Just when I start to relax........

"Pelvic rest" means no relations with DH or anything else that could compromise my pelvic region, if that makes sense!

It is such a long story about my trip to the ER. Like I said, DH is a doctor who works at the hospital I went to. One of the other oh-so-comforting things he said to me on our car ride over is that he hoped I got a good doctor in the ER. His whole department (family medicine) has a tough time with the ER docs because they are incompetent and actually dangerous! There was only one doctor on staff there this morning and it was the worst one, according to DH! He didn't even examine me AT ALL (no stethoscope, much less a speculum exam). He wasn't even going to order an ultrasound except DH pressured him to do so. I think if I had been the average woman off the street he would have sent me home without any tests run at all, which infuriates me! The ultrasound was very reassuring when I saw that little heart beating.

Needless to say, the doctor didn't say a word about what could've caused my bleeding. I don't think he is capable of knowing! And he didn't bother calling my OB to see what she says. Luckily, I'm seeing her tomorrow and she may have some other information. Something else my ultrasound revealed is that I have a large cyst on one of my ovaries and that may be somehow related.

I haven't bled too much more since I arrived home. I'm just trying to take it easy until tomorrow. Thank you again for your story! It really did give me some hope that I wasn't losing my baby and that it was just some sort of freakish thing.


Hi again Emily,

I've found a page on the iVillage website that might be addressing your situation. If you want to email me directly, and give me your own email address, I can go to the website and tell them to email the article to you. The gist of the situation is that cysts are not likely to pose a threat to the pregnancy (but of course, every case has to be evaluated by a doctor on its own merits).

That really sucks that you got such a buffoon for a doctor!!! I look forward to hearing what your real doctor tells you tomorrow! Will s/he be able to look at the u/s results in time for your appointment? Keep me posted with how you're doing!

All the best,
Hi Sandra,
Just saw your post and am praying all is still good for you.

I had the same thing happen around 13 weeks. I know how scary this has to be for you! The doctors also were not sure what the deal is, so, they put me on bed rest. The good news for me is that I carried to term a healthy little girl.
I later learned that around this time is when the baby starts getting nourishment from the placenta and sometimes this is the cause. I'm not from a medical background to know more about it...
Anyway, I just wanted to say keep your feet up and try to enjoy the time off.

Keeping you in my prayers....

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