Alisha - I understand. I have bobcats, bear, coyotes and wild pigs among other things. I freaked the heck out my sister-in-law Saturday. I could hear a coyote hunting my back hill when I got home. I don't allow the coyotes to get to comfortable on my hill. So I packed her and the kids in the house and told her to keep the boys inside. I trotted out with the .38 to do a little classic counter conditioning as is my usual routine. When I came back in, she looked a little shocked to say the least. I can't help it. I'm a college educated redneck doing critter control on a Saturday night.
Wow. Thats cool
Yesterday, my Dad's business associate was in Alaska and he got attacked by an elderly, skinny, old brown bear and he had to shoot it. The whole thing was very sad. I don't know how Aunt Laurie is doing. We didn't hear from them last night. I earned myself some cut up toes on my jog yesterday, I forgot to trim the nails and well the nails trimmed me. I plan either LIC or Yoga Today with Sarah Kline. It depends on how my toe is.
Tricia- My shins are fine now. Why did I get splints from hiking but not from running? What gives?
Jane- I like cookies. I make ginger snaps.
Hi Cindi!!!