Kick boxing


Hi folks:

I have Alain Bissainthe's Kick Box circuits with the body bar which I really love for Intermediate days, and I have Cathe's Cardio Kicks too for more sweaty days: can anyone recommend any other kick box videos I might like that are not easier than the Bissainthe and are a contrast to Cathe's?

Does anyone do the Janis Saffell videos? Which is/are her best?

Thanks for the help

Hi Clare,

Well, I have Janis Saffell's Kickbox Strikezone and Kickbox Express.

Strikezone - This one is broken into I think 3 segments. First is a 20 - 25 minute cardio kickbox session. Next there are punching and kicking drills that are designed for you and a partner holding a target, but you can do it alone. Last is a toning/conditioning section, if I recall correctly about 15 - 20 minutes. All in all it's fun (Janis is sweet) but not that intense. One good thing is that she throws in some crescent kicks and hook kicks. I liked this because I practiced Tang Soo Do for a couple years (up to my brown belt) and after a while the front/side/roundhouse kicks are less interesting in kickboxing videos. You need variety!

Kickbox Express - lots of choreography in this one. Again, it is split into cardio and conditioning, but the cardio is longer than in Strikezone. In addition, there is a lengthy jumprope segment in the middle (not my cup of tea).

I don't find either of the videos as intense as Cardio Kicks, but then Janis's videos are MUCH lower impact then Cathe's (except for the jump roping) so that could be why - high impact is more intense for me. If you really give it your all, you can make it more intense. For the conditioning segments I always wore weighted gloves, as Janis does, and in the Strikezone lower body conditioning I wore ankle weights.

Hope this helps!
ps - do you have Aaron Lankford's PowerKicks? Very intense, drill oriented video.
I heard good reviews about Powerstrike Millenium 1 and 2. I am thinking of getting Powerstrike Mill 2 from (phone order). I heard they are not high impact but very intense. Check out their website at I think they are filming another impact videos soon. Check out reader forum (General Discussion) at -- do a search on Powerstrike.


I like Aaron Lankfor Powerkicks too.
I have tried a few and the only one that seems difficult and more on the martial arts side is Kathy Smith's Cardio Kickboxing.
Hi Clare

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-02 AT 05:01PM (Est)[/font][p]I'm on this kickboxing phase. I have a few tapes and will rate them in order of intensity. From most intense to least.

Langford's Powerkicks are due to arrive today.

1. Billy Blanks Tae Bo Get Ripped Advanced #1 & #2. This man pushes me to where I feel I have workout out!! I do wear 1 1/2 pound weights on each wrist for this one.

2. Billy Blanks Advanced. This is a good workout! Havent tried the #1 thru 12 yet. If they are true to Billy, they will be good! I wear wrist weights for this as well.

For me Billy Blanks is where I get my BEST kickboxing workout. I have read other post about him. It seems you either love him or you don't. Personally...I love this man! I am challenged and drenched with sweat after a workout.

3. Powerstrike Millenium #2. I only have #2. I will be ordering #1. At first I thought this wasnt going to be advanced enough. But I am impressed with them. I wear a wrist weights.

4. Cathe's Cardio kicks. Great and intense. Especially the drills at the end! Wrist weights.

5. Cathe's CTX Kickbox.

6. XKO Kickboxing with Larry Lam. It's OK for a light day. Had to wear 2 1/2 pund weights on each wrist. Did not get my heart rate up were I want it to be. Music is really good!

7. Kickbox Express with Janis Saffell. It's OK. Not intense. 2 1/2 wrist weights. Her cueing is really good. To me it's a light workout.

8. Bodyboxing TKO with Debbie Burns. Was dissapointment with this. It's a "boxing" tape. 2 1/2 wrist weights. Have to add my own kicks and punches to make it more intense.

9. Dawei Cardio Kickboxing. There is no cuing are coaching in this one. It basically 28 minutes of drills. A sentence will flash on the screen to let you know what the next drill will be. The box says "advanced, electrifying, high energy" , I found this to be a beginners tape.

Hope this helps,
RE: Hi Clare


I absolutely love Billy Blanks TaeBo II series, too. This is the Get ripped series. I use 2 1/2 pound had weights. I also have his 12 advanced tapes. There seems to be quite a few people who do not care for him. I can tell you from experience that doing these tapes has definitely improved my figure for the better. When I first started doing him three years ago everyone thought I lost weight, when in reality, I lost no weight but lots off of my love handles. This is the hardest place for me to lose.

After all I have had ten children, the weight seems to want to stay on the hip area for a long time. I have all of Cathe's tapes too. I do her step tapes and her weight training tapes and I also walk on the treadmill. I am as hooked on Tae Bo as I am on Cathe's videos. I could never give any of them up. Tae bo tapes do alot for the aqbdomen area also.
RE: Hi Clare

Hi cmoroney,

When I started doing Tae Bo, I finally got rid of weight on the back of my hips. My legs slimmed down. Finally have abs I can live with !!!

10 children???? Your incredible!!! O.K. Where did you find your 12 advanced tapes.

Hope you respond,
RE: Hi Clare


I got my advanced Tae Bo tapes on I actually got really lucky. We have a cottage, so in the summer we spend lots of time there. So instead of hauling tapes back and forth from home, I ordered more of the advanced tapes and three of them were different than the ones I previously had. I do Tae Bo everyday.

Yes, I have 10 children. I work out every day and no one ever can believe that I have had that many children. I am 5' 5" tall and I weigh 115, I am also 46 years old. I am in better shape now than I was in my 20's.

Good luck getting the Tae Bo, I love the old lady on his tapes. Have you ever seen her? I hope I am still working out when I am her age!

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