Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something?

I've subscribed to People Magazine since it came out in 1973, or whatever year that was - and I'm getting SICK of reading about Angelina and Brad!!!!!!!! Enough already - let's move on to something else!
Just Do It! :)
I thought the breakup was strange because Brad did seem like an intelligent, thoughtful, and sensitive guy. He seemed to me the kind of person that didn't care what others thought about him and he didn't make it a secret that he thought actors were overpaid and the public's obsession with them was crazy.
I was actually kind of stunned by this divorce because they did seem "down to earth" and like they really respected each other. Now if someone told me that Britney and K-Fed were getting divorced, I'd collect my bets but this one made me think a litte. And then I got over it because they are a celebrity couple afterall. I also try to stay out of the tabloid stuff but it seems impossible to do now-a-days. It was even covered on CNN and Fox News for God's sake!
>icklemonkey, I bought some coconut oil today because of you.

I have nothing to add to the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston discussion (because I don't give a rat's patooty!), but I DO like this new moniker!
Man I don't know whats up with people lately but there are some serious attitudes on these boards, gone are the good ole days,icklemoley!.
The only thing I have to say is that by the title, you knew it was about celebrities so why bother comming in here and wasting your time, just to say that you don't care? I think we have some BORED people around here.If a topic doesn't interest me, I don't even bother to go into it. Can you imagine if every topic I wasn't interested in I would go into just to say "This thread is stupid...WHO CARES".
And I don't beleive the statment that you can't feel bad without someones consent.Just b/c Eleanor Roosevelt said it doesn't make it right.Not everyone has thick skin and can shrug things off, others take it personnally.

With that said, Icklemoley as disappeared a few times b/c of things like this.He is a nice guy just asking a simple question, are you trying to get rid of him for good?
The "good old days"? Are you saying that, once upon a time, there was NEVER strife or disagreements on this board? I find that a little difficult to believe. People will always have opinions. Freedom of speech means that we are free to voice those opinions.

The quote by Eleanor Roosevelt is "No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.". It has nothing to do with taking things personally. It has to do with believing in yourself and having the courage of your convictions and to stand up for what you believe in without letting anyone tell you that you're wrong for doing so.

Nobody is trying to get rid of anyone. I think Icklemoley can look after himself. Nobody here can "get rid of him for good". If he chooses to leave, that's his choice, not anyone else's.

And just so you know, you're a major contributor to the attitude around here.
Well, if we are talking about divorce in general, I think just because you are the person who actually takes the legal steps does NOT mean you are not in pain over the situation. I am sure sometimes that is the case; other times there may be more pain BECAUSE you are the one ending it. I don't know, maybe you have to be divorced to understand that.

Emotions aren't really logical anyway, right?

I agree with Shelley - I doubt there ever a time when this forum (or any forum in the world) was without disagreements and occasional bickering. It's just the nature of the beast - when you bring people together from all over the globe, they are bound to have different opinions, ideas, thoughts, etc. And we should all be free to express our opinions and thoughts, and learn to accept that others are going to have different opinions. There will always be disagreements... it's just the way of the world.
Wayne is a great guy, I agree! He's also a big boy and has proven he's got some pretty thick skin. He's always been very vocal about his opinions whether negative or positive. If he goes anywhere, it will be his choice not cause we hurt his feelings :)

An occasional conflict is not a bad thing. It can make relationships stronger.

I'm sorry I called you Icklemonkey in my previous post! I really always thought that was your screen-name. I guess I never looked closely enough.
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

LaGuapa! I have to say that your misprint made me laugh outloud. "Icklemonkey" is just too funny. Please don't think I am making just put a smile on my face! Hi Wayne!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

Hi Debbie and LaGuapa,

I actually blushed because after all this time on the forum I always thought it was Icklemonkey. Sorry Wayne :eek: .


Ha! I am wondering what an Icklemoley is? Does anyone know? (I think I like "monkey" better.) Whatcha think Wayne?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

Lori, I agree...
Someone asked a question, if you don't care for the topic then don't respond.

"And just so you know, you're a major contributor to the attitude around here"

Shelley: this line was uncalled for. Boxing gloves off.

RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

With all that's going on in the world discuss fitness, fat loss, Cathe's new workouts that she will be filming, turbojam, rotations, and a wide variety of OTHER open discussion topics, but stay away from celebrity gossip!!! That one topic is SO not open for discussion...LOL!!! I agree, some people really need to lighten up a little bit and let a poster post a question. To those who are not interested in celebrity gossip, why did you even open this thread to read?
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

Shelly- I am talking about the petty arguements that are around. Sure there were arguements back then, but not as many as there are now.I just don't know why the hair stands up on peoples backs when a question is asked that they are not interested in.
And I could really careless of what you think of me.Alot of the times your comments are sarcastic and uncalled for, so I think you may need to look at you own "attitude".And prehaps my "attitude" is now comming in to play b/c of comments like yours!
And with this being said, I mentioned Icklemonkey:) leaving b/c if people were acting like this to something I had posted, then I doubt I would hang around for very long.Sure he is a big boy, but I know he as a good heart and means well.I think alot of the comments were uncalled for and if I want to stick up for someone...then I will.
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

"As you all live in America, i was hoping for a better understanding. Clearly i'm mistaken."


I'm not sure if you were being insulting with that statement of if I'm reading more into it than you intended. That "clearly I'm mistaken" remark makes me think it's the former, in which case I'd like to state: Just because we "...all live in America..." does not mean we all give a d@mn about Brad and Jennifer or know what's going on with them. It's a pretty big country over here on the other side of the Atlantic and we all don't know Brad and Jennifer personally, so none of us can give you a better answer than the ones you've already been given. All we can give you is our own one-sided opinions about what we think is going on. The media is feeding us the same biased garbage they're feeding you, so if you don't know the answer to your own question, what makes you think (just because we're "Americans") we can give it to you?

Tea and crumpets, anyone?
RE: Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt - am i missing something...

wow, I wasn't expecting a fight when I opened this thread! I guess we can't always get along, just like a family.;)
So.... who wants to talk about Jessica and Nick or is that "so over"???

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