "The Procrastinating Pedalers", about 15 riders total. We did 61 miles (Cass & I) up to Verdi (a local favorite), back down to Reno, around Reno and back thru the bike path. It was a great ride, not too fast, not too slow. Cass did wonderfully! Really had a lot of fun on this ride, lots of variety of streets, parks, paths. Plan on doing this again with their group.

Sunday did mega bathroom shopping at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Got lots of stuff. DH has to do a little more patching on walls in bathroom as towel racks are attached differently. He'll finish that today, I'll touch up the paint and then I can start decorating. Will look nice, I think.

Also talked to my Grandma who had her hip replaced. She says she is feeling much better and she sounded good on the phone. She's in Atascadero, CA in a care facility (temporarily for rehab). So good to hear her in fine spirits.

Rhea, your workouts sound interesting. Also, can anyone go to the track at Richmond to run? I've toyed with doing a bit of that, but for some reason, feel kind of embarrassed here in the neighborhood. Got to get past that. Ah, yes, the dreaded firewood season. Think DH will be going to get his wood permits today. Not my favorite activity in the summer, but I hate to see him go by himself so I go too and usually am able to tolerate it. Guess we get a lot of heat from the firewood (cutting, loading, splitting, stacking, whew!)

Karen, the end is near, but realize now you still have a lot of work to do. Let me know when your previous book comes out this September. I'd like to read it. Sounds very interesting too.

Well, must scoot. Have to get to work earlier today to drop my car off at the car wash. It is so filthy I'm ashamed. Then will have to finish cleaning the inside tonite. Have a busy week ahead.

Good workouts to all!

Good morning everyone,

Karen Kay - congratulations on getting all that writing done. I am terribly behind on paperwork but have managed to get through some this morning.

I have got to get out of this chair in a few minutes. Am doing the June rotation this month - it will be biceps and triceps, core and stretch 2 and I think I will add 30 minutes of aerobics if I have time as I would really like to lose 2-3 lbs. this month.

Hope everyone has a great day,


Karen- yippee, it's done! So glad to hear that and now you will be able to relax a bit.

Jeanette, I think anybody can use the track. I just walked right over, didn't ask anybody. I'm always worried about the dogs being there, but I just make sure I only go when no events or anything is going on at the school.

I'm probably not going to do much of a rotation for a while. I'm just going to get through the month and get that yard stuff done. Along with the work schedule, I'm hoping to keep up. Yesterday was my OMG, I have to clean day. I got some new furniture delivered and that set the mode. Now, keeping up will be part of the goal, along with....big yard sale soon. I'm decluttering like mad.

Well, back to work, must go visit clients.:-(
Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie!:7

First for the workout -- did IMAX the original today. That's one tough work out, but did it in its entirety, though I certainly don't do those jumps very high on that 10th interval. Then went shopping for food and shoes... I know I should be working, but was printing out the manuscript, so took a bit of time...

Anyway, your rotation looks interesting, Jeanette. Isn't ME a good workout? It really is one of my favorites.

Natalie -- Cathe's June rotation looks like fun and I'd probably be doing it if I had those workouts, but I have only a few of them, which reminds me that I must add to my collection soon.

I know you'll be able to shed those 2-3 pounds -- just eat clean, too.

Jeanette -- thought of you over the weekend and your cycling -- it sounds like fun. And we actually finished a house project yesterday. My hubby's been working off and on for quite a while on making a cabinet to hold all our movies and DVD's. He finally finished it and so we now have all our movies in one huge cabinet. All neatly filed -- well, sort of.

Rhea -- had to smile when you mentioned cleaning -- I have that yet ahead of me when all this is done... And yard work, too.

Oh, and Jeanette, the car? My sits under a tree and has sap on it right now -- just noticed it cause, well, I went shoe shopping today...

Well, gotta run. I'm acting like this book is done, but it's not yet, and I have to keep reminding myself that these edits are very important.

Have a great one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie!

It was CTX Step & Intervals and Coremax Premix #2 for me this morning. Those CTX workouts are tough ones, they never seem to get easier, but then again, I did this one on an 8" step so it was a bit harder. Coremax was good, I find I really have to concentrate on these moves to get the most from them. You definitely cannot let your mind wander while doing them. Tonite is cycling with a couple girlfriends, will probably be climbing as that's what taxes you the most, but has a lovely downhill to go with it (the rainbow at the end). Yesterday I planned to ride my horse but it was so darned windy that I thought it wouldn't be pleasurable so cleaned the inside of my car. Also finished spot painting after DH had textured spots in the bathroom that needed it. Now I'm ready to start hanging towel bars, racks, shower curtain, etc. The fun part!

