Jogglers August 2010 (aka New Runners)

Hi Everyone!

The internet was down at work yesterday and I was too tired to post last night.

I swam laps for 45 minutes last night.

This is what I'm doing tonight.
5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5 reps of:
Double Kettlebell Thrusters
Weighted Sit ups
Suitcase Deadlifts

Tricia ~ I understand about being nervous running in the dark. I very leery about doing that as well. I'm too much of a city girl. Hope your head is better today.

Cindi ~ Yes, mom has 4 more chemo treatments. She starts back on the 25th and if all goes smoothly (keep fingers crossed) her last treatment will be October 27.

Alisha ~ Have fun boxing tonight!

Lisa ~ Hope you had a safe drive home. Sorry you had to leave early!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi ladies,
I tried to post once before but the internet gremlins ate my post. Here is the Cliff Notes version:

-The Cheetos won
-I did PLB (weights only), High and Tight (standing and floor band work) and abs from CC PUMP this morning
-Going to walk the dogs
-Might have a job if enough additional students enroll tomorrow

Alisha - Enjoy your workout!
Jane - I'm glad to hear your mom is done with radiation - yippee!!
Tricia - Hope your head feels better soon!
Cindi - My mom always did a lot of canning and freezing in the summer. I spent the first half of my life not know that you could buy fruits and vegetables in the store. Have fun!

Evening Ladies!

Cindi and Alisha - If the different colored veggies/fruits taste the same, do they have different nutritional values? Otherwise, why bother?

Jane - How frustrating! I hate when the Internet is down! Nice workout and swim!

Lisa - Sorry about the Cheetos. It's harder when you're trapped with them and can't run away! I hope you get more students!

My mom used to can, too! We had a small garden in NH when we were young, but that thing produced a ton of veggies!

I did PS Back & Biceps this morning. Wasn't feeling too great, so I was lucky to get through that! I didn't do my tabata, though. I think I would have puked! My fault or DH depending on how you look at it! LOL! He made us gin drinks last night! It' s never made me sick before, but I was woozy this morning. I should know better than to have gin the night before a workout!

I AM going out for my run tomorrow, I AM going out for my run tomorrow. I have decided on CC Vol. 3 for my interval run.

We had some grilled Mako shark (or at least that's what the fish market said it was) for dinner with leftover roasted veggies! Yum! I had forgotten how much better food tasted off the grill. Don't know why we don't cook that way more often!

My headache went away, but I got another one this afternoon. Guess it's just the weather and pollen. The Advil took a while to get rid of it today.

Have a great night everyone!
I'm tired today. STS weights + too many hours at work + husband out of town and me with three children ===== tired.

But there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Pete comes home today. The woman I was covering for is back from vacation and tomorrow is FRIDAY!

Doing some non-impact cardio today - eliptical or dragon chasing.

I don't know if there is different nutritional value in different colored foods - don't know why people bother. Have you seen the yellow and purple cauliflower in the stores? Maybe people just like the aesthetics.

Oh the kids don't understand why it is called canning when you put the food in a jar. :)

Have a great day everyone!!!
Its almost Friday!

I had more of that nasty IBS issue last night but the weird thing is that I was quite able to do Power Max this morning. go figure. I skipped the Boxing last night but I wonder if I had done it if I wouldn't have felt better? idk.

Cindi- the reason for the color difference is that the anthocyanins are what help with cancer. or so goes the theory. also lycopene (red) is supposed to be good for prostate health. Dragon chasing? Im in!

Tricia- I used to go out with my friends and they would ask me why I would order a half pint and share it, I just couldn't really tell them it was so I could workout in the morning, but it was true and now I don't drink at all cause I would rather get fat with ice cream than with booze:eek: mmm shark I would eat that!

Lisa- My mom grew up that way too, Sacramento is called "sac-o-tomatos" by the locals because of the sheer volume of tomato crops. We still have jarred peaches that my grand parents put up in the 1980s.

Jane- Thats great about your Mom's radiation being over. I bet she will start to feel better soon. My Aunt Peggy finished radiation in February and she is on the road to visit the Grand Canyon with my Uncle Buggy already!

I am taking a rest day. I've been dragging lately so I think one is in order. I may take tomorrow off too.

