Kick, Punch, and Crunch first time Cathe exerciser!


Active Member
Hi Everyone,
I ordered the Body Blast series, having never done Cathe before, and having not worked out for a very looooong time. I did as much as I could today of Kick Punch and Crunch. I was hoping and praying that I would be able to make it through the warm up, but I suprised myself and was able to do ten more minutes after the warm-up! This may not sound like much to many, but I feel terrific, and I really enjoyed my workout. I am just going to try to add 5-10 minutes to each workout until I can do the entire thing. Just wanted to share my experience.

Ashley, that's wonderful!!! Good for you!!!! What is that they say about the longest journey beginning with a single step? Well, you just took quite a few steps, girl!! That is one kick-butt workout, and you should be VERY proud of yourself for doing any of it!! Keep up the great work, and before you know it you'll be doing the entire thing!!

Wow Ashley - you go girl! Sounds like you exceeded your own expectations so you must feel great! Congratulations and keep moving forward!:7 :7
That's wonderful Ashley! If you feel that good after about 15 minutes, just you wait. You are in for a real treat. Gotcha hooked already! :7 Have fun!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
So many people jump into an entire workout they're not yet ready for, get frustrated, and quit. You're smart to ease into it and do a little more each time. Way to go and thanks for posting!:)
That is one royal butt kicker!! I did it for the second time the other day and lets say, I feel like I have been riding a horse for a week!!! I am still sore and have not done any other workout since!! don't know if I should aching still from KPC
Thank you so much for all of the encouragement! I can't believe that I really am looking forward to working out today, that has never happened to me before! I look forward to getting to know everyone here better!

We look forward to getting to know you too Ashley! Cathe's tapes have a way of doing that to a person. Have FUN!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
"I can't believe that I really am looking forward to working out today, that has never happened to me before!"

Isn't that a great feeling? I used to dread working out and made up excuses not to. Now, I look forward to it all during the day and plan my workouts a week or two ahead of time.

I focus more on strength training than cardio, but this is a kick@#* workout!
So, I did what I could of the video today, I got a little further, about five minutes I would say. Wow, two straight days of exercise, I think that is a record for me!

That's great Ashley - you must be so pleased! I'm also new to Cathe but have started out with Timesaver - so "easing" my way into it all really....I did the KPC section of Timesaver for the first time today and I loved it! It was pretty tough though - don't think I'm ready for the full KPC workout yet!


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