Just finished meso 2


Just finished Meso cycle 2 this morning. Wow, I do feel like I made strength gains. I can't believe the #'s I'm lifting, for me. I use to stick with the same weights all the time; 5 & 8's for shoulders, and 10, 12's for biceps, etc...but I am really happy with the strength I'm gaining. I'm excited to get into meso 3.
Autumn :D
Great job!! Are you doing the 3 or 6 month rotation? and have you changed your diet since starting STS?

This is the first time I'm doing it and I am very excited about just my first week and that I completed it - taking it one day at a time.

Great job!! Are you doing the 3 or 6 month rotation? and have you changed your diet since starting STS?

This is the first time I'm doing it and I am very excited about just my first week and that I completed it - taking it one day at a time.


Thanks. I am doing the 3 month now, next time I may do the 6 - not sure yet. I had changed my diet, but didn't get real serious until recently. Stay under 1500 cal's, but recently closer to 1300. I was surprised how little cal's you really need. At least me.
I can tell you the 1st meso is very different from the 2nd, and I really like the 2nd better, but the 1st meso cycle enabled me to do so well in the 2nd. So perhaps the 2nd will help me do the 3rd. I am anxious to see.
Good luck and enjoy it. - Autumn
Congratulations! I just started Meso 2 this week! I'm on the 6 1/2 month rotation. Just from Meso 1, I'm having to up my weights! Can't wait to see what happens at the end of Meso 2!!!

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