Cindi ~ I'm glad there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

Alisha ~ Mom is feeling better although chemo starts next week. I'm glad Aunt Peggy is doing better and out having some fun. I'm looking forward to the day when mom can do that.

Tricia ~ I never had shark but it sounds good. Gin drinks!! My dad always told me to stay away from gin. I remember a Christmas luncheon I went to when I worked in downtown Chicago. I think I had 2 or 3 gin and tonics. I took public transportation home but wondered how I got home. I didn't remember the train or bus ride. :eek:

Lisa ~ Hope the enrollments are coming in today.
Hey ladies,
I didn't workout this morning. I will tomorrow though.

Jane and Tricia - Gin is sneaky. That's what a friend told me and something I learned this summer :eek:

Cindi - The role of phytopigments in human health is only starting to be explored but the general rule of thumb is the more color in your food, the healthier it is likely to be. Anthocyanins are one of the most studied plant pigments but other colors are likely to play a supportive role in human health as well. I just stick with trying to "eat the rainbow".

Tricia - Mmm, shark is tasty :)

Alisha - He he, sac-of-tomatoes is funny. We have some heirloom canned goods as well.

You guys are so knowledgeable - so in terms of the watermelon - does it matter if I eat a yellow one or a red one? Same for tomatoes - I have been getting all colors from red, green, yellow, orange, purply. I suppose I should just eat them all. :)
Cindi - I'm all for dragon chasing, too! Can you imagine the intensity? LOL! Yay for Friday and Pete being home to give you some well deserved rest and help! As to the colored veggies - what I get from this is the more color, the better for you!

Alisha - Ugh! I'm glad you felt well enough for Power Max! Whew!

Jane - Rest days are good days - or so they tell me! LOL! Like I take that many! Yeah, it's the same bottle of gin we've been working on for months. Yes, it takes us months to get through a bottle of liquor! Oh well. I killed my run this morning, so I'm not too upset about it!

Lisa - Yep. That gin sure got my number the other night! There's something therapeutic about grilling the shark. Hope you enjoyed your rest day!

Well, like I said, I did 3 miles this morning using CC Vol. 3 and it was - easy. Yes, for some reason, I didn't feel like I had even worked out. Go figure. Had a high energy day I suppose. Tomorrow is PS Legs and Abs!

TGIF everyone!
Change of plans

Instead of a joggle, I'm sleeping in, I was up before 5 to make muffins for Mom to take to work. So, I'm going back to bed. Later I'm going to do RS (and I mean it! not just kidding.)

See you gals later,

Good morning ladies! The jerk at work finally replied to my email (WOO HOO!) - this has been maddening all week. What is it with people who just refuse to reply???

Anyway - it's Friday and I am thrilled.

Didn't get to the gym last night so I couldn't ride the bike that lets me chase dragons so I thought I would try a low impact cardio workout at home. Really what I need is NO impact. My heel is feeling a lot better but the spur is still there. I tried Low Max, step only premix but quit about 10 minutes early because the repeaters and mild impact moves (like pendulums) were aggravating the heel. So I did 30 minutes of easy cardio.

Disk 10 tonight (starting last week of Meso 1!) Spin tomorrow and Disk 11 on Sunday.

Can you guys think of any cardio videos that are higher intensity Iintermediate - advanced) but very low impact (no back lunges, repeaters, hopping - anything that would pull the achilles on my heel). Otherwise I will have to go to the gym for cardio. I'm thinking spin and cardio machines are it for me.
Happy Friday Everyone!

Cindi - I'm sorry you're having so much trouble still with your heel spur! I haven't done Cathe's workouts enough to be able to come up with some that fit your criteria off the top of my head. I'll see if I can come up with any over the weekend. Enjoy spin tomorrow! I'm hitting the road for a run, hopefully an easy, but long run!

I think someone else said something about people who refuse to respond to messages in the OD. I think people are way too wrapped up in themselves!

Have a great night!

I hope the rest of you, Jane, Lisa and Alisha, have a wonderful Friday night and a physical weekend!
Good Morning!

I took a rest day yesterday.

This morning I did the following workout. I was sweating just carrying all the stuff outside.

