Kickmax - LOVE it!!!


I did Kickmax yesterday morning in my hotel room (on my laptop!)

Is it me or is this video just a blast? I think it is my new favorite kickbox workout. It was so fun. Orig. I was only going to do 30 min and I started with combo #4 and the blast. I ended up doing the entire dvd b/c it was so much fun. Almost missed my flight :(

Also, the sound fluctuated really bad on my laptop. Anyone know how to fix it?
Hi Fitnut,

I did KickMax for the first time in a hotel too. Anyway, I love this workout too. The bootcamp section is awesome, heck the whole thing is awesome..

I just got this one yesterday and did it right away. LOVED IT TOO!!! It was soooo much fun, it is now my favorite workout! I can't wait to do it again!
Hi All!

Historically, I've always worked out early AM but I'm finding it difficult to get up early enough for my workouts lately (winter weariness?). This was really starting to bring me down and de-motivate me. When Cathe posted the March rotations, I decided not to get hung up on the time of day I work out. (Not easy for me!) I've committed myself to the ENDURANCE rotation and after work today I'm doing KICKMAX! Your positive feedback is very encouraging. I'm feeling really pumped up for it! Thank you for sharing your impressions of this workout.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi Beverly ~

Whoa! I was soaked! I was exhilarated! I even did the leg drills at the end. Cathe kept me going (as did thinking about all of you who have so enthusiastically endorsed this workout!). I laughed during the drills when she said she could go downhill with her legs much easier (than keeping them high and parellel w/ hips, etc.) I am so encouraged when by her other comments during real hard moves such as, "This something we have to work up to..." Thank you so much for your interest. Tonight is MUSCLE MAX - pump it up! Have a great day!

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
I was really looking forward to this workout, because I LOVE kickboxing, and I really like KPC. I was very disappointed. I found it boring, with too many jumping jacks (if the first part were made more intense by the kickboxing moves themselves--which is very possible, look at Tae Bo and Powerstrike--they wouldn't be necessary). The first part was too short for my tastes, and not intense enough.

I'm glad other people like it, though, because it makes it easier to sell on Ebay!
How Cool! Working out in your hotel room w/a laptop.

I am very impressed -- that is innovative to say the least.

I am not into kickboxing as a general room; however, Kick Max is awesome.

I love the blasts and the leg conditioning drills!

I have not found one workout in this series that I do not love.

The only ones I've not tried are the gym styles!
This is my first post, but I just wanted to say that I did KickMax for the first time two nights ago and loved it too. I found that the time flew by, and MAN, were my legs sore! There wasn't much residual soreness the next day though, which made me happy because it meant I could try out Imax 3!

I have KPC and Tae Bo as well, but I think I like this one because it IS a bit different.
I finally got up the nerve to try this workout--I've done all the others and loved them except IMAX3 literally kills me (I did it 1x and made only to interval 4. I decided to run 2 miles on my treadmill b/c that was EASIER for me. :(). I actually like that Kickmax is different from KPC b/c it gave me different challenges to work on. The leg conditioning w/ the chair at the end is something I need to work on (getting my leg higher etc).I definitely felt the "burn". ;) The challenge section reminded me of an interval workout. I can't click my heels w/ the jumping plyos and those flying jacks are pretty tough. The lunges are tough too. I enjoyed it and I am looking forward to improving over time. /karen
Hey karen!

We both had the same IM3 experience! I got to the fourth interval and gave up and went downstairs for a run! I'm hoping to try it again soon, but was very discouraged after my first go-round. I'm trying to work up the nerve to try KickMax and after reading all these reviews I'm getting psyched!
RE: Hey karen!

So far I have done the low impact premix and today I did the Bootcamp challenge. I am having a hard time getting into this one. The low impact is too short and the blast section doesn't do much for me. The leg conditioning is good, but I guess I just expected it to longer and more complex. Help me to like this one!!!:-(
RE: Hey Connie!

>So far I have done the low impact premix and today I did the
>Bootcamp challenge. I am having a hard time getting into this
>one. The low impact is too short and the blast section
>doesn't do much for me. The leg conditioning is good, but I
>guess I just expected it to longer and more complex. Help me
>to like this one!!!:-(
Hi Connie
It sounds like you have excellent all-around fitness. I on the other hand have great endurance (running, can match Cathe on all weights in endurance workouts etc but I'm not so good on interval blast type workouts. I think if you have KPC and KickMax you could do both challenges in a row or do an IMAX and follow it w/ the challenge and/or leg conditioning from KickMax. (eek!!) Some of the women are wearing 1 or 2 lb weighted gloves for more of a challenge as well. (not me!) HTH :) /karen
RE: Hey karen!

>We both had the same IM3 experience! I got to the fourth
>interval and gave up and went downstairs for a run! I'm
>hoping to try it again soon, but was very discouraged after my
>first go-round. I'm trying to work up the nerve to try
>KickMax and after reading all these reviews I'm getting
Hi Michelle
I am hoping that I will be getting a "puzzle mat" floor eventually b/c part of my problem is the impact. (carpet w/ concrete under it) It's easier on the treadmill for me b/c of the running surface. (plus I don't jump up in the air and click my heels! :7 ) For interval training, I really like the Blast Challenge better on StepBlast b/c alot of the blast is on the step, which is a softer surface than the floor. (it's still hard for me, but at least I can finish it. And the blast section shorter than IMAX, of course. :)) Do you like LoMax? I really enjoyed it. Have a great day! /karen

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