Just Did My First Cardio Coach

When I say stepper I mean using the club step routine with Cathe like Step Blast. I also walk alot. Will any of Cardio Coach help me?
I have been running for years and I love it...I can do about 4.5 miles in 40/45 minutes or so...I almost always run on the treadmill. I have to have my tunes though or forget about it! My question is this, would Cardio Coach help me? I don't think of myself as a beginner in anyway....which one should I get?
When I say stepper I mean using the club step routine with Cathe like Step Blast. I also walk alot. Will any of Cardio Coach help me?

For walking, all would be super. Do you use a treadmill? If so, they will be self explanatory. If you walk outdoors, they work well too. If you don't have hills, you would do walking lunges for hills. For the step, not so sure. Somebody on here asked that. For me, it would do no good b/c I don't do stepping that much and would stand there trying to think of something to do. If you know enough moves, it might work - not sure at all though.
I have been running for years and I love it...I can do about 4.5 miles in 40/45 minutes or so...I almost always run on the treadmill. I have to have my tunes though or forget about it! My question is this, would Cardio Coach help me? I don't think of myself as a beginner in anyway....which one should I get?

I think that, if you tried CC, you would find that you push yourself much harder than running to tunes. That is the case for me, and everybody else that I have seen post here as well. I have all of them and I think they are on sale now. Get one and try it - most people end up getting them all pretty fast :) The times that they last for go from about 35 min to over an hour. Crzystepr (Allison) runs on the TM using them. I do not run - I'm sure she would be happy to help you out.

Could anyone give me an idea what your workout is like during one of these CC's? Speed,hill etc. I currently have 4,5,6,7and 8. I am so used to itreads and the continuous queues for change in speed/incline etc.

Thank you,
Heidi, if you don't get a reply in this thread, you might try PMing one of the following Catheites because they all use the treadmill for CC: Wendy (Fit_mommy), Gayle (Banslug), Allison (crazystepr), Shelley (allwildgirl), Emily (materialsgirl), or Judy (JAFitMama). I'm sure there ore others but I can't think of who they are off the top of my head. Maybe SirenSongWoman? HTH :)
meowracer, as a walker on the streets (LOL) which ones should I try? Thanks for all of your help!
I have been running for years and I love it...I can do about 4.5 miles in 40/45 minutes or so...I almost always run on the treadmill. I have to have my tunes though or forget about it! My question is this, would Cardio Coach help me? I don't think of myself as a beginner in anyway....which one should I get?

I think sprinters and runners gravitate toward 5 and 7. I like 8 too and when I want to get distance I just use a lower incline on the hill parts.

What I'm finding is that you can make the workouts what you want them to be. If you like hills, then up the incline, if you want to run a bit more and not have as steep a hill then lower the incline. This way too, you can keep the workouts fresh.
meowracer, as a walker on the streets (LOL) which ones should I try? Thanks for all of your help!


not meowracer here but I started CC as a walker on the streets in July. If not walking the hills at the local park, I would just speed up for the challenges (hills and sprints). I have now moved more into running but still speed walk some of the challenges.

I think you can modify all of the CC workouts for walking outside but the easiest to modify IMO are Vol. 1,2, 3, 5 and 8. My favorite is 7 but the first challenge is 1 min hills, 1 min sprint and that repeats 5 times, if you don't run it maybe a little hard to modify but you could speedwalk either hill or sprint.


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