First Phase: Warm Up
3 Rounds
10 Pull ups
10 KB Swings
10 Squats
Second Phase: Strength and power
5 Rounds
10 Military KB Presses
10 Barbell Bicep Curls
6 Rounds
20m Walking Lunges w/weight
6 Swing (Heavy) - used my new 24kg kettlebell
10 Squats
Third Phase: Core and Durability
3 Rounds
60 sec Ab Bridge
10 sit ups

Cindi ~ I'm trying to think of some workout that you can do. I'll look over some of the dvds that I have and see what I come up with. All the ones that come to mind right now wouldn't work for you.

I get so frustrated when people don't respond to emails. I dated a guy that would never respond to my emails. That relationship didn't last long.

Hi to Lisa, Alisha and Tricia!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
Cindi- I don't really think that a pendulum qualifies as low impact anyway. Have tried any of Gin Millers workouts? They have less impact.

Tricia- Happy Friday! My dad used to call it fly day. why I really dont know.

Hi Lisa and Jane!

I like the idea of chasing dragons. They should put out a bike workout where you get to chase dragons. That sounds like a lot of fun.

I did a joggle this morning and some yoga. It was very breezy this morning. Its almost fall like out there. But, dont worry its supposed to heat up next week!
Hello Everyone!

Jane - You can start designing my workouts for me! LOL! You come up with some awesome ones!

Alisha - My only thoughts on "fly day" is that once Friday at 5 p.m. comes the weekend just flies by!

My 8 miler didn't happen this morning. I got up and had zero energy for anything. Not sure why. We had whole sea bass for dinner. I rubbed sea salt on them and put sliced scallions, lemon and ginger on top and inside then poured a light soy sauce mixture over it and wrapped them tightly in foil and thew them on the grill. For sides I only had brussel sprouts. It was enough and very delicious!

I'm guessing it may have been the lack of carbs? Oh well, I will get it in tomorrow either way, even if I have to crawl it! LOL!

Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Hi ladies,
I have been a slack workout/checkin friend lately!! I did PLB and part of High and Tight on Wednesday but I think I told you about that. I have taken the dogs for several nice walks and this morning we ran two miles. I also did PUB yesterday. Today I just did some Namaste yoga and our little run.

Cindi - Eat all the colors you can. Reds are the most studied so far but I think they are the ones people are touting the most because that's where the research is. The more deeply pigmented, the better probably simply due to higher content of antioxidant pigments.

I promise I'll check in better. I need to finish calling my puppy class people now.

Hi Lisa! No worries! We know you're back to the white collar life again! Get back in the swing and we'll still be here! Puppy walks count!

I just read a short blurb on veggies that said the more color the better they are for you!
Its a Sunny Sunday

Its a rest day. I'm just relaxing. Reading tech journals all day, punctuated with laundry and dish max:D

Lisa- Don't worry about it! Its all cool! Puppy walks are good.

Tricia- Yeah, its definitely the color that pumps up the nutrition value. Thats weird about no energy. How odd. Fish should have made you really revved up.

Jane- I would never date a guy that didn't respond to emails for long either.

Cindi- I think the best no impact workouts are in the pool.
Hi Everyone!

My a/c went out yesterday so I spent the night with mom. I got up at 5:30am and ran a little over 7 miles today. I was supposed to have done 9 but just didn't have it in me today.

Alisha ~ Enjoy your rest day!

Tricia ~ Unfortunately I can't take credit for most of my workouts. I do make up some of my own but get the majority from Crossfit or Gym Jones. I adjust some of them to work with the equipment that I have. I liked yesterday's workout because you did a little bit of everything.

Hi Lisa and Cindi!

I eat peppers every day (during the week for lunch) I eat all the colors - green, yellow, red and orange. I love the yellow ones best.
Alisha - We have rain, but it made for a great run day! Now, we're crashing too for the rest of the day!

Jane - That stinks about your a/c! I hope it's not a major fix! 7 miles is great! I did 8! Was wheezing for the first 6 miles, but kept going anyway. It resolved and the last 2 were wonderful! I love peppers! Gotta start roasting a batch every weekend! I adore roasted peppers!

Loved running in the rain today!

Going to throw in a couple of full body workouts this week just to throw in a different approach.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone!

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