KK's July Check-In


Thought I'd start off July with the new check-in.

Hope everyone is having a super July weekend. Yesterday, it was the original IMAX for me -- only did 8 intervals though, due to time constraints. Plan to do a TimeSaving version of KPC today.

Have a terrific holiday weekend!:7
Time to post this next week's rotation. Hope you are all having a wonderful 4th holiday!

So here's what I plan for this next week:

Monday: IMAX3 -- on a 4" platform

Tuesday: ME -- shortened version perhaps

Wednesday: This is my cardio day -- some cardio workout -- maybe TJ's 20 minute workout since I haven't done that one in a while -- plus a stretch

Thursday: Push/Pull

Friday: IMAX2

Saturday: Some circuit workout -- usually a short one as Saturday is my only day off and it's usually filled with a tremendous amount of chores.

Sunday: Off

Yesterday, Saturday -- finally got in a short workout --KPC the 37 minute premix. What a great little workout that is. Had me sweating up a storm -- in only 37 minutes.

Haven't written this weekend, but am going to organize this next month -- I figure I need to write about 10 pages a day to make my deadline (and I must make my deadline). My target has been 7 pages a day, but I must up it to 10. Sigh...x(

Hi Everyone!:)

Hope your fourth weekend is continuing to be great.

Just a brief note -- yesterday was my day off -- plan to do IMAX3 today, but on the 4" step -- although I might start off with the 6" and see how I do. This is the toughest IMAX workout for me and so I tend to take it easy.

Didn't get anything written over the weekend -- had so many chores to do that I found it impossible to get any work done, but must get my quota of pages done today -- which is 10. As soon as I finish here -- it's to work.

Weight was up this morning. While I like this coconut diet that I'm on -- the body likes the increased fat intake, I cannot allow it to gain weight above a certain point. Therefore, I'm cutting back on calories, as well as continuing to eat low carb -- right now, I'm eating no grains at all, and hardly any fruit -- what carbs I'm getting are from veggies and salads, etc -- don't intend to continue that way, but for right now I'm going very low carb. Will also cut back on calories, but will continue the coconut, as the body really does seem to like it -- however, if I continue to have trouble, and the weight just seems to add on and on -- I'll cut back on the coconut, as well.

With Atkins, I also found this to be the case. I couldn't eat as much fat as I wanted and just eat lo carb and expect to lose weight -- if anything I gained weight on Atkins -- but because I agree with many of the concepts with Atkins, I continued lo carb but added in low calorie, as well. And then I lost weight.

I guess I'm just one of those people who needs to cut the calories, as well. Even before Atkins and lo carb, I discovered that I would lose weight by restricting calories. It's just not something that is easy to continue on a day to day basis. The coconut oil at least keeps me feeling satiated, so that I don't feel deprived.

Well, I've gone on and on about the diet. Hope you are having a great 4th.!:7
Did IMAX2 today instead of IMAX3 -- with the heat and time considerations, I decided that IMAX2 would just be a little easier for me today.

It went well -- did the full workout -- sweated up a storm. Yea!

Haven't made my page count and so back to work.x(
Another quick note: Am taking today off as my scheduled day off -- didn't intend doing it this way, but I think it'll work out for the best -- was sore this morning after IMAX2 yesterday -- go figure...

Page counts are coming hard -- am working today -- getting together July 4th supper soon, though. Hope everyone is having a great 4th!:7
Hi everyone!

I was out of town this past weekend, but did manage to get some workouts in, just not Cathe.

Saturday: 45 min run and 5 min sprints and some jumping jacks
Sunday: 6 mile run/walk w/ DH
Monday: rest (but I did play some lawn jarts :) )
Tuesday: 25 min run in AM and Step Heat in the PM when we got back

Today: I did GS back, shoulders, and biceps as well as Christi Taylor's Stepsational. DH and I will do yoga tonight.

Hope everyone has a great day.

KK, be careful w/ too much lo carb...it can really damage the kidneys. And make sure you get at least 1200 calories/ day or your body will go into "starvation mode". (sorry, went into "dr mode")
Just checking in real quick today. We had a fantastic, relaxing time camping for the past 5 days. Played horseshoes with mom & dad, rode bikes, shot my .22 pistol, ate, cooked, walked, it was great.

