Kathy S Question

ss's girl

Hi Kathy,

I know you sent out rotations a while back but I had a computer crash and did not get a chance to save them and was wondering if you could resend them to me at [email protected]?

THanks so much (by the way these would be the most recent rotations.)

Thanks again and no hurry!
Hi, Debbi!(and Ruth!)

From a Debbie, with an "e"! I think if I remember right, KathyS is on vacation for 2 weeks. Not sure when she left, but I think she'll be back soon. Maybe, Ruth(Starlight6) will see this post. She has been a big help to Kathy sending out rotations. Just thought I'd let you know.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi, Debbi!(and Ruth!)

Thanks Debbie! I can hang in there until Kathy gets back but Strlight6 if you have them and can email to me I would be most grateful! My email again is [email protected]

Thanks All!
I'm back but my laptop's not...

Hi folks -- I'm back from our whilrwind trip through Europe, but my laptop's out of commission. It appears we had a bad storm and even though it was powered down it must have taken a lightning hit. (My garage freezer died, too. Don't know which is worse... :))

My computer won't recognize its own hard drive, so I've put it in the shop today and am borrowing my son's computer to check in at MY FAVORITE WEBSITE :). When I get mine back and IF my hard drive is restorable, I'll be able to send out the rotations. (Hey, I may be asking y'all to send them back to me!!)

So -- Ruth, are you out there? -- I'd appreciate it if those of you (hundreds of you, actually :)) who have the rotations would be so kind as to forward them on to the people who've asked for them here.

Thanks folks!

http://www.clicksmilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport003.gif [FONT C OLOR=Blue]Kathy S.[/FONT]
RE: I'm back but my laptop's not...

Hi Kathy,

Thanks for responding. Sorry to hear about your laptop!
Hope you had a great time in Europe and I will wait to see if Ruth can send those out to us.

Thanks again and good luck!
RE: I'm back but my laptop's not...

Hi everyone,

Kathy, welcome home! Hope you had a perfect trip...very sorry to hear about your hard drive. What a pain.

Debbi, I have sent Volume 4 to you, let me know if you need any of the rest...there should be Vol 1,2,3 ;& a bonus entitled "Cathe Videos Information", or words to that effect. Enjoy!

Crystal, I need your email address. Those little email icons next to everyone's user name simply do not work. They never have, at least not for me. If you don't want to post your addy publicly, email me at [email protected] instead.

Sorry I didn't respond sooner, I have been offline for awhile. Hi Debbie H!! Kathy, let me know if you need the rotations! That sounds so weird!

Hi, Ruth!

Great 2 C U here! I have missed your posts and noticed you hadn't been on for awhile. Welcome Back! I know everyone, including KathyS, appreciates all your help with the rotations, including me. Thanks!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi, Ruth!

Thanks Debbie, you're the best!

I think you should be Queen Of The World as you are one of the sweetest, kindest, most considerate & intelligent persons I have ever known.

I don't think anyone would contradict me!

Oh Gosh!!!

Talk about sweet & kind!!! Thank you so much for the kind, kind words. I always, (at least, in MY head) considered myself a Cardio-Queen, NEVER a Queen of The World! You made my day!!:7 I truly love life and being with people and great friends like you. I can't wait til the day that a roadtrip can be put together for this great group of people here. There is so much kindness and caring that is shared here. (Like NO other place I found on the Internet) Again, Ruth, thank you for your warm words and I hope you are feeling better. I'll drop you a note later via E-mail.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Oh Gosh!!!

Hey Deb, I meant every word. Let me tell you this...I have a friend at work who is very much like you. She's thoughtful, considerate, and goes out of her way to make people feel good. I'm not saying she's perfect, who is?! But she is very much like you.

When I'm having a difficult time, or I feel anger or even rage against another person, I think of Valerie (her name) & you. I say to myself, how would Valerie or Debbie react to this, or how would they handle it? I try to do likewise.

I don't always succeed, but just trying has made me a better person. And that's the truth!


...I'd share this! Just received it from my twin sis in Florida today!

Facts of Life

1. At least 5 people in this world, love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you, in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you, is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you, can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6.You mean the world to someone.

7. Without you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique, in your own way.

9. Someone that you don't know even exists, loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned it's back on you, take a look, you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance at getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, you probably sooner or later will get it.

13. Always remember complements you received, forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel, then they'll they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are.

15. You must be a great friend, because someone gave this too you. If you care about them, send it back.

#14 reminded me of you, Ruth. You just never know what a person is THINKING! Thanks for letting me know!

And...I just have to add my laugh for the day:

(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. The scream you just heard was a test of the emergency broadcast system. If it had been an actual emergency, the scream you just heard would have been followed by many more just like it.....) Tee-Hee!!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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