Jogglers November!!!

Alisha - I understand. I have bobcats, bear, coyotes and wild pigs among other things. I freaked the heck out my sister-in-law Saturday. I could hear a coyote hunting my back hill when I got home. I don't allow the coyotes to get to comfortable on my hill. So I packed her and the kids in the house and told her to keep the boys inside. I trotted out with the .38 to do a little classic counter conditioning as is my usual routine. When I came back in, she looked a little shocked to say the least. I can't help it. I'm a college educated redneck doing critter control on a Saturday night.


Wow. Thats cool:eek:

Yesterday, my Dad's business associate was in Alaska and he got attacked by an elderly, skinny, old brown bear and he had to shoot it. :( The whole thing was very sad. I don't know how Aunt Laurie is doing. We didn't hear from them last night. I earned myself some cut up toes on my jog yesterday, I forgot to trim the nails and well the nails trimmed me.:p I plan either LIC or Yoga Today with Sarah Kline. It depends on how my toe is.

Tricia- My shins are fine now. Why did I get splints from hiking but not from running? What gives?

Jane- I like cookies. I make ginger snaps.

Hi Cindi!!!
Hi ladies - didn't have time to get here yesterday.

Had a great weekend. Picked up the fleece Saturday. Sunday ran for an hour with a couple walk breaks and felt really good. Biked and weights with the boys last night. Spin class tonight.

Tricia - I'm sorry you were having a down day this weekend. (HUGS). I like hearing about your Insanity experience.

Jane - Congratulations!!! Well done. And I'm sure it was fantastic to have your mom there.

Lisa - I loved your story about the coyotes. You are bad-@ss. :)

Alisha - I think you get shin splints from walking because you have to raise your toes more. Heel striking is much more pronounced in walking than running. You probably run more with a mid-foot strike. Hope Auntie is doing ok.
I made these tiny turkey dinner cookies for the teacher lunch on Monday...

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Cindi - OMG! I thought at first glance that was dinner on a plate! Those are great! I'll bet they taste even better! Glad your weekend was nice!

Alisha - Ouch! That must have really hurt! I hate when I forget to trim! Luckily, that doesn't happen often as my foot patrol (DH) is always checking because I hate getting my toenails trimmed! Glad the running is going well otherwise!

Well, tonight I survived Pure Cardio! Sheesh! I kept wondering where the 30 second breaks were! This was more steady state but at a higher intensity! Yikes! Did well until about the last five minutes! I"m enjoying the heck out of it though I don't see myself losing any weight from it. I guess I'm done with that. I hung around 122 for a good while, but crept back up to around 125-126. That's where I seem to be staying. I guess my body likes it there! Of course, if I could get DH off of the fast food kick on the weekends (yes, I'm weak), I think I could get back down there again! LOL!

Hello Lisa and Jane! See y'all tomorrow!
Hi Everyone,

I did Cathe's Cardio Core Circuit tonight. It was a great workout!

Cindi ~ I love those cookies! How creative and I'm sure they taste great!

Tricia ~ Great job on the workout. Those Insanity workouts are really hard. Keep up the good work. I tend to stay away from the scale. It doesn't do me any good to see the numbers.

Alisha ~ I love cookies too!! We are making a bunch for Christmas.

Hi Lisa!

Hope everyone has a great night.
Hi Jane! - Ooh! I haven't done CCC yet! I may try that on recovery night! I know I should stay off the scale! It's just such a habit for me!

Have a great day!
I have a jog on the schedule, I'm all dressed up and its still dark outside. I wait for sunrise. Its smarter not to surprise the nocturnal critters.

Cindi- Those are awesome cookies. See, I knew we could have dessert for dinner!

Jane- I can't manage most of CCC. Maybe after I've lost 45 pounds.

Tricia- yep, its the fast food. You probably would lose without that.

Hi Lisa!!
Hi Everyone,

I am taking a rest day. I am making Mississippi Mud Cake for my sister's bake sale at work tomorrow.

Alisha ~ Have a great joggle. I don't like running in the dark. CCC is very hard! I had to modify a couple of things. There is that one move where you squat down, roll on your back and stand straight up. I used to be able to do that with a kettlebell in my hands (they called it a deck squat) but for some reason I can't do it anymore. It drives me nuts because I know I can do it. I guess it's a mental block! :confused:

Tricia ~ Fast food is evil!

Hi to Lisa and Cindi!
Hi ladies,
Last night I did all the lower body exercises from Providence twice. This morning I did High and Tight. My butt hurts. Enough said. Thanks for the compliments, most people just think I'm slightly crazy but coyotes will kill dogs so I just don't want them thinking my place is a comfortable place to be.

Cindi - Mmm, I love cookies and I love to bake. I can't keep them in the house though...

Alisha - Enjoy your jog.

Tricia - Woo Hoo! Sounds like you are having fun anyway :) That sort of high intensity tends to make me hang on to weight.

Jane - Enjoy your rest day. Mmm, cake. You guys aren't helping me out here.

Hi ladies,
Last night I did all the lower body exercises from Providence twice. This morning I did High and Tight. My butt hurts. Enough said. Thanks for the compliments, most people just think I'm slightly crazy but coyotes will kill dogs so I just don't want them thinking my place is a comfortable place to be.

