Just when I start to relax........


Good lord, life keeps throwing curve balls! I was on the verge of walking out the door this morning to go grocery shopping when I felt the unmistakable feel of a lot of blood exit my body. I raced to the bathroom and was astonished to see a load of blood flow into the toilet. It was bright red, and as heavy as a period. Shaking like mad, I managed to slap a pad onto my panties, then hyperventilated my way to the phone. I phoned my doctor and was told to come in immediately. I phoned my husband to come and get me, and off we went. The doctor thinks it might be a tear in the placenta. My cervix is still closed and I don't have any cramping. She managed to get me an ultrasound almost immediately, and we were relieved beyond belief to still see a very healthy and thriving baby. The details of the ultrasound indicate that there is a very large pool of blood in my uterus, although the source is not clear. It is possible that it pooled up during implantation and is now just voiding itself, but then it should have shown up on the ultrasound that I had only yesterday. So, it is probably a tear. We are not out of the woods yet, as we can only hope that the tear will repair itself. We know the baby is fine; we just have to hope my body can heal the damage to the placenta. I've been put on complete bed rest for at least one, and possibly two, weeks. After that, it will probably be modified activity at best.

I know many women have experienced this, and would love to hear of your experiences. I am still in such shock, because the ultrasound yesterday showed everything looking so positive. What would cause a placental tear within 12 hours??

So I sit here on my couch, blanching at every drop I feel coming from my uterus. I know the "very large" pool of blood has to come out, but wish it would stop already :-(

Incidentally, this happened on the exact day of my pregnancy where I miscarried my last baby. I'm rather freaked out by that, I gotta say.

OMG, my heart goes out to you! First, (((((((((HUGS)))))))))! I am praying as I type for you and your baby! You and your family will be in my prayers!!

My hair stylist experienced heavy bleeding in the first trimester. The first ultrasound sound showed what the doctor thought was a pocket of blood. She eventually discovered that she had been pregnant with twins and miscarried one early in the pregnancy. She now has a happy, healthy, beautiful 2 y/o boy.

Take it easy! You are in my thoughts!!!


I am sooo sorry that this has happened. I sincerely hope that everything turns out okay! You will be in my prayers and thoughts. It may be impossible but *try* to keep your chin up and think positively!

And PLEASE be sure to keep us posted on the situation!

Sandra, you are such a big big help and inspiration and friend to so many in this forum...you have to know that we will all be here for you as best we can!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Hi Sandra,

I don't have any experience with this, but just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what you are going through. When my mother-in-law was pregnant with my husband, she had quite a bit of bleeding, she thought she had miscarried. She went on to have a very normal pregnancy and a very healthy baby boy (and I'm sure glad she did)!!

Take it easy (easier said than done, I know). If I still lived in Edmonton I would bring you a pile of magazines and dvd's (not Cathe of course; you need your rest).

Not pregnant and sorry to hear about what you are going through, it sounds so much like what happened to me when I was pregnant with my last child. I was laying in bed and felt something so weird, went to the bathroom and was shocked to see so much blood, and then a huge clot litteraly just fell out. It was in the middle of the night and didn't call the doctor right away, I just cried and cried and thought I lost the baby. But I could feel a small lump in my belly though. went to the doctor that morning. and he checked me and all was ok that way. He did not order an ultrasound because he could hear the baby's heart beat real well and was very stable. I stopped bleading, I did the bed rest also for a week or two. All was ok with me and the baby. did my ultrasound and found nothing wrong, He was thinking I had placenta previa but that was not the case, I am still mystified by what happened. But now I have a very healthy 5 year old.
I hope that gives you some hope. Hope all goes well with you and your baby. You are in my prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
It's clear that you are going through a difficult time in your pregnancy. And it's really scary that this happened the same day of your past miscarriage. I gave birth 3 weeks ago. I had an hematoma in the placenta and excessive bleeding, but thank God it happened the day that I gave birth. The baby's heartbeat was noticeably low, it almost stop and I had a C-section. I can assume that if in your case the doctor saw the baby doing fine and the heartbeat is as usual, your baby can continue doing fine.
Let's pray for that. You, remember to rest and follow your doctor's instructions. Don't be "stubborn" and start moving around; ;)I know it's difficult. Get a new hobbie, a pasive one to distract your mind from negative thoughts and to do something relaxing during this time. If you are relaxed that may help the whole process. And let's pray a little bit more. :) Keep us posted.
Sandra I am so sorry. Please listen to your dr and take it easy. (I know that is easier said then done).

