Just ordered SLOW and HEAVY ??? Bad choice??


Hello. I have been doing the FIRM videos and also CATHE PS workouts for some time and am looking to add some more size to my upper body. Also, I like the muscular lower body results so many people have.

I just ordered the Slow and Heavy DVD's but after readings so many posts, I am wondering if I might have ordered the wrong workout! I have not gotten them in the mail yet but am anxious to get them and start.

My question is....should I have gotten a different workout series? Does anyone LOVE the results from the S&H workouts?

Due to an inner ear virus, I am unable to do very much cardio at this time as it affects my balance but this should be only a factor for a few months (hopefully!!!) So, I continue to do my weights.

Would like your 2 cents!!!! Thanks!!
I got these a while ago in VHS because I wanted a basic weight workout. I used them twice. Couldn't stand the pace, and found I never reached for them when I worked out. I sold them on Ebay and bought the Pryamids in DVD. This is my favorite one still.
If you are really going for building strength and gaining muscle then you will like them. I would alternate the Pure Strength series with the Slow and Heavy and since I like the PS breakdown better (like Back, Biceps and Abs, and Chest,Shoulders and Triceps and etc...) I do Slow and Heavy the same way which is easy with a DVD. The Slow and Heavy is longer and you don't have the floor work with the legs like you do with PS but if you did just the legs on S&H and then the floorwork on PS it makes a nice workout. I also feel the chest work much more on S&H than I do on PS. They say not do to a rotation with S&H for more than 2 weeks at a time but in combination with other strength and endurance tapes you can do it longer. I think you will be fine.

Hope your inner ear virus gets better soon!!:)
I think Slow & Heavy is an awesome weight workout. It is great for muscle confusion which helps build I believe. I hadn't done it for a few weeks because I lost my concentration. It is very intense and after I did shoulders and triceps today, I really feel it. If you can afford it the PowerHour plus DVD is a very good one to rotate weight workouts with. It is 3 workouts. PS is also one of my favorites too. I hope your inner ear virus gets better soon...:)...Carole
I like to do Slow and Heavy alternating with interval workouts that are tough. I am currently doing SH alternating with the three workouts on the Terminator DVD, one per week, Circuit Max once per week, and Step, Jump, and Pump or Keli Roberts' Step It Strong (on an 8 inch step) once per week. This means 3 tough circuits and 3 SH per week. I will be doing this for 4 weeks before a new rotation. That's about all I do SH before switching. My one problem is that I really cannot lift more than 50 lbs. over my head for the legwork on SH. I really appreciate the slow pace of SH, though, after the quick changes of the circuits, and I do think with the circuits added on I really do see some results.
I think Slow and Heavy is very effective. The pace is not as "exciting" because it is slower, but if you focus and concentrate, the time will pass, you will work hard and get some great results I'm sure. I really like the results I have gotten with this workout, especially the upper body portions. I think you made a great choice.
S&H is absolutely my favorite Cathe workout of all time!!

Editing to ask what made you think it might be a bad choice?
Jackie, nobody seems to be on the fence with Slow & Heavy. Some of us love it & some can't stand the pace, the long rests, or other aspects of the workout. I've found it great for building strength.

One reason I really like it, is Cathe put a lot of stabilization work into S&H, along with Power Hour which was released at the same time. More than a few of us need to work on our postural muscles & you'll get get it from S&H. Lots of stretching is included too, which I miss in the newer workouts.

It seems like a good choice for someone having inner ear problems since you won't be rushing around grabbing equipment. I find Push/Pull, Supersets, & Legs & Glutes Firm-like in the rapid, frequent equipment changes. (I hope I don't incite a flame war with that opinion.)

You didn't indicate why you suffer from buyer's remorse which might help us put you at ease, or urge you to e-mail SNM.

LOVE IT !!!!!!! If what you're looking for is to add muscle, it's the perfect series. The pace is slow (hence the name), but if you can maintain the concentration throughout the workouts, you will see AMAZING results.

The only reason that I question it is that I have not seen a lot of posts about it, but have about other workouts.

I had debated for a few weeks about which to order and then when I came down with this viral problem in my inner ear, I knew that the cardio was out of the mix for a while.

There was no other reason besides the fact that most of the really positive posts seemed to be about other workouts and I thought to ask. I would love to have all the workouts really!

I have done a lot of reading on female "bodybuilding" and although I never intend to compete or get to Ms. Olympia porportions, I am hoping to add some muscle and lose the fat at the same time. My upper body could use some strength.

I love S&H. If you want to build strength this is the workout. I could not do push ups on my toes until I did a rotation of S&H. Now I can do 2 sets of 12 push ups ( I do struggle on the last 3 of the second set).

Have fun.

I really like to do one body part per day with the SH series, so like biceps one day plus 30 minutes of cardio (maybe the kickboxing section from CTX or step portion of MIC). This keeps it from getting boring for me. I don't enjoy days that I do only weight training - i like the cardio added in much better.

hope you like them!
You have just made A VERY GOOD CHOICE!

If it is building upthe upper body that you are after, look no further than the S&H series! When I did it in June and July of last year, I had never had such fabulous upper body shape and definition in my life, and I am an ecto, a hard gainer.

Congrats on an excellent workout purchase.

I can not do an S&H rotation for more than two weeks as the concentration required is so intense, I need a break after two rounds. But if you want mass and strength, this is it. It delivers. Enjoy!

S&H series is one of my favorites! I used it to build mass after stalling out with moderate weight/moderate-high reps. Worked like a charm. There's definitely more fullness in my shoulders and chest. After about two weeks, I could lift heavier as well. I think you made the right choice.

Good luck!
Slow and Heavy...bad choice? should not be used in the same sentence. They are excellent for building muscle mass and strength. They may be slow, but stick with them and you will be very pleased. At least try the suggestion above....tack on one body part to a good high intensity interval workout!!!
This is a GREAT workout, I wish there was an S&HII!

Its my 2d favorite after MIS. Enjoy it and enjoy the burn. ;)

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