Back on my workouts today. I brought my weights but never did them. Today was Slow & Heavy Chest and then Imax 1-5. I will do a short ride on my bike tonite.

Have to go watch the Tour De France coverage this morning so that's why this is short. Will post more later.

Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Becky & Natalie!:)

Hope everyone's fourth was great! Jeanette, sounds like your 4th was terrific. Super, actually. Glad you were able to maintain the workouts while you were on holiday. Sounds like your DH did, as well. What a wonderful relaxing time... Wish I could say the same -- but it's no one's fault but my own, leaving my manuscript until the last minute...

Didn't get as much work done as I would have liked, but I did get some work done each day, which is a good thing. So now the pressure is on and I really must make this target of 10 pages a day -- if I do that, finishing the mnauscipt on time should be fairly smooth.

Hope you had a great 4th holiday Becky and Rhea.

Today it was Muscle Endurance -- one of my favorite workouts -- and again, it left me feeling quite good -- really to get going with the day.

Had a run in yesterday with a new creme rinse for my hair -- was quite allergic to it -- so that was not so good, but overall the day was good -- like I said, I did get some work done -- but spent some time outside in the sun -- which I tend to miss when I'm under the gun on these deadlines.

Hope the Tour de France is great and have a terrific ride tonight, Jeanette!

It's off to work I go, hi ho, hi ho...:7

Edited to say that I'll watch this lo carb -- appreciate your concern, actually -- don't think my calorie intake is too low, though I'm not counting calories -- but I think I'm eating too much fat for it to be low -- am going to include more water,however.

Have a good one everybody!:7
Good morning all!

Had an okay 4th. Didn't do much. Got some sewing done, cleaning, etc. (whoow, that sounds so thrilling, huh?)

Yesterday I did Cardio Part #1 and this morning I did Foundations with Kathy Smith and the Upper Body workout. I put together a 90 day rotation and am hoping to stick with it. (well, actually, only the first two weeks has been written, but wanted to see where I was before adding stuff)

Anyhoo, got run and get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
Good morning. Tomorrow is Friday! Woohoo!

This AM was GS Legs and segment 1 of Coremax. In the PM, DH and I will do a 30 minute run. I might tack on a segment of StretchMax too.

I have a wet carpet...something is leaking somewhere...must get the maintenance man to fix it. Ugh!

Hope everyone has a great day.

Hi all:

Not much time to post, want to watch the Tour as I don't have Tivo. My workout today was S&H biceps and triceps, abs too. Will do a bike ride tonite with the ladies.

Rhea, the sewing sounds REALLY exciting!!! 90 day rotation, wow!

Karen, hope you get more writing in today.

Becky, hope you find out where the leak is coming from. What a pain. Enjoy your run with DH. My DH and I just have not made the time to start running yet.

Have a family reunion for DH on Saturday, bike ride on Sunday. Must run now.

Great workouts to you all, and oh, I got my new Cathe DVD's, 2 GS upper body DVDs, Supersets/Push Pull, and SJP/Step Blast. Can't wait to do them. Think maybe my next rotation will be something with circuits as I have a bunch of them but haven't used them a lot.

Hi all!

Just a quick note to say hi! Hmm, Jeanette, not sure if you really mean thrilling about the sewing or if you are being sarcastic...hahaha I'm sitting here giggling though!

Becky - hope you find the leak, I hate those sneaky ones that just appear.

I'm afraid to say, I think I have most of Cathe's workouts already. I think the only ones I don't have are the slow and heavy series. I can't wait until the new ones come out. It will be a welcome addition, as if I really need more workouts...!

Well, Karen - hope your surpassed your page counts!

Have a great day everyone!
Hi Jeanette & Rhea & Becky & Natalie!:)

Well, I got some pages written today, but not as many as I'm supposed to be doing. But my daughter (the one who lives in NY) flew in this morning with her new "bo" and so we spent the afternoon together. It's her birthday on Saturday and so we'll get together -- probably on Sunday as she'll be out of town on Saturday -- and celebrate. Gee, it was good to see her.