Sending hugs and prayers your way.
I'm so glad to hear that your baby is doing well, but sorry to hear of your scare. Yesterday I experienced a little bit of bleeding as well, but nothing like yours. I can't even imagine trying to keep cool head under such a situation.

This may sound really weird, but last night as I was saying my prayers I felt this need to say a prayer for you and your little one. While I was at it I said a prayer for all the expectant mothers on this forum. You all have been like friends to me and I wish you all the best. I will continue to keep you and your little one in my prayers.

Lots of cyberhugs are going your way!
many, many ((((hugs)))) being sent your way. hugs and prayers. i am sorry you are going thru this. reading thru the other posts hopefully will help and let you know, you and baby can make it thru this. of course let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
in the meantime, listen to your doctors orders and take care....
I love this forum!! You guys are the absolute BEST!!! Day Two of Absolute Bed Rest has begun, and I'm actually looking forward to it :) I've got my couch all set up with a beverage, the tv remote, the radio, my laptop, and my needlepoint within easy reach. The husband took the daughter to daycare already, so I'm sitting here by myself with lots of toys, and lots of time! Should I even shower today? Hmmm, that's a tough call. My mom emailed me some websites to play around on, and a friend gave me a list of "must-see" movies.

The bleeding has decreased dramatically and can now be described as light spotting, at best. My uterus isn't aching like it was yesterday. My temperature was still high this morning, which is a good sign that my body is not intending to abort this pregnancy. DH is doing such a good job taking care of me, as well as doing everything else that needs to get done around here.

Autumn - that's fascinating about the twin! I wish it were clearly something like that, but given that the u/s the day before didn't show anything, I have to think that that probably isn't the case here?

Wendy - what kind things to say!!!! Thank you so much! You made me feel so good!

Lesliemarie - what a bizarre experience you had!!!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and thank you very much for sharing it with me. It is very reassuring to hear that bizarre things like this can happen, and the pregnancy can still be protected.

Janna - how kind!! You would have been more than welcome at my door! I have a friend coming over tomorrow, and she is going to bring sandwiches! You can't underestimate the value of a good friend!

Doctorjany - thank you for sharing the details of your son's birth. That must have been a terrifying experience for you. I was so happy to read that it all ended up well. I'm doing my best to listen to the doctor!

Dana - thank you for your hugs and prayers :)

Krist - get out!! You spotted a bit yesterday, too?? Has it stopped? Are you feeling okay? I never spotted in my two previous pregnancies, until I started to miscarry in my second pregnancy. Ergo, I'm not used to taking any kind of bleeding calmly! I have heard of many women who spotted throughout healthy pregnancies, so obviously it is not always a problem, but I imagine it must still make you a bit uneasy? Did you spot at all with your son?

Sunnydelite - thank you for your kind words! They are much appreciated!

All of your prayers and thoughts are gratefully acknowledged :) What a great group of people you are!

Have safe and healthy pregnancies!
Sandra, you sound in great spirits. You must be so relieved the bleeding has diminished.

My spotting has stopped. It was minimal and did not last long, maybe an hour tops and it wasn't much. I did experience a few days of spotting early on when I was pregnant with DS, so I'm really worried, just looking forward to Wednesday when I go to the doctor's office and hopefully I will hear the baby's heartbeat.

Enjoy your bedrest, sounds like you are prepared to do so.
Oh Kristi, I can see how you would be worried! Thank heavens you have a doctor's appointment soon, and that we are so close to being able to hear the heartbeat with a doppler. My understanding of spotting is that you generally don't need to worry if it is *not* accompanied by cramping. Spotting and cramping together are a bad sign (and that's exactly how I experienced my miscarriage last fall). A friend of mine spotted a few times throughout both of her very healthy pregnancies, but of course she was extremely worried every time it happened. Keep us posted on how you're doing!

I experienced some bleeding in the first weeks of my pregnancy. I was "cleaning up" after having relations with DH and found a bit of blood that had a brownish tint to it. I wiped it away and nothing more came out after that. I called the doc and he said not to worry and it never happened again.