Cindi - Mmm, I love cookies and I love to bake. I can't keep them in the house though...

Alisha - Enjoy your jog.

Tricia - Woo Hoo! Sounds like you are having fun anyway :) That sort of high intensity tends to make me hang on to weight.

Jane - Enjoy your rest day. Mmm, cake. You guys aren't helping me out here.

Alisha - Hope you had a great joggle today!

Jane - I know, right?! I have got to stop eating junk food! Then again, that Mississippi Mud Cake sounds wonderful! :)

Lisa - I think it's mostly my diet. I have gotten away from simple cooking - baked, broiled, steamed and roasted - and have been using recipes a lot more. Between that and the fast food, I've been sabotaging myself!

Cindi - I keep entering Bob Harper's giveaways in the hopes of winning some of his workout DVDs! No success yet!

I'm in week 2 of Insanity and I had a great workout tonight! Even though the pups kept us both up most of the night with licking and scratching, I had tons of energy tonight and killed Plyo Cardio Circuit - except for the pushups and plank work! Still need to work on those!

It's Cardio Recovery tomorrow! Ahhhh! I'm looking forward to that!

Have a wonderful night you guys!
Today is Yoga Today :p Tomorrow will either be a joggle or a MMA disc. It depends on the weather. They are predicting rain. But, its been so warm. I did have one of those oatmeal raisin cookies I made last night and one this morning. They are really little and will bite me I'm sure, but I did it anyway.:eek: But in my defense, they were golden raisin/walnut cookies with oatmeal and that must count as a post workout re-fuel right?:p

Tricia- I like cardio recovery, its my favorite style of workout. I don't have insanity, but I do it either with a dance tape or a walk without intervals. Of course, the last time I did that I got shin splints, so now I'm wondering if that really counted as recovery at all.:confused:

Cindi- Everytime I see the word spin I think of that song, "Spin me right round like a record."

Lisa- Coyotes around here are really big. Bigger than german shepherds, one of them ate a neighbor's cat. I saw him. :mad:varmint.

Jane-I agree, fast food is evil. I'm in for mud cake. ;) mmm cake.
that's a great song Alisha. :)

Didn't do Bob Harper workout last night - did Jari Love instead (Lean Machine) and did not like it. Rest tonigh - getting my hair done.
Hi Everyone,

Here is my workout for today.

2 Rounds
40 Ball Slams
25 Weighted Step ups
2 min Jump Rope or Cardio of choice
18-15-9 reps of Heavy Swings
2 min Jump Rope or Cardio of choice
25 Weighted Step ups
40 Ball Slams

I made the Mississippi Mud Cake yesterday and yummy! I didn't eat it but it sure smelled good. I haven't made that cake in a long time. I will have to make another one over the holiday for me!!! :):)

Alisha ~ Oatmeal cookies w/raisins and walnuts is healthy eats!! At least it was better than a chocolate chip cookie.

Tricia ~ Enjoy your cardio recovery!

Hi Lisa and Cindi!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
Alisha - I agree that that counts as a refuel cookie! Lots of protein and food carbs and fiber!

Cindi - Didn't like Jari Love, huh? Just that workout or any of them?

Jane - How'd your workout go? You just made me think that maybe I should try my hand at lava cake for Thanksgiving dessert. I'll have to look at the recipe I have. I may not have baking trays small enough for the single servings though . . .

Hi Lisa!

Did my Cardio Recovery! I'm trying to decide between my leftover chicken and green beans for dinner or home fries and eggs. I'm craving the home fries and eggs. Think I'm going with the home fries and eggs. It's still healthy, just more calories from the fries. I'm hungry!
Hi ladies! Rest last night, doing something today and running tomorrow then we are off to Iowa for the week. I'll be back a week from Monday.

Tricia - I normally like Jari Love and liked her older workouts. This workout - Lean Machine - just felt very disorganized and poorly cued and edited. It felt like she hadn't really put much planning into the workout beforehand and was just making up segments as they went. I would not recommend this one.
Hi Everyone!


I'm doing a short kettlebell and ab workout this evening. Tomorrow morning I'm doing a HARD Crossfit workout with my sisters!

Tricia ~ The workout last night was great. I subbed the jump rope for running and on the second round I did weighted sit ups instead of the ball slams.

I made a lava cake for Thanksgiving one year. It was fantastic! I made mine in a square cake pan, if I remember correctly.

Cindi ~ Have a great time in Iowa? How is your dad doing?

I am leaving for the beach next Wednesday for about 4 days. I can't wait!

Hope everyone has a great Friday!
Hi ladies,
I did Slow-Robics on fittv this morning and threw in some additional back bandwork during the commercials.

Jane - Where are you going to the beach? I'm going to Hatteras and my parents are joining me. We are going to have so much fun.

Cindi - Have fun in Iowa!!

Tricia - Mmmm, lava cake. Yummy.

Alisha - Hi!

Hi Lisa,

We are going to St. George Island, FL which is a barrier island located on the Gulf of Mexico. It's very quiet...not much to do there except sleep and eat. I can't wait!!!

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