She got KickMax and another video for her birthday (from me). And she told me how much KickMax rocks. She said she was utterly drained afterwards (in a good way). It was really exciting to talk to her -- and she looks fabulous -- trim and slim and pretty. Simply wonderful. Just wonderful.

Rhea, I think your sewing sounds great, too. I tend to put sewing off cause I'm not good at it and so little words often escape my mouth when I'm sewing.:eek: And a 90 day rotation. WOW!

Becky -- ugh, what a drag to find a leak like that -- we often have a wet bathroom floor -- but that's due to our older kitty who often misses the box -- she tries hard, though.:)

Hope you enjoyed your run with your DH.

And Jeanette -- I, too, don't have the S&H series, but I hear such good things about it -- its on my list -- but I'm still thinking about the CTX series as my next series. Now I'm interested in KickMax, too -- my daughter raved about it.

That's so cool that your got your new DVD's in. What fun! Am doing Push/Pull tomorrow -- or maybe Supersets -- love both of those workouts.

It was TJ's 20 minute workout for me today followed by a stretch with the ball with Cathe.

Oh, Jeanette, that's wonderful about the family reunion -- I'm going to have to miss mine this year -- it's in Illinois and then it's in July -- heavy deadline time.

Well, here's to a bright day tomorrow -- have a super day and terrific workouts, everyone!:7
Good morning ladies:

It was a leg workout for me today. I did Muscle Max premix lower body only (23 minutes) and then switched to GS Legs floorwork only. This was a nice one for me. Last night's bike ride was a hill climb with another rider who is pretty strong. I've only ridden with her once before. Hopefully she'll keep coming back. It was a good workout.

Karen, so nice to have your daughter with you. Is there a chance you two can work out together? That would be really special. Hope you can get your pages of writing in today.

Rhea, I was teasing about the sewing being exciting. Actually, it's been a long time since I've sewn. Think the last thing I made was a pregnancy tent.. I mean dress for myself for a party. My son is now 25 so it's been a while now.

Becky, you working on that roof leak? Hope you can post soon.

I'm off to watch the Tour on OLN.


The mystery of the soggy carpet has been solved...only 1 hole in the ceiling and 2 holes in the wall later....

The maintenance man will fix the holes after the carpet is completely dry...which I guess he'll do on Monday...just hope the holes don't make it easier for my upstairs neighbors to hear all my jumping on my step. :)

Karen, have a great time with your daughter. I was just up in Cinci last weekend visiting my mom and we had a blast. We went consignment shopping together...loads of fun. I'm still working on getting her to get in shape...then I'll introduce her to Cathe.

Jeanette, that floorwork on GS legs is hard!!! I did all of GS legs yesterday and I definately think the floorwork is the hardest part. That band kills me!

Rhea, I am in awe of anyone who can sew. I have no clue. I usually just hem things with hem tape and an iron or wait until we visit my mother-in-law. :)

Today's workout was GS Chest and Triceps and then Christi Taylor's Totally Cool Step (and then her bonus abs too)

I think I am hitting a plateau. Since May I have lost 14 lbs (from 144 to now 130) and I think it is gonna be pretty tough to get rid of these last 5 or so.

Hope you all have great workouts!

Hi Everyone!:)

Am posting late tonight -- did make my page count and then vegged in front of a DVD of Third Rock for (blush) 1 1/2 hours... But at least the page count was done.

GS legs is one that I don't have -- it's really tough, huh? I have most of the Hard Core series but not the GS's. Hmmm...keep thinking I really want the CTX series, but am tempted by these others.

Becky -- am so glad that you found the leak...even though it's three holes later. Did you find out what it was? Was it plumbing or weather? We, too, need to fix some holes in our ceiling from some past leaks. Funny how blind one can get to these things.

Jeanette, sounds like a terrific rotation and a fun ride. Hope that tour is exciting on OLN. Are you going riding tomorrow or Sunday. Wait, don't you have a trial tomorrow?

Oh, Becky, that's wonderful -- 14 lbs. -- wow! What diet were you following? And I hope you're not really at a plateau, but even if you are, you'll be able to take off those last 5 lbs. if you hang in there, I think. Are you at your ideal weight now for your height? Or will you be there after those last 5 lbs?