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I have never experienced anything like that before, either with this pregnancy or when I had my daughter, so I can only imagine what you're going through. I'm so glad your baby is ok and I hope the bed rest does the trick! Thanks also for the video suggestion on the other thread.

I am still just trying to get pregnant and have never been before so I can not give you any ideas but I will certainly be sending my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

This is a great group here. Try to enjoy the bed rest and get caught up on all the great websites out there. Best of luck to you.

Leigh Ann

I am soooo happy to see you here today. :)

Isn't that a fascinating story... I read it after I posted and thought it could be a bit of a downer... I hope it wasn't. Another story, my "honorary second mother" did not know she was pregnant with one or more of her 4 pregnancies (I think it was at least 2) because she had regular, predictable bleeding. She swears it was as heavy as a regular period. She delivered 4 babies. :)

Take care! Rest, rest, rest. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

I can't offer any advice regarding your bleeding but I *can* sympathize with you about bed rest. W/ my 1st I was on bed rest from weeks 33-35 (delivered @ 35 weeks) for preeclampsia. W/ my 2nd I was on "modified" bed rest starting ~ week 25 and continuing 'till week 35 (delivered @ week 38) for preterm labor signs. With this baby, I was on complete bed rest from weeks 20-22 for contractions and restricted activity since week 22. I'm 34 weeks now.

Bed rest isn't a party but sometimes it is necessary. I've gotten hooked on trashy magazines (US, In Touch, Cosmo, Star, etc) and reruns of Everybody Loves Raymond. Go figure.

The hardest part for me is being bored when on complete bed rest.

Hi again!

FitnessJunkie - thanks for the good wishes. I hope you never have to experience a complication in your pregnancies. And I hope you enjoy whichever dvd you decide on! It's hard to go wrong with Cathe!

Wendymin - yes, I've read that that spotting can be blood from the cervix, as it is engorged during pregnancy, and intercourse can cause some of that blood to be released. It's nothing to worry about, as you already know. Nevertheless, it's always unsettling to see blood when you're pregnant, isn't it?

Autumn - oh no, I didn't find it a downer at all! I've read about "vanishing twins", and that many more sets of twins are conceived than we know about, because one of the twins gets reabsorbed so early on in the pregnancy. My family has a large number of fraternal twins (my father was one), so we have a better-than-average chance of conceiving multiples, especially as I age. It would actually have been a more reassuring explanation, for me, than a placental tear, because it would not be a threat to the baby in the same way that a tear is. That is amazing that your 2nd mother could bleed regularly through at least 2 pregnancies!! Thanks for sharing that!

Michele - oh my heavens, you have spent your share of time in bed, haven't you?? I'm impressed beyond belief that you are on your third pregnancy, given your early complications. Do you have a great partner or family network that helps you out with your older children, given your restricted activity levels? The hardest thing I'm finding with staying sedentary all day is how ill it makes me feel. I can feel every wave of nausea that I was too distracted to notice before, and my brain seems to be craving some oxygen-rich blood flow. Oh well, in the long-term this will seem like a short blip, and I'll be wishing for a doctor-ordered rest!!!

Leigh Ann - thank you for your kind wishes. I wish you and your husband easy success when you decide it's time to start your family.

Day Two of Total Bed Rest hasn't been as bad as Day One. My friend came over with her own 4 year old, to entertain my 4 year old, and brought a great lunch! The socialization really helped me feel better. I haven't had any bleeding since early Thursday morning, so I'm feeling optimistic that all is going to be well. Thanks for your continued good wishes, everyone!


You were more helpful to me today than you will ever know! I woke up, used the restroom, and noticed A LOT of blood! Immediately, I freaked out. Luckily, DH hadn't left for work yet (he is a doctor and he was the on-call doc at the hospital today) so he drove me to the ER. DH was pretty sure from the amount and type of blood that I might be losing the baby, which of course made me so upset. As we drove, however, I remembered your story and how you had a "happy ending".

To make a long story short, my baby is doing OK. I'm not on bed-rest, just "pelvic rest". I go to my doctor tomorrow and hopefully this was just a scare.


OMG Emily! I can't believe you experienced this, too! My heart jumped in my throat when I read your post. I'm grateful that you remembered my situation and that it helped you cope. What is "pelvic rest"? Did you have an ultrasound? Did the doctor say what the cause of the bleeding may have been? Has it stopped?

Take care!

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