
Ginny V

I thought I saw on Cathe's blog at one time that she will be selling kettlebells. Does anyone know if she's developing workouts using them?

Are they typically used individually or do they need to be purchased in pairs like dumbbells? I think they look like a lot of fun...if only I knew what to do with them (safely) :) Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Well they are sold as one not pairs. My friend just dropped hers off with 2 DVDs to try. I can only have them for overnight as she loves it so much she wants them back fast! She has tried lots of different workouts (not Cathe) but this is the only thing she has raved about. I will see tomorrow how I like it.
The kettlebells that Cathe will be selling are not the traditional cast iron ones. From the picture, they will be medicine balls with handles. You don't need 2 kettlebells to start. Only 1 and they come in various weights.
I wonder if there's any advantage to medicine balls with handles versus cast iron. Hmmm, so much to consider!
When you whack yourself on the head by accident there is a BIG difference between the med ball and the iron ball. Med balls are not so heavy, and even when they are heavy they are soft(er). The smallest kettlebell is 10lb but usually 15-18lb is recommended for women to start.
I guess you can do certain moves with med ball, it's the swinging dynamic that makes the exercise different from traditional lifting.
Target has a med ball with handles if anybody wants to have a look. I think it is a Reebok brand, but not sure on that.
Walmart has kettlebells online. They have one that is 5lbs. The 10 is out of stock. I was thinking about getting one and trying it out. Is 5 lbs too light do I need to start with 10?

In my opinion 5 lbs is too light the 10 might be too light too. When I started with kettlebells, I used 20 pounds at first but I was working with a trainer. There are some moves that you can use a heavier kettlebell for and others that you need lighter (as in windmills and Turkish Getups).

I know that many gyms now have kettlebells, you might want to check them out before purchasing something that is too light for you. I do have 10 and 14, 18 lbs at home but I have 2 of each and use them for double arm moves.
>Walmart has kettlebells online. They have one that is 5lbs.
>The 10 is out of stock. I was thinking about getting one and
>trying it out. Is 5 lbs too light do I need to start with 10?

I think 5# is too light for every kettlebell move, except when learning Turkish Get-ups.

10# is something you will easily grow out of soon as well, especially for swings, one of the basic KB moves. I do know some people who started that light, though, and it worked for them. (the problem with a 'too-light' kettlebell is that it can cause you to develop bad form in swings: using your arms to move the weight rather than your legs and butt. With a heavy-enough kettlebell, one is more apt to use the legs and butt as they should, since the arms alone couldn't lift the bell.)

I started with 15#, and it was a good weight. TGU's were still impossible with it at first, but I started learning them with no weight, then a 3# dumbell, then 6# and up.

"GoFit" kettlebells (which many of mine are) are available in Target (the lighter weights, usually 10, 15,20) and Dick's (sometimes just the heavier: 20# and up), and online at . I think it's best to get them in person, because the handles can really vary. Some are smoother, some are rough and could really tear up your hands.

As for what Cathe is going to be offering, the heaviest ones look to be 10#, so they are not really 'kettlebells,' but rather medicine balls with handles.

I'd love to see Cathe do a workout with real kettlebells, though.
>Are they typically used individually or do they need to be
>purchased in pairs like dumbbells? I think they look like a
>lot of fun...if only I knew what to do with them (safely) :)
>Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Check out the video clips at (in the newsletter). They will show you some moves, with excellent instruction by Anthony Diluglio.

To be the safest, you might want to check out the instructor list at to see if there are any instructors in your area where you could take a workshop and find out how to use them (without having to buy them first). It's the best way to learn form and to see if you like the concept.
Thanks for the info. i'll start with a 15 and if it is to heavy I can always get a 10 and I would not be wasting money. I doubt the gym in my town has kettlebells I might be surprised though.

Well I did the Iron Core Vol 1 w/o this morning and at first I was not that impressed and was getting bored as there is no music really and the deadpan instruction was getting to me BUT by the second circuit I got into it. Unfortunately I only had the KB for one day. She already came and took it away! I preordered STS so I don't know where this would fit in. But in another thread someone suggested that you just add so many swings to your workouts or just do them during the week. That gave me pause. It might be interesting to not necessarily workout with a DVD but to just do the moves alone or add some to your other workouts. I am still on the fence about this--mainly because of STS. If that wasn't happening I might have gone for it.
Thanks for your feedback Phyllis...I agree that another actual DVD workout might be difficult to fit into an already full weekly rotation. I like the idea of adding some of the moves on as extras to what I'm already doing.

So do you think it would be beneficial to purchase Iron Core Vol 2 and skip Vol 1 since it's a tad boring? Or do you need it for basic form info, etc?

Hmmm...There have been many helpful responses to this thread. I have much to consider.
I've been brousing the kettlebell posts, and couldn't help jumping in. I started using them about 2 months ago, and I can't say enough good about them!! My body fat has gone way down, and my legs/glutes are more defined and muscled than they have ever been before! Not kidding!! I wasn't overweight, but still had a little loose stuff and some cellulite hanging around down there - it's gone now. I've got Iron Core 2, and if you do some type of cardio during all of the 30 second breaks it can be a decent workout. I've also got Newport from the AOS website as well as Extreme Kettlebell. They both kick my butt. I would suggest getting Enter the Kettlebell to learn proper form, etc. I started with a 15 lb. GoFit bell, and still use it for some exercises. I've progressed to a 20 lb. bell for many other exercises.

There are also some free workouts out there than you can download - if anyone is interested I'll be glad to gather the websites and share.

I love Cathe workouts, and still use them, but I have to say that the results I've had with kettlebells is amazing as far as leaning out, becoming more defined, and dropping body fat.
Any of you who are Guiding Light Fans might be interested to know that Beth Chamberlain (Who plays Beth Raines Spaulding, et al.) just put out a kettlebell workout. I don't know the name of it, but you could probably do a search and find it using her name...

Just FYI,

My budget took a bit of a nosedive for now...I'll have to wait a bit, but I'm so glad to hear all of the positive opinions on the kettlebells and have checked out the sites suggested by all.

Your cellulite testimonial really gets me excited because I'm REALLY tired of mine! I'm looking forward to giving the bells a go one of these days soon!
>There are also some free workouts out there than you can
>download - if anyone is interested I'll be glad to gather the
>websites and share.

I am definitely interested if you have the time! :) TIA

These are the freebies I frequently use: - You can download a free booklet called 101 Kettlebell Workouts. It's awesome, and contains enough workouts for a year! - This is a site dedicated primarily to bodyweight training, but it you go to Forum, then Strength and Conditioning, you'll find some awesome workouts. On this site they mostly use dumbbells for swings and snatches, but I do the same workouts using my kettlebells. - This site posts circuits that are done in their actual classes. I've found some great workouts on this site also. - This one is "the kettlebell site." If you search through the forum you'll find workout ideas, and if you go through the Minute of Strength archives, you will find awesome tutorials on different exercises and form. When I first began using kettlebells I watched all 50+ Minute of Strength videos. If there isn't a kettlebell instructor near you, this is the next best thing to being trained in person.

Hopefully this list will get you started. If you don't find anything you like, let me know and I'll share the workouts I've put together using the above sites.

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