I'm at the high end of what I can tolerate on my weight -- and I'd like to lose 3-5 lbs. Trouble for me is that for some reason when I'm under deadline, it seems almost impossible to diet. We'll see -- I've upped my water intake today and will see if that helps at all -- at least it keeps me from snacking too much.

Well, it's either a Sprint 8 outside for me tomorrow or IMAX3 -- the pollen has now cleared up outside and so I think I'll be able to run outside, if it's cool enough.

Oh, wouldn't it be great to do a workout with my daughter? Trouble is, she's here for a friend's wedding so I won't be seeing her that much -- but it would be fun, if we can manage. Yeah, Becky, keep working on your mom. Sounds like you have a great relationship.

Anyway, have a super weekend everybody and terrific workouts.:7
Hi ladies!

Today I am going to do Rhythmic Step (will do in about 45 minutes) and then a segment of CoreMax.

Karen, I guess I am not in a plateu...the scale said 128.5 this morning. I think I was just not eating enough calories, forcing my body into "starvation mode". (my peanut butter sandwich had been on a low-cal small pita whole wheat pita bread and I switched it to actual whole wheat bread) The diet I am following is a combo of what I tell patients to eat combined with "clean eating". Basically, I just follow the food pyramid: eat mostly veggies, followed by fruits, then whole grains (nothing white!), 4oz or less of lean meat per day (red meat only once a month), and drink lots of water (or cystal light lemonade). I eat lots of Kashi products (their cereal, TLC crackers, cereal bars). I've been eating a smart balance peanut butter sandwich every day for lunch (as well as a small Ceasar salad w/ lowfat Ken's Steakhouse dressing).

Oh, and I have just in the past 2 days cut out Diet Coke...I was tapering it down but I am soda free for 2 days now! I have also started adding, in place of crackers or fruit, for one snack a day, a mozzarella stick (light of course.)

My ideal weight varies depending on what calculation you use. Some say anywhere between 116-146, but the concensus seems to be 120. (I'm 5'4"). I have been making smaller goals for myself so I can get pumped up when I accomplish them. So, it was 130 and now it is 125. When I reach 125, I will re-evaluate my body, and then probably make a new goal of 120...but with gaining muscle mass I don't know if that is a reasonable goal.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Hi everyone,

I haven't been doing many Cathe workout recently, but instead walk/runs and swimming. I just felt like I needed a break from my routine and the weather has been so nice, I hate to waste it.

I've been trying to lose some weight, too but have only managed 2 lbs. so far. I am 5'4" as well but am 138 lbs. right now. My ideal weight is around 128-130. Anything less than that is not maintainable for me and I start to look sort of gaunt. I'm probably going to have to may off the carbs but I really enjoy whole wheat products, I feel deprived when I do.

Hi all,

Yesterday was pretty much a rest day for me, except I did some planks from S&H. I like doing planks and I think they are effective. I even have DH skipping some of his crunches and putting in some planks instead. Also had a family reunion yesterday so that was fun and I ate too much, but oh well!

Today was a bike ride with a couple of ladies. We did 58 miles, but it was kind of a bummer cuz they had chip sealed the road that we ride. The nice wide shoulder had very little wear on it, but they chip sealed the whole road, messing it up for us. If you are a cyclist, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Not sure what I'll do this week. I'm going to look thru my rotations tonite and pick something to follow (I think).

Natalie, nice to hear from you! I know exactly what you mean about taking a break from Cathe, I did it a while back. Way to go on the couple pound weight loss!

Hi Becky! Enjoy Rhythmic Step. I like that one too. Sounds like you've got the eating thing down pretty good.

Karen, I have GS Legs and really like it, especially the floor work. It has a lot of variety and goes by quickly for me.

Must run,

Today is a rest day for me. I did some yoga (sun salutations, shoulder openers, and spinal twists) this AM and I may get around to doing a bit more yoga before bed.

Tomorrow morning I start my first actual rotation with Cathe. I am going to do the HardCore Fat Loss rotation. I am excited to see how small I'll get after 4 weeks of that! Then I think I'll move onto something involving the BodyBlast and/or Intensity Series.

Jeanette, I'm glad you had fun on your bike ride.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.


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