Kick, Punch, & Crunch - Woo Hoo


This weekend I had the absolute pleasure of trying out my first Body Blast workout - Kick, Punch, & Crunch. I loved it! Aquajock, Amadeus, JMFrane (Joanne), and I went to Amadeus' cabin and tested this one out. Amadeus is the hostess with the mostess (and she has a mean uppercut too). What a great time we had! I usually don't break much of a sweat during my first time with a new workout, but as my workout partners can attest, I was a drowned rat when we were through. Joanne is a step fiend, but she was right along with us kicking and punching and I was so proud of her. I hope she had fun! While I marched and grapevined along with Cathe during the breathers, A-Jock did jumping jacks! We also previewed Step Blast and Step, Jump, & Pump. I cannot wait for the DVDs to arrive! Those premixes will be worth the wait, but it was so fun to try out one of the new workouts, especially with 3 lovely ladies who enjoy working out as much as I do!
Yes, I totally agree with everything Jillybean said. Kick, Punch & Crunch is great! We had a fantastic couple of days and thanks to this forum I have made friends with some really great ladies! Satuday morning Amadeus and I kicked off our Saturday doing Aquajock's aqua class which was really fun! She is a great instructor and worked us hard.

Looking very forward to the DVD's. They are definitely worth the wait.

Hey Jillybean,

Sounds like you all had a wonderful day!
That is soo cool that you all met up ,worked out and previewed the workouts together! I wish I lived by you all, I'd be right there with ya's celebrating the kickoff of Cathe's BB Series!

Thanks for sharing!
PS "Way to bond;-)
It sounds like you had such a GREAT time!!! That is really special. I can't wait to get my DVD's!!!!!
Lori S.
Thanks for sharing your great weekend with us! It is always nice to hear about friends who meet here and when they get together.
RE: The Killer Bees RULE

Man, that was one awesome workout! It was literally the first time in my life that I've ever had the pleasure of doing a land workout of any kind with others, and to kick off Kick Punch Crunch with my fellow (fella?) Killer Bees was unbelievable.

The Bees also stood on my head and made me learn how to do the stability ball - yowza! While previewing the Step Pump Jump vid Saturday night, we got to the ab section, looked at each other with "and . . . what are we waiting for? . . .", grabbed our stability balls and did the ab section right there in the living room.

Nothing like spending a weekend with friends and fans of Cathe, eating pizza, previewing vids, sitting in the hot tub talking about movies and books, taking a walk through the woods gossiping and dodging deer poop, doing KPC and having a good ole time!

RE: The Killer Bees RULE

Sounds like you girls had a great time! Wish I had some Cathe friends here in Utah..

RE: The Killer Bees RULE


Thanks for the link to the other Utah fitness buffs. I posted over at videofitness.

Do you live in Utah?

Is Kate**Roberts on this forum?



No way, I had no idea that you lived as close to me as you do. I was really curious when I read about the Killer Bees, so I checked out where you are from. I am from Big Lake. I don't really know what the killer bees thing is, but it sounds interesting. Plus I am so impressed with your knowledge! I can only hope that someday I will be as informed about fitness and healthy eating as you are. And to top it all off you seem so nice, that's always a bonus!
Just thought I'd let you know that we live that close to eachother. maybe one fo these days all of us girls in Minnesota can get together and meet. That would be fun, I think at least! I'm always up for making new friends.

This has been fun - hearing about you girls getting together. Sounds like so much fun. We want all the juicy details!
RE: The Killer Bees RULE


Although I think Interval Max is much harder, Kick Punch & Crunch was quite tough and is much more intense than CTX Kickbox or Cardio Kicks. First of all, there aren’t just straight up arm drills with the feet planted, which leads to a lowered heart rate. This time, Cathe combines the arm drills with power kicks (front and roundhouse) so that the heart rate stays up the whole time. The first section isn’t as 'combination oriented' as Cardio Kick's first section is, it’s more straightforward kickboxing. Also, it is definitely a workout to grow with. There are times where Cathe marches in place, and as I mentioned earlier, A-Jock did jacks instead. There are times where Cathe and crew do roundhouses, which you could easily turn into a jump-roundhouse if you find the as-produced version of the workout too easy. It is also a very mentally demanding workout. One of the drills includes a jab/cross/hook/upper cut/quick jab/quick jab/squat combo and let me tell you, that is easier to remember while typing than it is to remember while doing the video! Sometimes I just kept straight jabbing because I was quite lost. KP&C is one to keep you motivated and focused for a long time. I was pleasantly surprised by how intense this workout was AND my lats, abs, bis, and lower back are quite sore today (in a good way)! Hope this answered your question!
RE: The Killer Bees RULE

Thanks jillybean! This workout sounds awesome. I'm going to have to remember aquajock doing the jumping jacks(flying no doubt), while I'm lying dead on the floor. LOL!

run4fun. Yes, I'm from Utah too. The Provo area. Are we close to each other? I'm not sure if Kate**Roberts is on this forum or not. The get together will be in SLC.
RE: The Killer Bees RULE

Man I am so jealous of you all workin out together, what a blast. Way to go guys (gals). Where has Amadeus been, haven't heard from her lately!! As for Ajock, be glad she did jumping jacks through the "rest - march" portion as opposed to her famous squat-thrust f*r*s :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: she is one incredible lady!!!!

Amadeus MIA

Yes, Amadeus, the ectos miss ya! I tried to start an ecto reunion thread last week and got ZERO responses... :-(

RE: Amadeus MIA

Angela, I'm sooooo sorry. I missed the thread, to be honest, I've mostly been on the prego board lately and have probably missed many threads. I catch um hit or miss lately. I would love to get back to the ecto checkin as soon as 6 weeks are up!!!! (and not a day longer }( }( }( !!!). I DO miss you guys a bunch.

You are such hoot, I had the best time of my life.

The Bean is being way too humble here, she did just awesome and I swear she was kicking as high as my head. I dared not slack for fear I'd get kicked and jabbed and what not.

It was just awesome to work into a frothy foam with friends/fiends rather than always alone.

Till next time,

Kick, Punch, & Crunch

WooHoo, another great workout! KP&C is a very intense workout with out alot of impact. Wow, my lats and biceps are sore today! The intensity and kick/punch drills are fun, you're concentrating so much on the moves the time just flies by... I liked the ball abs at the end alot, too. Short but challenging, I'm feeling it in my core today big time! :7

Hi Briee!

Yes, you're excused. I figured you were on the prego board, and I don't dare venture in there!

I see Amadeus posted below, so at least some of the ectos are still around. Once the BB DVDs are a done deal, I want to ask Cathe for ecto recommendations. I've been waiting patiently for my chance to approach the throne, so to speak. ;-)

Sometimes I get really discouraged because I'm working so hard, but not seeing results, or rather, I see results, but no one else does. My boss, a petite female, made a remark to me the other day about how "skinny" I was. Maybe Cathe can give me some helpful pointers.


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