Kickbox form pointers

I have recently purchased the CTX series and Bootcamp. I am enjoying the kickbox segments most of all. However I am certain I am not using proper form. Can someone tell me what it means to chamber the kick? How do you avoid locking the joint at full extension on the punches and kicks. How do her moves/intensity compare to the Taebo tapes? I would appreciate any pointers.

I could use some pointers also. I'm curious on form for the, oh, now I can't think of the name. Is it the roundhouse kick?


Hi Ladies! Check out this site for some helpful pointers! To answer a few questions on form: the chamber of the kick is the first phase of the kick( a kick has 4 phases--chamber,strike,re-chamber, return)The chamber is the hip action that lifts your knee to the front or side of your body.The strike makes the contact with the ball or heel of the foot striking target(except for roundhouse). The rechamber is the knee action that returns the leg to the same position as in phase one. The return involves the hip action that returns the foot to the floor. To avoid a joint from locking out you want to make sure that you retract before you make FULL extension! HTH;)
To keep from going to full extension, I find it helps to concentrate more on the retraction phase of the movement (bringing the fist or foot back in) than on the kicking or punching out phase. ALso, if you have an image in your head like punching/kicking into fire, or having your hand/foot shooting out like a frog's tongue, it helps with both speed, and with concentrating on the pulling back movement. You could also practice with punches by imagining that you are reaching out quickly to steal an apple off a tree (or off a fruit vendors cart). You are more interested in getting the fruit back to you than you are in the forward motion.
Thank you so much for the pointers!! The imagery will defintitely help. I have to get ready for Kick, Punch & Crunch!


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