Deb, DITTO to what Lorrayne said -- thank you so much for putting into such eloquent words what we ALL feel!!
I am SUCH a slug for not getting my thoughts onto "paper" before now!!!
July Trippers, you are such a warm, friendly and engaging group, and we just loved every single minute with y'all and our ONLY regret from the whole weekend is that we weren't able to just hang out with you more.
Your generosity to us was overwhelming-- the Cathe gift card (it's gonna help me buy a pull up tower TOO!
), the giant card filled with the most heartwarming notes, and the surprise birthday cake for Cathe, me and all the July birthday girls. Maybe most wonderful of all, your sweet words of thanks and your enthusiasm all weekend. I can't tell you how amazing it feels to work so hard on something you love, and then to have EVERYONE involved tell you that your work is so deeply understood and appreciated. I was fighting back tears all weekend! (Hmmmm... This must be how our Cathe feels every time she puts out a new product for us -- WOW!!
I have often said this, but I'll say it again: We Cathe Nation-ites really are a
community in the literal and best sense of that word, as improbable as that is, and every Road Trip proves that to me again. And people who aren't a part of our community here
just don't get it. My closest friends think I'm a little nuts for being so excited about a weekend of non-stop workouts with "strangers". Even us Coordinators' families -- as indulgent as they are of the many weeks when the three of us "disappear" into Road Trip Preparation Land -- are a little mystified by all of this. But they love us and they're happy for us. And likewise, we love YOU guys, and we're SO happy that we had our amazing weekend together!
Thank you again SO much for everything, July Trippers! Please come again next year!