Natalie, I toyed with doing the June rotation too. Printed it out anyway and will try to incorporate it. I'm still working on endurance strength workouts for now to help with my cycling and then still would like to lose a few pounds. I have short legs and a longer torso (I'm only 5'2") so don't think I will ever have the slim legged look. I definitely can tell I'm firmer in the thighs though, which is nice. Have only lost 1/2" on them since I started Cathe workouts, but they are smoother and don't seem so jiggly. Funny how I can cycle 100 mile rides and still have fat legs. Just shows you can't spot reduce. I've got to try to eat cleaner, keep having a bit of chocolate in one of the secretary's offices that I frequent each day. Must stop...

Rhea, let me know when you have your yard sale and I'll try to drop by and meet you. New furniture is nice, I finally broke down last year and bought some. My weedeater needs help so will drop it off at the saw shop this week for a tune up. Just doesn't seem to have much power even when we clean the filters. I sure need to clean up our place around the edges with the weedeater. We have a few acres so a riding lawn mower is a must with the weeds.

Karen, glad your DH finished the cabinet for movies. Bet it's nice. I kind of like refinishing furniture. Don't know what's the matter with me, I've had a bit more domestic side of me showing thru lately. Shopping for shoes? That's something I'm terrible about doing for some reason. Is Imax as fun as Imax2? How's the music in it? Is it as high impact as Imax2?

Well must get ready for work now.

Hello! Don't have much time before court, but wanted to tell you Jeanette that we had the same problem with our weedeater and the guy at the saw shop (you must go to Diamond?) said that it was the spark arrester that got plugged. Happens all the time and there is nothing you can do but get it cleaned. At least, that is what I remembered my DH telling me. I guess you can't unplug the spark arrester either! I'll tell you when the garage sale is, I don't yet, I'm waiting for the backyard stuff to be finished. If you ride or drive down Richmond, the white house with the red tile roof, and the extremely large piles of dirt in the back yard (which you can actually see from the road) that's my chaos!
Good morning, Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

It was Legs & Glutes for me this morning. This is the first time I've done this one in it's entirety. I have a shortened version on one of the Timesaver DVD's. This is definitely a tough workout, but I like it because it hits different parts of the legs, instead of just the quads or hamstrings.

Cycling was during windy conditions last night so we didn't climb. Did not want to battle gusty winds while descending. Did about 25 miles.

Thanks, Rhea for the tip on the weedeater. I will mention it to my DH, who will be taking it in to Diamond today, I think. Wonder why it has to be cleaned by a shop? He also has a chainsaw he needs to have some work done on. He loves wood season, wish I could say the same.

Karen, hope you are making progress on your editing.

Must go, good workouts everyone.

Hi Jeanette! Hi Rhea! Hi Natalie & Jeanie!

Can't believe a whole day went by where I didn't come and post... Was so tired last night, I just went to sleep fairly early...:eek:

Well, I'm 1/2 way through the edits on the new book, called THE SPIRIT OF THE WOLF and 2/3's done with the edits on the page proofs for the book coming out in Sept. I'm doing one editing job during the day, and the other at night before I go to sleep...;)

Anyway, oh, IMAX the original is very high impact, like IMAX2 -- I think it's slightly harder -- not sure why, but maybe it's the fun factor isn't quite as high as IMAX2, or maybe it's simply harder...:+

The music is okay, but not as good as IMAX2. For me, the Intensity Series is still my favorite, although I need to get all of the rest of the series's before that can be considered an educated opinion...

Redecorating your bathroom really sounds like fun, Jeanette, and I can't wait until I have the time to think about and do that sort of thing again. I do love it.

Okay, so I'm seriously thinking that I should get the KPC/Legs & Glutes DVD, as well as the strength DVD from the same series. I've heard that the strength DVD is a little easier than ME, but sometimes, I need those easier workouts.

Rhea, your house sounds like a great one -- love that description of the backyard.

Oh, a really exciting thing. I just got my new cover for this new book, due out in May -- oh, my gosh is it beautiful. It's this beautiful scenery with the hero standing next to a horse and the heroine is on the horse. It's really pretty. I think it's the best cover I've ever had. My hubby says it's the prettiest cover he's ever seen. So I'm excited.

But must get these things edited.

Okay, workout wise yesterday I did Power Hour -- love that workout -- muscles are still sore -- today I did a 30 minute run outside -- mostly cause I haven't gone outside for the past 2 days -- and then stretched with Stretch Max -- the first one. Love that music.

Hope your ride went well, Jeanette. It's so pretty outside, it was a pleasure to run today.

Have a good one.:7
Good morning Karen, Rhea and Natalie:

It was Lowmax intervals 4-7 for me, plus Coremax premix #3. Lowmax is sure a good leg workout. I sweated like crazy cuz it's warm out and raining this morning. I am seeing my thighs tighten up a little more. I did the deadlifts on ME earlier this week and think I did them right as I could sure feel it in my hamstrings (for once) and still actually feel it.

Had a really bad day at work yesterday, some very stressful happenings that I won't go into, but I stuck it out. I was so upset, I couldn't concentrate and kept having to redo tasks because I hadn't done them right. Probably should have gone home, but didn't. Hoping today is better (it's got to be, right?)

