Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something?

RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

Jessica and Nick aren't over are they?:)
Im a lover not a fighter!:)
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

>"As you all live in America, i was hoping for a better
>understanding. Clearly i'm mistaken."

>I'm not sure if you were being insulting with that statement
>of if I'm reading more into it than you intended. That
>"clearly I'm mistaken" remark makes me think it's the former,
>in which case I'd like to state: Just because we "...all live
>in America..." does not mean we all give a d@mn about Brad and
>Jennifer or know what's going on with them. It's a pretty big
>country over here on the other side of the Atlantic and we all
>don't know Brad and Jennifer personally, so none of us can
>give you a better answer than the ones you've already been
>given. All we can give you is our own one-sided opinions about
>what we think is going on. The media is feeding us the
>same biased garbage they're feeding you, so if you don't know
>the answer to your own question, what makes you think (just
>because we're "Americans") we can give it to you?
>Tea and crumpets, anyone?

Catwoman, they don't call you Catwoman for nothing, huh? Your post cracks me up. You're absolutely right. Not all of us give a flip. Some of us can't help but try to figure it out because it's like a bad car wreck that you can't help and look at. It doesn't make any of us lame or wrong or boring. Also, the fact that biased material is being put in front of us and passed off as fact doesn't escape us all.

I also do agree that the topic of how much we really care about "The Stars" is a natural turn of events in this thread. That's how conversations stay lively, when new ideas come into play & people can toss that around and bring up interesting points.

I had a few chuckles when I read this thread, honestly. First of all, because I know I absolutely don't have to really know what went on in Jen & Brad's life and my life will move on just fine. But I also know that I can speculate when I have some down-time at work and have some fun conversation with my coworkers at work. Then I probably won't even think of them again until I'm checking out at the grocery store.

RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

But I also know that I can speculate when I have
>some down-time at work and have some fun conversation with my
>coworkers at work.

Good point! I am not "into" the celebrity gossip either but it is a good brain break at work to pop into fun threads on the forum. For those that dont agree, just bipass the thread!

Christine :)
Hi Dani!

Just wanted to wave a quick hello. Off to wash my floors as I am in-between classes right now. Have to leave at 3:30. Nice to "see" you! Love your dancing MONKIES! (or, is it MONKEYS?)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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