KCM - Your Best Body


At Clare's recommendation, I purchased this DVD last month and today, I decided to try it for the first time. I did PM#1 (includes cardio segments with workout #1). Really enjoyed it, particularly the exercises that were new (to me). Loved the chest section---all standing exercises---and the back & shoulder sections, in particular.. The cardio blasts weren't that intense, but they got my heart rate up.

Cathe's workouts are definitely my favorite ,and I cannot see another instructor replacing her as my primary trainer. That said, I'm finding that since I've added a KCM strength workout every week or two, I've been able to go heavier. It must be the different exercises, different styles of training. Mixing it up truly works.

Thanks to all who provided recommendations/feedback on KCM. I never would have tried her workouts w/out your comments. :)
Thank you for the review. I have been thinking about trying one or more of her dvds to mix things up. Where is the best place to purchase her dvds? Does she offer any promotions or sales or discount bundles?
Thanks Swimmer for posting your review on KCM workout.

I will add few KCM in future when I try few other instructors w/o Body Beast and Skogg system. I have already tried and loved her LIFT.

Kind Regards,
I've just recently started incorporating a few of KCM's workouts into my schedule as well and have been pleasantly surprised. Her newest ShapeUp is an excellent tabata based workout that alternates cardio with weights and has great premixes with excellent production. I agree it's not superduper intense like Cathe's :p but is great for days that you'd like to take things down a notch. I liked it so much I even did a couple trades with VFers on their website and really enjoy KCM's circuit burn and TLC. If you're looking to purchase them new i like totalfitnessdvd's website and you can enter the code 10off for 10% reduction.
I've just recently started incorporating a few of KCM's workouts into my schedule as well and have been pleasantly surprised. Her newest ShapeUp is an excellent tabata based workout that alternates cardio with weights and has great premixes with excellent production. I agree it's not superduper intense like Cathe's :p but is great for days that you'd like to take things down a notch. I liked it so much I even did a couple trades with VFers on their website and really enjoy KCM's circuit burn and TLC. If you're looking to purchase them new i like totalfitnessdvd's website and you can enter the code 10off for 10% reduction.

No wonder cathe's middle name is INTENSE;):p
Thanks for reminding us all about the 10% reduction.
I just took out "30 Minutes to Fitness: Split Sessions " after a long while and I like it even more now than I did when I first got it. Out of her most recent ones, I like Trim Down a lot, it has a lot of newer type moves, and is challenging as well. Shape Up is great too!

She has 2 new ones coming out soon...the descriptions are on her Home page, she will start the presale in March...they are a steal at $13.99 each.
I've been incorporating some KCM too. I did Muscle Definition the other day and my tris are still talking to me! It's not that it's harder; it's just different. Has anyone got an opinion on Step Boxing? I can't decide which my next one will be (besides her presale, that is).
Step Boxing in the 30 MTF series, i.e., the latest step boxing release, is the weak link in KCM's DVD library, I think.

It hardly uses the step at all, so the legs get minimal work out. I would rate this as a DVD for beginners. I cannot bring myself to do it ever and wish I had not bought it. I wrack my brains each time someone on her site raves about it trying to find exactly what it is they like.

I wouldn't bother to get undressed for it, quite honestly.

Now, her real Step Boxing DVD to get is the older one from some time in the 90's I believe: here we have intensity, interesting choreography, better music, more energy, more interesting moves and good incorporation of the step into boxing moves so the whole workout makes much more sense. This is the one for Cathletes to get. Save the other one for your grandma.


1. Cardio Kick/Step Boxing:
KellyCoffeyMeyer Cardio KickBoxing - YouTube


2. Step Boxing:

Clare -- Thank you for saving me! I really love it when Cathe does a segment on the step that incorporates kickboxing, so I thought I'd like Step Boxing. So glad to know it's not worth it. I'll check out the Cardio Kicks.
The second link did not work. But I agree I got the 30 minutes step boxing and it was not fun or very hard.
I have muscle definition and split and I just did the shape up one today and I just got it in the mail! Perfect tone I am getting over a week of no sleep and headaches,still going through grief process, now a cold have wanted to work out but had two rest days in a row and then only had one good workout in a whole week really. My last lift day was Tuesday of last week. So I needed something with cardio but some weights yet fast and over with but not as intense as Cathe because I'm still sick. Seems like I'm asking a lot but I know you all have had those days. So there I go 33 minutes I thought not to bad cause it started off easy builds up then weights then cardio got harder I sweated then weights and it was a good sweat ! Descent little number! I loved it! She kept motivating me and I didn't have to think a lot at all that's good when you feel like crap and I felt like I was sweating out that crude !! I got in weights and some cardio ! Perfect workout! I have also in the mail the step kick boxing that is not a 30 minutes it is an older one I previewed it she looks bouncy! Lol it has weights at the end so I hope I like it I may try it tomorrow.

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