Karen, your book cover sounds wonderful, anything with horses I love. I start my dressage summer class next week. Looking forward to that. Wanted to ride yesterday and Monday, but the weather has prohibited it. Have a bike club meeting tonite and will also plug away on the bathroom. I had DH help me hang some towel racks and I got to put up the new towels. It's coming around nicely. Just have to find some pictures for the walls.

Hoping to get a nice metric distance ride in this weekend with Cass. Think we will ride on Sunday. Our next organized metric is on June 18th and the following Sunday, June 25th, I do my big challenge of the year, the Mtn. Lakes Challenge in Ashland, Oregon. It's a 100 mile ride with 7,000' of climbing. The most I've done before is 5,000' so this is a step up. No one that I know of is going from this area so I may have to ride it alone :( Think I will email the webmaster of the club that's putting it on and see if there are any other riders that I could join with that are my speed. It sure makes the miles go by easier. Need to make my hotel reservation too.

Karen, I love the Intensity Series too. I will probably explore the Pyramids more later. I sound like an archaeologist, don't I?

Hope everyone has good workouts today. Tomorrow is my day off and boy, am I looking forward to it.

Hi Jeanette, Karen Kay, Rhea, and Jeanie,

Summer has finally arrived here. I really love hot weather. I grew up in South Carolina and it just doesn't feel like summer unless the temp is at least in the upper 80's.

Jeanette - I've always had big thighs, too. They were bigger when I cycled alot but you know, they were muscular, too so that's ok.

I've had a cold this week so I haven't been able to do all of the June rotation this week. I don't have the Pure Strength or Slow and Heavy series so am substituting with bits of Intensity, Hard Core, and Blast. I would like the get the pyramid DVD this summer to complete the Intensity series.

Karen Kay - It sound like you are getting alot done on your book. How many edits do you normally have to do before a book is finished? I finished the book I've been reading for awhile and my friend who is an avid reader has let me borrow a book called Transit of Venus. Not sure what it's about but will be reading it by the pool this summer.

Got to go to work,

Hi everyone!

Wow, Karen, sounds like you are just puggling away at the work. Hopefully you will be done soon. Are you going to post a picture of the cover on your website like before?

Jeanette....this weather here is getting to me. I'm really tired of the rain. I feel like we are living in Washington or Oregon. My poor backyard is a mud hole. The dogs have to stay in their kennel because there is so much mud. (They don't appreciate that much. :( )

Natalie! So good to see you. Hope your cold gets much better.
Hi Jeanette! Hi Natalie! Hi Rhea! And of course Hi Jeanie!

Well, I'm going to buy the KPC/Leg&Glutes DVD and the Push/Pull DVD. Just keep hearing all these good things about these DVD's and so I'm going to get them. Have to keep expanding my Cathe workouts until I have them all...

Oh, the book. Okay, so today I finished the edits on THE ANGEL AND THE WARRIOR -- the page proofs -- so now I'm doing the edits on the new one, THE SPIRIT OF THE WOLF. That's the new book, not yet sent in to my editor -- the one I'm under deadline for -- 5 -- or 6 days at the max -- 10 hours, 34 min., 35 seconds & 37 fractions of a second to deadline -- but who's counting...:+

Natalie -- to answer your question, the page proof edits are the last edits of a book -- it usually has 3 offical edits -- one from your editor, then one from the copy editor, and then page proofs. The edit I'm doing on the new book -- the one I'm under deadline for, are my own edits -- before I send the book to my publisher. I've already had my hubby and mother-in-law read it for spelling errors (can't spell worth a nickel) and repetitious words -- that's the bane of my existence, is repetitious words. Hard for me to catch, but easy for a reader to catch, unfortunately...x(

Anyway, Rhea, sounds like you live in Vermont. I remember (I used to live in Vermont) that spring was called, not spring, but mud-season. Gosh, what a beautiful place to live, though. Utterly beautiful...

Jeanette, I'm going to have to do LowMax more often, and just skip one of the intervals to make it around an hour. I love your comments about it.

Gosh, I'm sorry you had work problems -- gee, that's tough -- I hope it's something that's easily fixed, and that it's not some personality clash -- sometimes in office type situations, there can be these clashes -- hope it's not that. But at least you have your exercise to take out your frustration -- one of the good things about working out.

What a treat. A bike ride in Oregon. Wow. I bet that will be beautiful. Sounds like you are one professional rider to be going so far -- but it really sounds wonderful.

And the bathroom, reminds me that we need to finish this cabinet just done -- just a few latches -- but these things hang on my mind -- love to finish things, if you know what I mean.

And Natalie, I, too, grew up in hot weather and so the summer really isn't summer for me if it's not hot.

And thighs -- I don't know -- I think strong thighs are preferable to those thin things that you see on models. Sometimes I'm not sure those super models look quite healthy.

Anyway, okay, back to work for me. It was great reading all your posts. Oh, and workout wise for me today was my favorite, Muscle Endurance -- I always feel so good after I do that workout.:)

Have a great one.

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